Chris Olson
Posts: 6797
Joined: 7/15/2007
From: Saratoga Springs, NY
Status: offline
I am guessing everyone has pretty much said their piece on this... I just had a couple thoughts... I began feeling like I wanted Vick to fry over is dispicable and reprehensible... However, I can't help but feel like this whole situtation is so far beyond making "a mistake"...this was an ingrained way of beieving what is acceptable... how far back does it go? childhood? college? when was he first introduced into dogfighting cirlces, etc...? Atlanta Sportswriter Terrence Moore said how he is going to need to "cry on Oprah's couch" and get blasted by callers on Larry King, etc...I think outing this mentality of dogfighting as a lifestyle will be important to his showing true contrition... everyone talks about contrition, but how is that measured? he apparently grew up in with a mentality that allowed him to be open to dogfighting as even a possibility...that is interesting to me, because most of us could never imagine getting involved in something like that, but wherever he was coming from mentally, culturally, it allowed him to make these choices...I think there is opportunity for him to show contrition in his revealing this mindset, these people that feel it is no big deal to fights dogs and then kill the loser as a deserved similar is this to bullfighting as a culturally OK thing to participate in? Or further, how about gladiator battles to the death...killing and whipping of slaves, etc...? How many cultures have allowed such atrocities? It probably never crossed his mind that it was really "wrong"...maybe thousands of people out there really feel this same way..."come on, it is just dogs..." Right not like it was blacks or Jews, right? But people, decent people, commit these atrocities...and it never occurs to them that it was wrong...not purposely evil, but ignorant and thoughtless? Patrick Henry of "Give me liberty or give me death" fame, owned over 65 slaves (or so I had read somewhere)...and he probably beat them like everyone else...maybe that is speculation, but it isn't a big about all Hitler's SS killing and beating ans starving Jews, like they were no more human than a piece of furniture...I am not saying they should not have figured it out, or that they didn't initially sense something wrong about racism, or rather simple acts of violence against another living thing...but socailly, culturally they were conditioned enough to just do it, until it became easy... I just hope that these kinds of things about the kind of people that do these acts can come to light...and that may help in people understanding this and maybe even help to eradicate the "sport"...ugh, it is painful to call it that...there is nothing that can bring back the dogs, nothing that can help those issues...and of course there are all the gambling issues and organized crime type things that I am not addressing, but MV is already paying, will pay tons more, but I wonder what will constitute true contrition from him...many will never buy anything he has to say, and maybe they shouldn't, but I think this situation can be a positive in helping us all to wake up from our conditioning...and question why we are doing what we do...just gong with the flow? or can we make thoughtful choices? I don't mean to be on the old :soapbox: but that is just something that came up today...