Daniel Lee Young
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https://news.yahoo.com/brett-favre-questioned-by-fbi-in-probe-of-mississippis-70-million-welfare-fund-scandal-232009755.html Report: Brett Favre questioned by FBI in probe of Mississippi's $70 million welfare fund scandal Brett Favre may have something new to worry about in the fallout of the Mississippi welfare fund scandal that has followed him for more than two years. The Hall of Fame quarterback for the Green Bay Packers was questioned by the FBI over the $1.1 million in welfare funds he received for appearances he allegedly didn't make, his lawyer Bud Holmes confirmed to NBC News. As he has in the past, Holmes reportedly claimed Favre did nothing wrong and never understood the money he received from a federal program designed to aid needy families. Favre has not been charged with a crime, though he could still be facing a lawsuit from Mississippi over the repayment of funds. Favre has since paid $1.1 million back to Mississippi, putting up $500,000 when news of the scandal broke and repaying the other $600,000 a year and a half later, but the state is still waiting on the $228,000 in interest it claims he owes.
**** you all.