RE:General fantasy football chat (Full Version)

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Todd M -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/17/2007 1:24:58 PM)

1/6 so far in FF. Reports of my superiority have been greatly exaggerated. (by me :doh2: )

Tim Cady -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/18/2007 4:11:47 PM)

You have 6 teams? I am enjoying having two. Anymore would be a little much for me. The Crapbags are well kinda crappy. The Super Sweeties are well kinda Super. They have the top power ranking in the 12 teamer - 34.5 ooh. I have no idea what it means. Toddy2hotty is not the bottem power ranking, so you got that going for ya. I am guessing once the SS stops averaging 140 points a week, I will be less interested in power rankings that I know not the significance of.

Lynn G. -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/23/2007 10:26:03 PM)

I'm going to pick on you Tim because ... ... well because you're the one who said it. One of the things I DISLIKE greatly about fantasy football is when people bring up their fantasy players at the worst possible times. In the game day thread today, at a moment when we're all bleeding profusely and in sickening pain as the Chiefs took over at the end of the game - - there comes the "Hey, I just picked up Dwayne Bowe in my fantasy league" post. Is that Sea Salt or Kosher salt you're rubbing into our gaping wounds? Were you hoping someone would throw a compression bandage on their wounds long enough to write "good pick-up!"? The other thing I hate is when the people sitting behind you at a football game talk non-stop about who they started today and accepting long runs against our own defense because "I've got him on my fantasy team!" If I ever start to get that way - just shoot me.

Todd M -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/24/2007 4:07:01 AM)

Not 6 teams Tim. After 2 weeks (6 games) I had one 1. I know I'm in for at least 1 loss this week in Chris's 12 teamer because of stinking Bulger.

Todd M -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/24/2007 1:14:31 PM)

If Colston can get me 9 points tonight I'll be 3/9.

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/29/2007 1:22:34 AM)

I'm hating this week. I have three teams and everyone has at least 1 #1 that is out or questionable for this weekend. I'm at my wits end trying to make a decision

Mark Duda -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/30/2007 7:09:49 AM)

I'm hating this week as well. In my $$$ league, I have to choose between starting Brian Westbrook(&%$@*! game time decision on a Sunday evening game) or AP (with Chester back in the mix). Crap. My gut says go w/ Westbrook.

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (9/30/2007 6:22:33 PM)

[quote="Mark Duda"]I'm hating this week as well. In my $$$ league, I have to choose between starting Brian Westbrook(&%$@*! game time decision on a Sunday evening game) or AP (with Chester back in the mix). Crap. My gut says go w/ Westbrook.[/quote] I think you can't go wrong with AP. I have Maroney as Q and he doesn't play until Monday. I can't wait and I don't have the option you have.

Mark Duda -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/1/2007 7:55:04 PM)

[quote="Jim Frenette"][quote="Mark Duda"]I'm hating this week as well. In my $$$ league, I have to choose between starting Brian Westbrook(&%$@*! game time decision on a Sunday evening game) or AP (with Chester back in the mix). Crap. My gut says go w/ Westbrook.[/quote] I think you can't go wrong with AP. I have Maroney as Q and he doesn't play until Monday. I can't wait and I don't have the option you have.[/quote] I ended up going with AP (thank god)... I'll still be lucky to pull out a win this week, though. Going into tonight's game, I'm ahead 79-70, but he has Palmer, Chad Johnson and Cincy's kicker and I still have Brady. I could pull out the win, but it will take PLENTY of luck...

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/2/2007 1:17:25 AM)

[quote="Mark Duda"][quote="Jim Frenette"][quote="Mark Duda"]I'm hating this week as well. In my $$$ league, I have to choose between starting Brian Westbrook(&%$@*! game time decision on a Sunday evening game) or AP (with Chester back in the mix). Crap. My gut says go w/ Westbrook.[/quote] I think you can't go wrong with AP. I have Maroney as Q and he doesn't play until Monday. I can't wait and I don't have the option you have.[/quote] I ended up going with AP (thank god)... I'll still be lucky to pull out a win this week, though. Going into tonight's game, I'm ahead 79-70, but he has Palmer, Chad Johnson and Cincy's kicker and I still have Brady. I could pull out the win, but it will take PLENTY of luck...[/quote] Just be like me and hope Brady connects on 3-4 long passes with Randy. :)

DeLain -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/4/2007 7:58:43 PM)

Have I missed anything important on the rest of this site that is not fantasy football? I have not looked in on the Viking's threads for many weeks since I sense a lot of negativity. I am down enough on my Vikes without having to read a lot about it besides. Cliff notes anybody?

Toby Stumbo -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/4/2007 8:13:46 PM)

We've been bad mouthing you non-stop DeLain. It's not all bad in there, read up!

Toby Stumbo -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/4/2007 8:16:01 PM)

You're missing some pretty cool posts from me, that's for sure. I put Rice's TD catch on youtube and posted it in the General Thread, some pictures of the Vikes too. Lot's of good stuff.

Tim Cady -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/5/2007 3:07:26 PM)

report out of Denver, according to, says Travis Henry has apparently tested positive for marijuana and a one-year suspension might be looming for the running back since it would be his second violation of the league's substance abuse policy. If this report is true, Selvin Young would take over as the starting tailback for the Broncos. (Updated 10/04/2007). Thought this might be of interest in the general thread. I picked Young up a week ago in Purple Reign and Chris' 12 teamer. Lynn- Got your point on Bowe. Sorry, but don't blame me for the way Childress directs this team. Fantasy interest is my defense mechanism. I was bleeding in KC that day too. The Bowe pickup line was in part sarcastic disgust for the locals. Even with the crap we have at quarterback I think half the posters here could have led the Vikings to 3-1 or 4-0, by simply getting out of the way. Unlike Childress, who is a dumber game day coach than Tice.

Lynn G. -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/5/2007 4:38:50 PM)

Trust me Tim, I was over it by the time I finished typing that post. Just needed to vent.

Tim Cady -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/5/2007 5:44:47 PM)

Cool! I just happened to stumble on it this morning. I agree, with keeping fantasy football and allegiences separate. So to look like what you were describing stung just a little.

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/5/2007 6:12:29 PM)

I guess this is a good place to put this. It is a game of trivia against Peyton Manning. I killed him.

Tim Cady -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/5/2007 6:33:50 PM)

I owned his as well, I am not going to fist pump him though, no matter how sincere he says nice job. Actually he is kinda sarcastic.

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/5/2007 6:41:41 PM)

[quote="Tim Cady"]I owned his as well, I am not going to fist pump him though, no matter how sincere he says nice job. Actually he is kinda sarcastic.[/quote] I didn't give him any dap either. :D

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/8/2007 12:03:38 AM)

I'm going to have to quit this fantasy football. I keep getting mad when Manning doesn't throw to Clark enough and Rivers throws to Gates in the EZ instead of LT. :bang: :)

Toby Stumbo -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/8/2007 12:21:29 AM)

Yeah, it's tough. 34 points for the Chargers and no touchdowns by Tomlinson. :cry:

Tim Cady -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/15/2007 4:13:28 PM)

[quote="Jim Frenette"]I'm going to have to quit this fantasy football. I keep getting mad when Manning doesn't throw to Clark enough and Rivers throws to Gates in the EZ instead of LT. :bang: :)[/quote] Well it looks like you have more pull than we give you credit for, Fargo! Is 4 touchdowns enough for you? Probably took the ground game of the week away from AD or at least it will between AD and LT.

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/15/2007 5:27:48 PM)

[quote="Tim Cady"][quote="Jim Frenette"]I'm going to have to quit this fantasy football. I keep getting mad when Manning doesn't throw to Clark enough and Rivers throws to Gates in the EZ instead of LT. :bang: :)[/quote] Well it looks like you have more pull than we give you credit for, Fargo! Is 4 touchdowns enough for you? Probably took the ground game of the week away from AD or at least it will between AD and LT.[/quote] LT saved my butt yesterday in my NFL league. Lynn's brother had Peterson and put up 40 pts only to let LT come back with 44 to help me. I'm in three leagues and in 2 I had Brady and in the other I played against him. Sure was tough pulling for him. Fortunately I had Welker in the one I didn't have Brady to help me.

djskillz -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/15/2007 7:11:50 PM)

So I quit fantasy sports this year myself, but I did give advice to pretty much ALL my friends to get AD at all costs in their keeper leagues this year as he's the #1 keeper to me (yes, even over LT). Well, let's just say that those that heeded my advice are pretty happy with me today! :cool:

Jim Frenette -> RE:General fantasy football chat (10/21/2007 6:01:12 PM)

Priest Holmes activated for the games starting this week. I made a big move earlier in the week and picked him up in all of my leagues just in case he has something left. I don't know how many carries he will get, but I'm actually starting him in 2 of the 3

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