RE: 2015 Survival Pool (Full Version)

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Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/20/2015 10:47:47 PM)

After the finish of the Monday Night Game I will reset the season and I'll also send a note from the site to make sure everyone is notified.

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/22/2015 9:24:24 AM)

All right - it's done. Ian is the big time winner of the initial round, and now the group has been reset. Everyone is back in - so pick a winner!

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/22/2015 9:24:54 AM)

Ricky - go ahead and sign up now and you'll be in for round 2.

Ricky J -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/22/2015 7:58:37 PM)

I can't get in from last years link. Can you provide me the necessary info?

Todd M -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/22/2015 8:01:37 PM)

I just couldn't pull the trigger on the 'gum drop' pick. Or Seattle which should be a gumdrop.

Forgot my password...

Ricky J -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/22/2015 9:03:48 PM)

Ok. I'm in ....

Ricky J -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/22/2015 9:04:05 PM)

Thank you!

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/22/2015 10:36:47 PM)

Ricky - good. You got yourself in while I was off watching the Twins.

Todd - you did finally remember your password, right?

kgdabom -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/23/2015 1:36:30 PM)

I'm trying to get in. Getting error message.

There was a temporary problem with the server. Please try again shortly. (Error #115)
The password is incorrect. Please make sure that it matches the password that you got from the commissioner. The commissioner may also have changed the password since they last sent it to you. (Error #109)
The group is full. (Error #107)
This is not a private group. (Error #147)
This group has already begun the season. You are unable to join this group at this time. (Error #134

Ricky J -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/23/2015 3:11:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: kgdabom

I'm trying to get in. Getting error message.

There was a temporary problem with the server. Please try again shortly. (Error #115)
The password is incorrect. Please make sure that it matches the password that you got from the commissioner. The commissioner may also have changed the password since they last sent it to you. (Error #109)
The group is full. (Error #107)
This is not a private group. (Error #147)
This group has already begun the season. You are unable to join this group at this time. (Error #134

You can't be in pro-pick'em or college-pick'em when you try to register. Took me awhile to get that ...

kgdabom -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/23/2015 3:13:22 PM)




ORIGINAL: kgdabom

I'm trying to get in. Getting error message.

There was a temporary problem with the server. Please try again shortly. (Error #115)
The password is incorrect. Please make sure that it matches the password that you got from the commissioner. The commissioner may also have changed the password since they last sent it to you. (Error #109)
The group is full. (Error #107)
This is not a private group. (Error #147)
This group has already begun the season. You are unable to join this group at this time. (Error #134

You can't be in pro-pick'em or college-pick'em when you try to register. Took me awhile to get that ...

I don't know how but I'm in.

Todd M -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/23/2015 4:09:25 PM)

Wussed out and changed my pick.

At least this way if I lose again, the team that loses it for me will be done for the season - and that'll be a good thing.

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/24/2015 11:09:57 PM)

How cool that we picked up a bunch more people on this second go-round? I totally played it safe and picked New England, but of course that might be the kiss of death for that poor, dear franchise.

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (9/28/2015 1:12:27 PM)

We're off to a better start. Everyone made it through the first week intact. Now on to tougher picks...

Todd M -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (10/2/2015 11:46:13 AM)

Ricky all happy to make it on the 2nd chance round...

Doesn't make his pick the 2nd week.

thebigo -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (10/2/2015 12:10:34 PM)

I'm not Ricky, but, oops.

Tim Cady -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (10/4/2015 6:48:07 PM)

Well I feel that my work here is done. Sorry Arizona Cardinal fans! I thought your team was looking invincible.

Todd M -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (10/4/2015 9:04:44 PM)

Jax's kicker keeping a lot of us afloat for another week.

Daniel Lee Young -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (10/7/2015 11:12:51 PM)

i suck at survivor...[sm=giving-up.gif][sm=paperbag2.gif]

Ian Joseph -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (10/8/2015 8:48:03 AM)

I should have stuck to my planned pick of GB (I had already used Arizona in every other SL, including this one before it was reset). In the two I'm still alive in, picked NYG this week.

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (11/18/2015 8:18:30 AM)

Only two of us left in round 2 of the Survivor Pool. At this stage there aren't that many teams to choose from, but luckily I still have Seattle available.

Todd M -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (11/18/2015 9:41:25 AM)

Never had a happier exit to the game.

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (11/18/2015 9:53:10 AM)

I know what you mean Todd. When you pick the Packers in a pool, but they actually lose the game, it's a pleasure to get knocked out of that pool.

David F. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (11/18/2015 11:34:57 AM)

I mostly agree. My wife and I entered a really big survivor pool that's done locally. It was $25 to enter and we started with 56 people. I was eliminated early but she made it to the final six. She picked Green Bay and still had New England sitting in her back pocket. No one else had Green Bay. I secretly wished for that field goal to go through the uprights. The pool paid out this weekend. $1400. Damn it.

Lynn G. -> RE: 2015 Survival Pool (11/18/2015 2:41:17 PM)

It would have to be $14 million before I'd be wishing for that field goal.

Or at least $1.4 million

For $1400? They can stuff it up their nostrils. The Packers lost!

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