Bill Johanesen -> RE: General Vikes Talk (12/21/2021 5:20:10 PM)
ORIGINAL: Nate That was a toughie to watch I gotta say. This team has been one of the most frustrating teams I've watched in, I don't know how long, 40 years? There is some amazing talent, and some amazing ineptitude all wrapped up into a drab, unimaginative nightmare of old school football. It's like having a mouth full of canker sores. They don't stop you from eating, but take all the joy out of it... The things that bother me about KFC: - throwing out of bounds on a hail mary. We have no chance to make a play or get a flag thrown, that's just freaking stupid, similarly throwing out of the endzone on 4th down (much less in final series of the game) which also has no chance to make a play or get a flag, freaking stupid. - rarely throwing into the endzone when we get into the redzone. Whether this is risk adverse KFC or our coach, it's ridiculous and why we lose unnecessarily close games. - lack of situational awareness. Close play that could get reviewed? No chance in hell he'll rush to the LOS. Hail mary? Throw it OOB. Can't take a sack? Won't throw it away and takes a sack. 4th down at end of game and need a TD? Throw it OOB. Play clock running down on key play? Timeout because we're not close to being set. 3rd and long and need a first down? Can't throw to our money makers if they aren't wide open, gotta hit Hamm in the flat to seal a punt. Etc, Etc, Etc - checkdown, checkdown, checkdown - incapable of visualizing anything outside of the called play, improvisation is nil, audibles into the blitz instead of out of it. FFS, he's not a rookie but still plays like he's never seen disguised coverages before. Things that bother me about Zim: - run first mentality when we have almost all of our cap tied to QB and 2 amazing WR. - running into the strength of an opponent with our weakest blockers - not throwing against the band aid unit from 7-11 while proclaiming our intent is to suck worse in the second half - conservative to the last possible moment, also a reason why we're in so many unnecessarily close games. - soft coverages at end of halves and general lack of aggressiveness in key moments or game situations - total lack of game management, clock management, situational strategy or really anything that has meaning outside of A-gap defensive positioning - plays vets or "his guys" over talented rookies or better performing players until injury forces change - players in his org rarely seem to get better (certainly so on the OL and in the last few years CBs) - can turn any competent and confident kicker into a complete and utter panicky, self-doubting, underperformer until they get released where they can resume better kicking - defense often seems confused before the snap, not knowing who to guard, where to line up, often not even looking in the direction of the LOS when the ball is snapped (perhaps we dumb it down a little, hell even the mash unit in Chicago looked better prepared than us) - too many nepotistic coaching decisions, instead of looking for quality/experience to help him look good, not be afraid to be second-guessed Things that bother me about Rick: - trading valuable early round picks to stockpile garbage in the late rounds - outside of this year (probably due to some Willf mandate) not taking the QB position serious enough in the draft, or being able to have a competent back-up in case of disaster (Mannion, are you f'n kidding me??) - signing vets to monstrously bad contracts, in some of the worst positions (TE, Safety, RB) and betting the farm on KFC - gets less for more in trades (Baltimore fleeced us twice on the kicker and DE FFS) - to many early round busts in the draft I say these things because I want us to win a superbowl some day before I'm gone. Most seasons, we've been fortunate enough to have talent to compete, and in some years we have elite talent. Regardless of our talent level, we always squander it or have some kind of unlucky/improbable way of not succeeding in the regular season or playoffs. The Red Sox broke through, the Cubs did too. Tampa Bay has 2 now and even the Aints have one. Somehow WE gotta will it to happen instead of Minnesota nice ourselves out of a championship. It's long past due and I'd love to shove a Lombardi right up some cheesedouches mooning a$$! :) Paging Zygi Wilf, let the firings commence. If they dare object, show them this memo.