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RE: Other Former Vikings

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RE: Other Former Vikings - 4/13/2020 10:18:25 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33399
Joined: 7/15/2007
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Sad news. Tarvaris Jackson has died in a car accident.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 76
RE: Other Former Vikings - 4/13/2020 12:30:54 PM   

Posts: 94902
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Agreed, sad
Dude lasted a long time in the league
Good on him
Marginal talent, but teams kept him on, seemed Seattle loved him.
Way too young to die.


Work like a Captain.
Play like a Pirate.
Post #: 77
RE: Other Former Vikings - 10/13/2021 8:38:42 AM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 14646
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Brett Favre facing lawsuit if he doesn't repay $828K in Mississippi welfare funds, state auditor says

Man… just.. wow.. why?

Why would a person with his wealth, need to be paid for working for a charitable cause?


**** you all.
Post #: 78
RE: Other Former Vikings - 10/13/2021 12:03:05 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33399
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Yeah, the biggest question, as asked in the article is: how is paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to a celebrity helping poor children? Why not just use that money directly in aid to those children? Was the hope that his ads would bring in much more money? Doubt it.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 79
RE: Other Former Vikings - 9/1/2022 8:23:22 PM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 14646
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Report: Brett Favre questioned by FBI in probe of Mississippi's $70 million welfare fund scandal

Brett Favre may have something new to worry about in the fallout of the Mississippi welfare fund scandal that has followed him for more than two years.

The Hall of Fame quarterback for the Green Bay Packers was questioned by the FBI over the $1.1 million in welfare funds he received for appearances he allegedly didn't make, his lawyer Bud Holmes confirmed to NBC News.

As he has in the past, Holmes reportedly claimed Favre did nothing wrong and never understood the money he received from a federal program designed to aid needy families. Favre has not been charged with a crime, though he could still be facing a lawsuit from Mississippi over the repayment of funds.

Favre has since paid $1.1 million back to Mississippi, putting up $500,000 when news of the scandal broke and repaying the other $600,000 a year and a half later, but the state is still waiting on the $228,000 in interest it claims he owes.


**** you all.
Post #: 80
RE: Other Former Vikings - 2/4/2023 11:55:40 PM   

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Allen Rice.....underrated.


“We are an unserious nation that's in serious $hit.”

Post #: 81
RE: Other Former Vikings - 6/11/2024 9:23:44 AM   

Posts: 64063
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Paul Krause - weird dude


“We are an unserious nation that's in serious $hit.”

Post #: 82
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