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RE: Goal Line Blitz Football

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RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 12:22:11 PM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
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Yeah, that was my doing. I misread the numbers and shelled out for some trades without realizing the real amounts. It'll come around when the season starts. Will just take longer to build.

Everyone's a rookie until they screw up and wise up.
Post #: 351
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 12:52:38 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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I just read that we get money from season ticket sales on day 1 so we'll be ok.  I'll keep signing players but won't be trading money for them.


Post #: 352
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 1:50:31 PM   
Jim Frenette

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How many players can 1 person create?


Post #: 353
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 1:53:02 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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As many as he wants Jim assuming you want to pay money for Flex Points.


Post #: 354
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 1:56:45 PM   
Jim Frenette

Posts: 15995
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

As many as he wants Jim assuming you want to pay money for Flex Points.

So the first 1 is free and the rest you pay for or just the flex for training?


Post #: 355
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 1:58:13 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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They give you 400 Flex Points to start with, players cost 100, 200, and 300 depending on positions so technically you could make 4 players free if you wanted.


Post #: 356
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 1:58:43 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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Plus they give out like 100 Flex Points at the beginning of each season and on holidays.


Post #: 357
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 2:05:06 PM   
Jim Frenette

Posts: 15995
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How do I tell how many flex points I have.

What I'm getting to, if you need another player at a particular position, I can create one. Even though Sammy was cheap handing out bonuses.


Post #: 358
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 2:06:52 PM   
Jim Frenette

Posts: 15995
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OK I still have 200. Do you want me to use that to better the player I have or create another?


Post #: 359
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 7:16:52 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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It's up to you Jim, why don't you save them for now and see how it goes?  If you get addicted like some of us you'll be spending money, making a few players and then boosting them.

Also, if you need more money for your current player we can redo your contract anytime and give you a bonus.


Post #: 360
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/6/2008 11:49:52 PM   
Mark Duda

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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

It's up to you Jim, why don't you save them for now and see how it goes?  If you get addicted like some of us (Sammy) you'll be spending A LOT of money, making a few dozen players and then boosting them.

Also, if you need more money for your current player we can redo your contract anytime and give you a bonus.



"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli. "
Post #: 361
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 8:38:37 AM   
Todd M


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I like our logo.

I thought we were the rollers not the head hunters? I like head hunters better anyway.

So when do we get our customized jerseys, shirts and hats?


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Post #: 362
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 9:10:50 AM   
Todd M


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Defense - 72
Offense - 72

Overall - 69

I thought I knew how averages work.

Only a couple of spots left on the starting rosters. Good work getting a team together guys.


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Post #: 363
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 9:21:19 AM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
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Your FS looks pretty good so far Todd. If you add custom equip, or boost up your current equipment, add speed. The custom tree boost, I'd open the Hard Hitters SA tree. Set your advanced to wrap up. On this defense, your guy is going to get a lot of tackling early. Your tackling attribute is fine where it's at for now.

I can see you making TD saving tackles a lot!
Post #: 364
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 9:44:20 AM   
Todd M


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I thought custom equipment could only be purchased with Flex points.

I believe I have upgraded my regular equip. as much as I can for level 8. Even though I might have short changed myself 1 point on the original shirt. The $250.00 still says I can equip it even though I have bought and equipped the $1500 one. The shoes and visor are equipped at the $1500 level.

As for the special abilities area the "custom tree boost" as I think you're calling it, I haven't added anything there. I was going to go in the other direction though, that is, boosting my coverage abilities. If you think it is best I will add points to the hard hitting "tree" the next chance I get.


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Post #: 365
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 9:46:53 AM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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FS should do coverage and SS hard hitter as far as custom equipment goes.

The Rollers was the default name we got, changed to to Headhunters :)

The chemistry "overall" isn't an average, every time the offense or defense chemistry changes the overall changes with it.  For example, if the offense chemistry goes down one and the defense goes down two the overall will go down three.


Post #: 366
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 9:54:38 AM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

FS should do coverage and SS hard hitter as far as custom equipment goes.

Agree, but he'll be seeing a ton of plays until the defense boosts up more. My FS gets a bunch of tackles since the team he's on has a weak LBer group. That's all.
Post #: 367
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 9:57:38 AM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
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I've seen some high level safeties with some SA in both so long term I'm focuseing on coverage but for stat hogging the hard hitter tree ain't hurting him now. 
Post #: 368
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 9:58:28 AM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

The Rollers was the default name we got, changed to to Headhunters :)

I still like the MAD ROLLERS!
Post #: 369
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 10:43:25 AM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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Always build your players for the longer term!  That's my agenda anyway.


Post #: 370
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 10:46:11 AM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
Status: offline
Boy, you ain't like Jerry Jones, Toby! 
Post #: 371
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 12:20:02 PM   

ORIGINAL: Duane Sampson

Your FS looks pretty good so far Todd. If you add custom equip, or boost up your current equipment, add speed. The custom tree boost, I'd open the Hard Hitters SA tree. Set your advanced to wrap up. On this defense, your guy is going to get a lot of tackling early. Your tackling attribute is fine where it's at for now.

I can see you making TD saving tackles a lot!

not around my end, if I can help it...


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  Post #: 372
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 1:18:58 PM   
Ian Joseph

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Jack Sparrow.. I was thinking of somehow, someway boosting my guy's stamina SIGNIFICANTLY independantly of the rest of the regular boosts..

Will the game let me do that?  Would it matter if my guy's stamina is way higher than everything else?


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Post #: 373
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 1:21:07 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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You can use equipment for now or just pump it when you next level Ian.  It won't matter when comparing to other players but we'll need yours to be up to 30 as soon as possible so you aren't subbed out often.


Post #: 374
RE: Goal Line Blitz Football - 6/7/2008 2:19:42 PM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Ian Joseph

Jack Sparrow.. I was thinking of somehow, someway boosting my guy's stamina SIGNIFICANTLY independantly of the rest of the regular boosts..

Will the game let me do that?  Would it matter if my guy's stamina is way higher than everything else?

Unless you know a good hacker, no.

Toby's right. Stamina is gonna be key early on while we're adding players. I'd bump to at least 30 for your back, he'll need it.

Now that we have a hot shot RB, I'm gonna build my Fb to be a blocking back fer ya!
Post #: 375
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