Daniel Lee Young -> RE: Covid 19 and those infected (12/1/2020 11:25:45 PM)
Look I appreciate all the kind words, but I am a realist. Mom has had a good life. Her faith in the church has let her do amazing things, and be a strong, independent woman. What hurts me most is the typical “ first born” entitlement that put her away, against her will,. My oldest brother, being mom and dad’s favorite, exploited his relationship with mom to get POA. Nothing my younger brother and I could do or say would shake her belief that he would do the right thing, and not do what he eventually did. Took her away from her home and put her in a senior death camp. Mom, to her credit has and still does, try to leave that place, before she went further down the dementia road. She tried to get out. He, my POA brother, had her “assigned, for her own protection” and an ankle monitor, that locks the doors, put on mom to “ keep her safe from herself”. Words can not describe the feelings I and my younger brother have about this situation. But we have no legal power. Mom cast her dice. I actually wish she would go meet Jesus, in her sleep, to end this misery she is trapped in. I hear it in her voice, the resignation, the underlying anger, the resentment she will not, in the name of Jesus, express, out loud. It is brutal. And as always, I am almost powerless, to do anything outside of kicking my older brothers ass, again, for the umpteenth time, to make him see what a diq he is being. I am too old for that shit, and he is well armed. If it was Mano a Mano to have the final say, I know he knows, from past experience, that he can’t match me. Hence his guns. He knows if I was POA, he would be SOL. You never can plan for the crap that life gives you. People of faith like to say that “GOD never gives you a burden that he thinks you can not handle in your life, that god strengthens you by placing the weight of trials and tribulation upon you” My Fn Cup Runneth the Fuq over, God... Go fuq yourself or I’m gonna go to hell and help plot your overthrow. [&:][:'(]