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RE: Gopher Volleyball

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RE: Gopher Volleyball - 5/19/2020 1:01:58 PM   

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Gophers volleyball adds graduate transfer Hunter Atherton

PUBLISHED: May 15, 2020 at 1:03 p.m. | UPDATED: May 15, 2020 at 1:04 p.m.

Minnesota volleyball has added Hunter Atherton, a graduate transfer was player her first four years at North Carolina and Nebraska.

“We’re extremely excited to add Hunter to our 2020 roster,” head coach Hugh McCutcheon said in a statement. “She gives us more depth at the setting position and brings some great playing experience as well. We are excited that she chose to continue her education at the University of Minnesota and look forward to having her join our team this year.”

Atherton, a 5-foot-10-inch setter, played for North Carolina during the 2019 and 2018 seasons. While at UNC, she saw action in 49 matches and 176 sets as she established 1,390 assists and 321 digs. Atherton was at Nebraska for two seasons, where she redshirted in 2016 and played in 20 matches during the 2017 season (137 assists, 13 aces and 46 digs).

The Gophers went 27-6 overall, 17-3 in the Big Ten, and advanced to the Final Four last season, where they lost to Stanford in straight sets.

“I chose the University of Minnesota because of the people, the program’s history, and the opportunity to continue my academic career at such a reputable university,” Atherton said. “When meeting the staff, I was blown away by their dedication and desire to be a successful team and to help their athletes succeed individually along the way.”


"The eternal fate of the noble and enlightened: to be brutally crushed by the armed and dumb."
Post #: 26
RE: Gopher Volleyball - 5/20/2020 2:48:58 PM   


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I wondered if this was men's volleyball for a minute as I'm not used to ladies with the name Hunter. She must be very good for the Gophers to take her.


"So let it be written.
So let it be done."
Post #: 27
RE: Gopher Volleyball - 6/15/2020 12:53:22 AM   


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I miss seeing these games, very much. I hope they come back.


Post #: 28
RE: Gopher Volleyball - 2/15/2021 11:39:23 AM   

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The Gophers continue to roll. They knocked off #8 Penn State in consecutive matches. It looks like two of the super freshmen #1 ranked Taylor Landfair and #6 Melani Shaffmaster have moved into the starting lineup and are making big contributions. I expect the Gophers will move up from #5 in the next polls.


"The eternal fate of the noble and enlightened: to be brutally crushed by the armed and dumb."
Post #: 29
RE: Gopher Volleyball - 2/20/2021 6:59:08 AM   

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Big upset win at Nebraska yesterday. Gophers came in as +190 dogs.


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