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RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond)

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RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 6:48:25 AM   

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I think both dogs are winning today, and we will end up with Washington/Buffalo Super Bowl.


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Post #: 4626
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 5:23:23 PM   
Todd M


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Marty, you’re so bad at this you’ve made people not want to talk about football this weekend.


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Post #: 4627
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 5:49:32 PM   

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All week I thought Philly was going to win, and I was tempted to go out some money on them.

This morning I thought Washington was going to win.

I'll probably be wrong about Buffalo winning, I encourage bettors to go put some money on KC.


SKOL to the BOWL !!!
Post #: 4628
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 5:49:57 PM   

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People could make money betting against my predictions.


SKOL to the BOWL !!!
Post #: 4629
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 5:57:59 PM   
Todd M


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Only 75% of the time, Marty.


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Post #: 4630
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 5:59:12 PM   
Todd M


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I really hope you get 1/2 right this weekend. Chiefs vs Eagles is gross.


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Post #: 4631
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 6:24:35 PM   

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I would like the explain some of the rationale for my picks today:

Washington vs. Philly

I thought the refs wouldn't let Barkley take over the game, that they might call a hold to take away a long run. That would make the game boil down to each team's passing game.

(That didn't happen, and I thought the refs showed slight favoritism towards Philly)

I thought Washington had the better passing game going in, as they had been on fire lately, while the Eagles hadn't been doing a lot with their passing game recently, relying a lot on Barkley, and their defense.

Philly had the better defense, and Philly's short passing game was quite good.

< Message edited by marty -- 1/26/2025 6:25:41 PM >


SKOL to the BOWL !!!
Post #: 4632
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 6:38:11 PM   

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Buffalo vs. KC

I thought going in that the Chiefs getting help from the refs has now reached a boiling point, to where, if it's a close game in the 4th quarter, there could be a reverse effect where they just "let Buffalo play", and don't flag them on any questionable aggressive plays that could be breaking the rules.

The only way I see the game going the other way, is if KC plays a totally clean game, and has a strong desire to show that they win because of their strong play, not because of the refs.

Could be an interesting chess match of a game.


SKOL to the BOWL !!!
Post #: 4633
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 8:02:25 PM   

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I don't think a player should be allowed to wear yellow shoes on the field, it looks too similar to a yellow flag.


SKOL to the BOWL !!!
Post #: 4634
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 8:22:39 PM   

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Same goes for yellow gloves.


SKOL to the BOWL !!!
Post #: 4635
RE: Predictions for Next Week (and maybe beyond) - 1/26/2025 10:49:30 PM   

Posts: 13286
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The positive this year is the Vikings aren't playing in the Super Bowl against the Chiefs trying to be the 1st team to win 3 in a row.

The Vikings against the Bills in the Super Bowl would be interesting next year, although you would hate to be on the losing end of it, and Allen might be REALLY hungry to win it, while McCarthy will still be a little green around the ears.

The next time the Vikings are in the Super Bowl, hopefully they're matched up against a team they can dominate, or at least get the opposing team's QB to make mistakes.


SKOL to the BOWL !!!
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