Corleone -> RE: Other college hockey (BSU, UND, SCSU, etc) (4/12/2019 10:12:04 AM)
ORIGINAL: SoMnFan quote:
ORIGINAL: Corleone [sm=thrasher.gif] How bout dem Dawgs!!!!! Had me worried awhile. Here's a tip for the championship …. wear good helmets WTF? What do you teach at UMass, coach? Half a dozen career-ending type head attacks from their supposed good players. In a huge game where you shouldn't be head hunting. Kind of worried, tho. They're pretty good, and a couple of their best guys will be rested. Was hoping for a Denver/Dogs final, but this'll work great if UMD finishes the deal. As others are saying … helluva job by Sandelin. He's built a POWER. This one worries me too. Playing east coast-style hockey against an east coast-based team in an east coast location broadcast by an east coast-biased network...I mean, what could possibly go wrong? [8D] Keep yer heads up, avoid the dumb penalties and shut down Makar...kid's an absolute friggin beast. Let's hope the lights are awfully bright for UMass on Saturday. Like I said earlier, this one's the cherry on the sundae. [8|]