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RE: Vikings talk for the locked out.

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RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 5/19/2010 8:40:55 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
Joined: 12/11/2006
From: Central Minnesota
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Sent password


Post #: 76
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/3/2010 1:08:52 PM   
i need a new password...again...cookies deleted

geoffrey greitzer
  Post #: 77
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/3/2010 1:09:29 PM   
sorry...please and thank you....

  Post #: 78
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/3/2010 1:52:23 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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New password emailed


Post #: 79
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 9:23:27 AM   

I made the mistake of updating my e-mail address in my profile yesterday, and now I'm a non-entity. Here's what I get:


Your account has not been activated.
The forum administrator did not approve your registration/change of e-mail address.

  Post #: 80
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 9:24:14 AM   



I made the mistake of updating my e-mail address in my profile yesterday, and now I'm a non-entity. Here's what I get:


Your account has not been activated.
The forum administrator did not approve your registration/change of e-mail address.

Oh, BTW...this is Shaun Stuart.
  Post #: 81
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 11:06:45 AM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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From: Central Minnesota
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I'll fix it right now so by the time you read this it should be working.


Post #: 82
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 11:16:10 AM   
Shaun Stuart

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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

I'll fix it right now so by the time you read this it should be working.

And that's why you're the legendary Toby Stumbo.

Oh, and thanks...not just for this, but all the tough effort involved in running a site like this. Can't be said often enough.

< Message edited by Shaun Stuart -- 9/29/2010 11:22:54 AM >
Post #: 83
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 11:30:16 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33399
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It's Tony.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 84
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 2:03:48 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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From: Central Minnesota
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That's Mr. Tony to you misses. I do my best but I must say days like yesterday are tough to deal with, too much drama.


Post #: 85
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 2:05:01 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33399
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Mr. Tony sounds like the name of a hairdresser with a flair for fashion and high style. Are you sure you want me to call you that?


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 86
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 2:05:40 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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If you let me cut your hair then sure.


Post #: 87
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 2:06:54 PM   
Lynn G.

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Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 88
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 6:17:14 PM   
Thomas O. Eliason

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Well is it Tony Or Toby ?

My cat is dying to know...

BTW, how did this site get so hot all of a sudden ? It's not uncommon for the log to show over 1000 people looking at our screwy posts at any given time !

What's the deal Neal, what's the story Cory, what's up, Chuck ?


PPE II baby
Post #: 89
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 7:03:09 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33399
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I suppose it's Toby - but it's an old joke to call him by the wrong name. He takes it with a grin and a wink (so far).

I notice there are a lot of times it'll say we have hundreds of "guests" looking in. That always weirds me out - like a bunch of complete strangers are watching us like we're some kind of lab experiment.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 90
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/29/2010 9:47:00 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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From: Central Minnesota
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People see my name spelled out and call me Tony all the time so on a few occasions I've corrected them which has created the decade long joke of calling me Tony.  Too funny I tell ya. 

I wouldn't take the user log too seriously, it usually counts the same user more than once.


Post #: 91
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/30/2010 10:16:25 AM   
Jim Frenette

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So we have window peakers here? Stay covered up people


Post #: 92
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 10/6/2010 8:41:11 PM   
Hey Toby. I submitted a registration but haven't been approved. Was it something I said? =<8^)

Hi Lynn. We're Baaaaaaaaack.

  Post #: 93
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 10/6/2010 9:25:02 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
Joined: 12/11/2006
From: Central Minnesota
Status: offline
I'll get it, I just haven't had time to check the user requests.  Sorry for the delay. 


Post #: 94
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 10/6/2010 10:43:56 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33399
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Nick Ferraro!!!! Love having you back in the crowd, and at such a great time with Moss back!


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 95
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 10/7/2010 10:02:02 AM   
Jim Frenette

Posts: 15995
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As soon as I saw purplehelmet I knew it was Nick. Good to see you back


Post #: 96
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 10/7/2010 1:13:22 PM   
Nick Ferraro

Posts: 231
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Thanks Toby. I'm......ahem......"all in" now. Appreciate it.

I figured you might recognize that email name Fargo. Good to hear from you guys. Kinda busy so I'll just be dippin' my toes in the water a bit for starters. Maybe find more time on the weekends to participate more. You know me, I'm full of opinions and ideas.

You guys know you're always welcome to stop by our tailgaite. We are still using the big RV so that relegates us to the one lot that allows those big vehicles......the one North of the armory. Stop on by if you have time before the Cowboys get their butts whooped. I'll be wearing my "Drew Pushed Nate!!!" shirt.
Post #: 97
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 10/7/2010 1:19:38 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33399
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I'm so glad to hear you're still tailgating Nick. Your daughter is probably almost old enough by now to drive the car home after the games.

I gave up my season tickets last year because I just could no longer rationalize spending that much money on entertainment, so I haven't been down there in a while. It's good to know you're still carrying on the traditions.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 98
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 10/8/2010 9:17:47 PM   
Nick Ferraro

Posts: 231
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Jessica is eleven now. She's growing fast but thankfully still a little time before I start pulling my hair out. We don't tailgate as often (maybe 4 games a year) as we used to but we still do it "large" when we do.

Funny, I voiced my displeasure over the Moss trade back in 05 by downgrading from 3 seats to 2. Now last year with Favre in the fold, suddenly Jessica wanted to start going to the games and really started getting into the team, but with only two seats Heidi and I had to trade off a couple of games and take turns bringing her along. As a result this year I went back up to 3 seats and look who's back on the team! Must be some kind of mojo going on there. This really has her excited as I have been brainwashing her for months (more like YEARS now that I think about it) saying what we really need to do is call the Patriots and at least TRY to trade for Moss. We're all looking forward to this season now. No matter what, it will at the very least be exciting and entertaining.

< Message edited by Nick Ferraro -- 10/8/2010 9:23:47 PM >
Post #: 99
RE: Vikings talk for the locked out. - 9/2/2011 5:56:28 PM   
I have a new phone and would like to post again. I can't remember login info
Geoffrey Greitzer

Paradise ca. Old login was vikings1044

Please advise thank u
  Post #: 100
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