Daniel Lee Young -> RE: Other NFL News (6/8/2024 7:45:51 PM)
ORIGINAL: Mark Anderson quote:
ORIGINAL: Daniel Lee Young So… Mark thinks money should be free? Of course they must pay taxes.. It not anyone’s responsibility to pay those taxes, except the person earning income.. If they are too stupid to understand their “adult” responsibility, why hammer on the IRS or the NCAA for the foolishness of greed? No one “forces” them to engage in NIL licensing. Welcome to the real world, coddled, entitled “ star athlete “.. That's what you got out of my post. [&o] Just pointing out that these kids better be getting some good financial advice BEFORE they start college. What I got out of your post is the unrelenting complaint about the inability of pampered, entitled people, in all walks of life to embrace the responsibilities of being an adult.. Why do you take the position that they were being abused by the NCAA originally, by making million off the marketing of college superstars with no kickback or fair compensation….other than the opportunity to get a top tier education, for the cost of physical wear and tear, as long as it didn’t interfere with the performance show pony’s ability to please donors and pull fans wallets out of pockets, on game days, like clockwork.. now the IRS, is “abusing” these poor, poor young Adults? , just because they have an obligation, realized or ignored, to pay taxes? I started paying taxes when I was 12. I immediately read up on what and why the “IRS” and the Federal Government, required income taxes. After learning the why and how, it seemed appropriate for me to contribute to social welfare and government needs. Not an issue then, or now. I understand the need and purpose of paying taxes. It is not a difficult concept to grasp. If certain idiots, hadn’t spent decades, reducing funding for education, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. 50 years ago, education was much different. Civic duty, responsibility, and an understanding of how the government is supposed to work… WAS TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS. Now, all the newest citizens see and hear is, how to lie, cheat, and complain about how taxes are collected, what those taxes are sometimes are used for, which is made out as “ supporting the unworthy leaches”. No one educates individuals, on the whole package, such as roads, police, fire, electricity, water, national parks, defense, and literally, a hundred ways those taxes they pay, PROTECT every citizen from a vast variety of exploitation and harm. No-one points out that the society they live in, in America, and the schools that exploit them, and the corporations that get richer and richer on their labor and intellectual property, has been designed to use them like milk cow cattle, drain them dry, and cast them aside, like used condoms. They, these poor, abused athletes, are willfully, happily, ignorant. It’s all about living large and thinking only about material gain, and they bring the suffering upon themselves, then whine about it being sooo unfair. And find sympathy from others who give them a pity party when reality bitch slaps them upside the head. Their failure is given to them, by embracing willful ignorance. I am not feeling sorry for any of them.