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RE:Gopher Football

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RE:Gopher Football - 8/30/2007 7:23:12 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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The Brew Crew will be fine gents. It all starts with a thumping of BG!
Post #: 26
RE:Gopher Football - 8/31/2007 12:49:26 AM   

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I feel better after reading this today as well. Being a rah-rah guy doesn't mean you let guys get away with not improving. Sounds like he is all over the team at practice, that's good. Let's hope it carries over to the games as well.
Post #: 27
RE:Gopher Football - 8/31/2007 6:10:55 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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I'm just glad we finally got a competent guy running the D. Mason never gave a rats ass about it.
Post #: 28
RE:Gopher Football - 9/1/2007 3:15:44 PM   


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I wish I could watch today's game, but Comcast doesn't carry BTN (yet). The Bowling Green type games are kinda boring anyway.
Post #: 29
RE:Gopher Football - 9/1/2007 5:26:21 PM   
Jim Frenette

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[quote="Kurtis Scaletta"]I wish I could watch today's game, but Comcast doesn't carry BTN (yet). The Bowling Green type games are kinda boring anyway.[/quote] I agree Kurtis. I'm used to not seeing all of the Gopher games, but ESPN was always good about airing many of them anyway and probably still will. Plus FSN carried many Gopher Basketball and Hockey games. We really didn't need a BTN to try and force thier way into market. 50% is FOX and Rupert Murdach trying to get into the NCAA football market. If they want in, why don't they just bid for the next contract?
Post #: 30
RE:Gopher Football - 9/1/2007 9:55:15 PM   
David Levine

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Living out of state, I couldn't be more thrilled to have BTN.
Post #: 31
RE:Gopher Football - 9/1/2007 10:21:23 PM   
Jim Frenette

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[quote="David Levine"]Living out of state, I couldn't be more thrilled to have BTN.[/quote] But you don't have a choice what games you see. ESPN, ABC and CBS still get their first picks of the games they air. You might get Ill v Ind
Post #: 32
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 12:14:10 AM   
David Levine

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[quote="Jim Frenette"][quote="David Levine"]Living out of state, I couldn't be more thrilled to have BTN.[/quote] But you don't have a choice what games you see. ESPN, ABC and CBS still get their first picks of the games they air. You might get Ill v Ind[/quote] They have 4 stations. The main one and 3 alternates. It looks like they'll show most games.
Post #: 33
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 1:24:35 AM   


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The whole deal with television and college football pisses me off so much, I shouldn't even get into it. I'll just get worked up! Let's just say that football (and for that matter, basketball) should be played on Saturday afternoons and local games should be televised. It's completely asinine that I can watch Kentucky vs. Whoever on Thursday night but can't watch my local team play whenever they play. It's silly to have games on at 11 AM and 9 PM anywhere. And the first few weeks are virtually unwatchable. How many 45-3 blowouts do we need? And who finds those games entertaining? Sure, we can laugh at Michigan for losing to SomecollegeIneverheardof U (ha ha ha), but the "building confidence" games bugs me and smacks of everything I disliked about Glen Mason. Sorry. I told you I shouldn't get started!
Post #: 34
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 2:07:55 AM   
Matt Dahl

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OK, this sucks. Was looking forward to seeing the Gophers tonight. Figured it would be on ABC or FSN as an ESPN+ game. How many years until the Big Ten Network is picked up by all cable companies?
Post #: 35
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 2:11:02 AM   
Matt Dahl

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Michigan loses to App St. First time a ranked D-IA team has ever lost to a D-IAA team. Notre Dame gets blasted by Georgia Tech. Those two results make the first weekend of college football a success, no matter how the Gophers play tonight.
Post #: 36
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 2:13:06 AM   
Tim Cady


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August 20, 2007 Sports Illustrated cover : Michigan The Big Run for No. 1. Nice to see the cover curse still in effect. I have been at my neighbors all day and one of my neighbors was late to the picnic because he couldn't pull himself away from watching Podunk U beat Michigan. WoW! I wouldn't want to play Michigan next week. How long before Carr gets fired after this one, forget Ohio state they just lost at the big house to App state. I get the Gopher game, last one I watched was last when NDSU beat them in every aspect but final score. I was actually rooting for the Bison just so maybe it would accelerate Mason's departure. New era - Good Luck Brewster! New Gophers! What happened, I went outside for 5 minutes to help my son wash his car and we are down 7-0.
Post #: 37
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 2:20:03 AM   
Matt Dahl

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Don't know what happened. Most of us can't see the game. :angry:
Post #: 38
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 2:27:05 AM   
Tim Cady


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No secondary for the Gophers, 2x that is what happened. 14-0 Bowling Green. Ouch.
Post #: 39
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 2:58:11 AM   


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Now 28-0. Wow. Guess it's a good thing I don't get BTN. Edit: not sure about that score. I think ESPN gameday is messed up.
Post #: 40
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 3:09:14 AM   
Dave E

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Just 14-0, Kurtis. Glad I'm not watching this on tv; they sound miserable enough on the radio.
Post #: 41
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 3:12:33 AM   


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Great avatar, David. Coincidentally, we just got done watching the season finale of Big Love on HBO On Demand. Yeah, I see poor defense, offense, and special teams so far. It's going to be a long season.
Post #: 42
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 3:17:33 AM   
Dave E

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[quote="Kurtis Scaletta"]Great avatar, David. Coincidentally, we just got done watching the season finale of Big Love on HBO On Demand. Yeah, I see poor defense, offense, and special teams so far. It's going to be a long season.[/quote] Maybe it's just first half jitters. :) I fully enjoy Big Love. What a group of characters. I was hoping my HDS avatar would frighten people into agreeing with everything I post...but no.
Post #: 43
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 5:08:40 AM   


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I guess it was half time jitters. Brewster must be a good in-game coach, which is a nice change of pace from other coaches we've seen....
Post #: 44
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 5:30:06 AM   
Dave E

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Like the adjustments, but this late drive by the other team is distressingly familiar...
Post #: 45
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 5:47:27 AM   
Dave E

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...and a distressingly similar result. Brewster unable to stop the trend of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in his first game coaching the Gophers. Unreal.
Post #: 46
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 3:46:07 PM   
Matt Dahl

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Tim Brewster = Glen Mason Jr.
Post #: 47
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 4:15:25 PM   
Jim Frenette

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Yea that game will really help keep the Blue Chip Minnesota players in state to play for the Gophers. I do realize he is stuck with the players he already has, but playing like that doesn't help getting the better recruits in town. Brewsters work is cut out for him.
Post #: 48
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 8:10:26 PM   
Dave E

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[quote="Matt Dahl"]Tim Brewster = Glen Mason Jr.[/quote] Except Mason at least beat the crappy teams. I understand the personnel on defense might not be top notch, but come on, it's Bowling Green, for crying out loud.
Post #: 49
RE:Gopher Football - 9/2/2007 9:38:58 PM   


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Really. Bowling Green is no Appalachian State! I think they might be better than they looked... building year and all that. I've reached a point where I just wish the Big 10 in general was more dominant.
Post #: 50
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