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RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions

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RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 11/22/2015 2:32:28 PM   
Todd M


Posts: 41294
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Didn't realize I wasn't logged in...

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Post #: 226
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 11/22/2015 2:50:05 PM   
Ricky J

Posts: 18365
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Great picture Ricky! Worth the wait!

Paint is a default program on all computers, isn't it?

Easy to upload and resize if you have it.

I don't know. I went to spyglass on my mac and didn't see it. Been messing with it for a bit.

Thanks Todd
Post #: 227
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 11/22/2015 2:50:44 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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You see Toby this is where we have disconnect. It took me years to do the picture - if you don't believe me ask Todd. mispaint????

I assumed you followed the link I gave you to save a screen shot as a picture which has you use mspaint. I'm assuming you're using Windows?


Post #: 228
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 11/22/2015 2:51:36 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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Ahh, a Mac. Got it. Try this


Post #: 229
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 11/22/2015 7:24:18 PM   
Ricky J

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Thanks Toby
Post #: 230
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 11/29/2015 7:35:08 PM   
Ricky J

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Yeah right!
Post #: 231
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/6/2016 6:51:42 PM   

Posts: 64101
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How about a Women's hockey thread in the Gophers section? Seems like every time women's Gophers hockey is mentioned in the Gophers Hockey thread, it gets buried by men's hockey posts. Thanks.
Post #: 232
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/6/2016 9:00:22 PM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 14674
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you can create a thread yourself


**** you all.
Post #: 233
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 10:06:12 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33444
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That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask ...

Is it just my computer or is it an issue with the site, but for every category except for Twins and Gophers I can click on the little yellow square and it will take me to the last post that I had read. For those two categories (and that means every thread within them) I get an error message if I click on that yellow square and instead have to go to the last thing that was posted and work my way back to where I left off.



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Post #: 234
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 10:28:14 AM   
Todd M


Posts: 41294
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Um, time for an upgrade?

But we don't need any dissent. Best to hit that x and close out...


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Post #: 235
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 11:28:58 AM   
David Levine

Posts: 78405
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That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask ...

Is it just my computer or is it an issue with the site, but for every category except for Twins and Gophers I can click on the little yellow square and it will take me to the last post that I had read. For those two categories (and that means every thread within them) I get an error message if I click on that yellow square and instead have to go to the last thing that was posted and work my way back to where I left off.


I don't think that's worked for a long time.

So unfortunately I just click on the newest page and then backpage a time or 2 if there are more than a page worth of new posts.

The yellow box used to be really slick.
Post #: 236
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 3:54:35 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33444
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Um, time for an upgrade?

But we don't need any dissent. Best to hit that x and close out...

I'm waiting for you to offer to start up an entirely new site, upgraded with all of the fancy blingy features, and then take care of all of the costs as well as the issues that will come along with switching everything over from this site to the new one.

You're kind of like the guy who parks himself in his parents' basement and then keeps complaining that they still have an outdated kitchen.


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Post #: 237
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 3:55:37 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33444
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ORIGINAL: David Levine



That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask ...

Is it just my computer or is it an issue with the site, but for every category except for Twins and Gophers I can click on the little yellow square and it will take me to the last post that I had read. For those two categories (and that means every thread within them) I get an error message if I click on that yellow square and instead have to go to the last thing that was posted and work my way back to where I left off.


I don't think that's worked for a long time.

So unfortunately I just click on the newest page and then backpage a time or 2 if there are more than a page worth of new posts.

The yellow box used to be really slick.

Thanks for the input. Yes, for me it's been this way for a really long time too, but I just never asked until now if it was just me. No big deal. I've gotten used to the backtracking thing.


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Post #: 238
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:13:04 PM   
Todd M


Posts: 41294
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Um, time for an upgrade?

But we don't need any dissent. Best to hit that x and close out...

I'm waiting for you to offer to start up an entirely new site, upgraded with all of the fancy blingy features, and then take care of all of the costs as well as the issues that will come along with switching everything over from this site to the new one.

You're kind of like the guy who parks himself in his parents' basement and then keeps complaining that they still have an outdated kitchen.


It took less than a day of asking for donations to get well more than enough to start this one up in the 1st place.

Switching what over? Just like we did from the Strib on to the initial site we migrated to for 5 minutes before we ended up here. You ask people to come over and run from there.

You bring up an issue like a mealy mouth mouse...excuse me mr sir, I was just wondering about a feature that's been broken forever...but no big deal...

There's no reason we have to settle. Things don't work, the site bugs out often, I have missing private messages. Spare me the thought that it is some monumental undertaking to upgrade.

And why insult me because I want something better? That's pure BS right there. And what a joke insinuating that I should do it all myself or STFU about it.

People act like such drooling sycophants sometimes. 'Everything is great, the admins are doing a great job' - it's not and no they're afraid to step up to the plate and ask for something better. Perhaps I should be able to see why people don't. When you do you get insulted, ignored, ostracized...Say something and you get 'oh well' or 'hit the x button' what a joke.


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Post #: 239
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:18:19 PM   
Todd M


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And if I'm wrong and this is some hugely expensive undertaking that would break the backs of the common man to implement then I deserved to be steered correctly initially. But every time I've merely mention that things aren't working well, or 'what about this' it's a)ignore b) or c) hit the x button. Rude as hell. That's why I'm at a point where I don't pull any punches.


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Post #: 240
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:19:52 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33444
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Again - if it's so easy, why the freak haven't you done it yourself?


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Post #: 241
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:22:48 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33444
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You bring up an issue like a mealy mouth mouse...excuse me mr sir, I was just wondering about a feature that's been broken forever...but no big deal...

What a surprise, you completely misread my question. I was simply asking it if happened to anyone else, or was it just an issue with my computer? I got my answer, thanked David for it, and that was the end of it.

Your apology will be proactively accepted.


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Post #: 242
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:23:41 PM   
Todd M


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Is that how life is for you? Don't complain about a haircut cause 'why not do it yourself'?

It's not my field. For the people that undertook it in the first place - it is/was.


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Post #: 243
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:26:15 PM   
Todd M


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You bring up an issue like a mealy mouth mouse...excuse me mr sir, I was just wondering about a feature that's been broken forever...but no big deal...

What a surprise, you completely misread my question. I was simply asking it if happened to anyone else, or was it just an issue with my computer? I got my answer, thanked David for it, and that was the end of it.

Your apology will be proactively accepted.

What a surprise that you don't recall discussions about the issue before. Ones that you even took part of.


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Post #: 244
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:40:49 PM   
Lynn G.

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No - that's not a surprise at all. You'll notice that I've forgotten a ton of stuff (some of which have benefitted you personally) from ages ago. I DO remember a "conversation" we had just a couple of days ago.

You just can't seem to help yourself.


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Post #: 245
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 4:41:59 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33444
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Is that how life is for you? Don't complain about a haircut cause 'why not do it yourself'?

It's not my field. For the people that undertook it in the first place - it is/was.

If I get one bad haircut I don't necessarily assume anything about the haircutter.

If I get bad haircuts regularly - I take my business elsewhere. Why complain endlessly when there is an easier solution?


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Post #: 246
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/7/2016 5:04:56 PM   
Todd M


Posts: 41294
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So just quit and forget any of the relationships I've built over the last decade? Seems like the right thing to do rather than expect a little more out of this little site for a very small number of users.


I DO remember a "conversation" we had just a couple of days ago.

You just can't seem to help yourself.

Nothing I've said here detracts from what I said then. Your condescension doesn't help us get a long any better though.


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Post #: 247
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/8/2016 6:44:59 AM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
Joined: 12/11/2006
From: Central Minnesota
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: David Levine



That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask ...

Is it just my computer or is it an issue with the site, but for every category except for Twins and Gophers I can click on the little yellow square and it will take me to the last post that I had read. For those two categories (and that means every thread within them) I get an error message if I click on that yellow square and instead have to go to the last thing that was posted and work my way back to where I left off.


I don't think that's worked for a long time.

So unfortunately I just click on the newest page and then backpage a time or 2 if there are more than a page worth of new posts.

The yellow box used to be really slick.

Works for me almost all the time.  On the rare chance that it doesn't it's usually because I didn't log out the last time I was on.


Post #: 248
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/8/2016 8:40:30 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33444
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So just quit and forget any of the relationships I've built over the last decade? Seems like the right thing to do rather than expect a little more out of this little site for a very small number of users.

I didn't say to quit. I said that if you wanted a better site created - do it yourself. Then you could do what you are asking the others to do - invite everyone over to join you at the new one.

Or have you suddenly realized just what you're asking someone else to do? Daunting, isn't it?


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Post #: 249
RE: Forum Ideas/Suggestions - 2/8/2016 9:31:26 AM   
Duane Sampson

Posts: 14200
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

Works for me almost all the time.  On the rare chance that it doesn't it's usually because I didn't log out the last time I was on.

Works for me also.
Post #: 250
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