RE: General Vikes Talk (Full Version)

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Brad H -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 12:27:09 PM)



This popped up in my youtube feed today and I'll share it because the guy really struck a chord with me.

117 points against in the final two minutes of halves this season. Has to be 30-40 points more than any other team in the league this season. You can't win consistently with those kinds of numbers. There were at least three or four games where a team scored twice in the final two minutes of one half.

ambear -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 12:45:25 PM)





This popped up in my youtube feed today and I'll share it because the guy really struck a chord with me.

117 points against in the final two minutes of halves this season. Has to be 30-40 points more than any other team in the league this season. You can't win consistently with those kinds of numbers. There were at least three or four games where a team scored twice in the final two minutes of one half.

That video is why the "Zim is a great coach" myth is such bullshit.

thebigo -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 12:55:35 PM)



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.


David F. -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 12:57:06 PM)

Here's one more by the same guy. He should be getting a lot more views than he does because his content and timing are perfect.

Bill Jandro -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 1:07:48 PM)



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.

Bruce hasn't posted in months. I wonder if he's ok.

thebigo -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 1:41:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.

Bruce hasn't posted in months. I wonder if he's ok.

On the Covid thread he was questioning the accepted narrative, was essentially called a murderer, he decided to check out of the website. As many have.

ambear -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 1:57:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: thebigo


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.

Bruce hasn't posted in months. I wonder if he's ok.

On the Covid thread he was questioning the accepted narrative, was essentially called a murderer, he decided to check out of the website. As many have.

It's painful enough talking about the Vikings to lose your shit over on that thread.

Bill Jandro -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 2:02:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: ambear


ORIGINAL: thebigo


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.

Bruce hasn't posted in months. I wonder if he's ok.

On the Covid thread he was questioning the accepted narrative, was essentially called a murderer, he decided to check out of the website. As many have.

It's painful enough talking about the Vikings to lose your shit over on that thread.

That thread is just a mess. i go over there for a laugh but don't dare post or the wrath of the mob will come down on you.

Todd M -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 2:03:25 PM)


Bill Jandro -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 2:05:08 PM)



This popped up in my youtube feed today and I'll share it because the guy really struck a chord with me.

watched several of them. he's pretty spot on.

ratoppenheimer -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 2:12:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro


ORIGINAL: ambear


ORIGINAL: thebigo


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.

Bruce hasn't posted in months. I wonder if he's ok.

On the Covid thread he was questioning the accepted narrative, was essentially called a murderer, he decided to check out of the website. As many have.

It's painful enough talking about the Vikings to lose your shit over on that thread.

That thread is just a mess. i go over there for a laugh but don't dare post or the wrath of the mob will come down on you.

it's really too bad...for the most part, bruce was a likable, active poster who seemed dependent on this site for it's camaraderie...problem is, he's also a fox news republican - got to watch your step with that around here....

someone should invite him back....

Daniel Lee Young -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 3:08:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: ratoppenheimer


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro


ORIGINAL: ambear


ORIGINAL: thebigo


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.

Bruce hasn't posted in months. I wonder if he's ok.

On the Covid thread he was questioning the accepted narrative, was essentially called a murderer, he decided to check out of the website. As many have.

It's painful enough talking about the Vikings to lose your shit over on that thread.

That thread is just a mess. i go over there for a laugh but don't dare post or the wrath of the mob will come down on you.

it's really too bad...for the most part, bruce was a likable, active poster who seemed dependent on this site for it's camaraderie...problem is, he's also a fox news republican - got to watch your step with that around here....

someone should invite him back....

This is the post of his surrender…

That’s all I’m gonna say..


ORIGINAL: Bruce Johnson

I'm willing to say that I'm sorry and that my words were over the top. I really am sorry. Sometimes we do say things that we regret, especially if we've ben hurt. I've had people say hundreds of times to me that I'm an idiot, that I'm a mf'er, that I'm an a-hole. It doesn't hurt much when you know that they don't know who I am and what I am. It does matter when we have an ongoing relationship over the years and I want to have your respect. I'll be honest. That's why it hurt when I was told that there's no need click my link. It would have been so much better if you could have said, "I don't really care for so and so, but because I think of enough of you I will watch the video of the medical professional showing proof on video of the ineffectiveness of non-medical face masks and read the article from the Texas newspaper that shows the data and how there hasn't been the impact of the lift of the mask mandates that many had feared." Instead you indicated no interest to even check it out. I do believe that they only way that the divisiveness will go away will be if we learn to listen to each other better and that means confirming with the other party that you understand what they are trying to say.

If you go back to a year ago, I was sharing with you and also with Paul Allen's radio program how proud I was with my wife for taking the initiative of making face masks in her free time after work and then giving them away for free to anyone who asked- and she made hundreds of them. That was before most people wore them and the information was not out so much as to their effectiveness. I think you must all know I got Covid while wearing a mask. To this day I unbegrudgingly wear my mask in public whenever it is required, but I'm sure like most of you I don't wear them at home nor do I wear them while working out in the yard. I do so not because I believe in the effectiveness of the face masks, but because I want to be respectful to others.

I could have said that you would rather die yourself than say that you were wrong, although I wouldn't have believed that, but my comment was meant to be a statement of how difficult it is to say you are wrong. To this day I have never heard a Democrat say that they were wrong. Never in my whole life and I've never read about someone saying it. I've never heard of even a rioter who was arrested for burning buildings say that maybe he went too far. I believe it has not happened yet, but I'd love to be shown wrong. I'd also love to hear a Democrat say that it doesn't represent my values when I see protestors destroy property or assault innocent victims. And certainly I feel frustrated because I don't believe in my whole life I have ever persuaded anyone to change their mind about anything. When there is campaigning going on, I don't believe the candidates are trying to persuade anyone. Everyone has already made up their minds. They are actually just trying to inspire excitement enough for people to go to the polls. Maybe the negative ads work. They wouldn't go negative unless they worked. There's a lot of "going over the top" on both sides, no doubt.

I've also never heard of a Democrat who accepts an apology, so if you prefer, I can go away. If you really don't respect what I have to say or care about me anymore, I'll leave talk vikes. Tell me to go and I will. I will wish everyone well in parting now and I'm sorry we have to part this way if it has to be.

marty -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 3:17:34 PM)

When was that from ?

Daniel Lee Young -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 3:33:12 PM)



When was that from ?

4-21-2021 on the vikes Covid thread.

ambear -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 3:33:18 PM)

Wow, I'm a Democrat and I know I'm one sorry son of a bitch.

David F. -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 3:55:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: ambear

Wow, I'm a Democrat and I know I'm one sorry son of a bitch.

I’m a bleeding heart libtard and all I do is burn buildings and never say sorry.

stfrank -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 4:01:30 PM)




ORIGINAL: ambear

Wow, I'm a Democrat and I know I'm one sorry son of a bitch.

I’m a bleeding heart libtard and all I do is burn buildings and never say sorry.

LOL, my thoughts exactly. If a person has never heard a Democrat say they are wrong or I'm sorry, than that person lives in a very small world and doesn't get out much.

ambear -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 4:01:55 PM)


ambear -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 4:21:35 PM)

Drew Lock putting on a show, at least for now...

Mark Anderson -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 5:51:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: ratoppenheimer


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro


ORIGINAL: ambear


ORIGINAL: thebigo


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro



I know there's a lot less people frequenting this board, and while I certainly miss some people, it's just so much more comfortable coming here every day.

No flame wars. No personal attacks.

Sure, posts don't come in at a rate that stimulates me to the degree I desire but that's a fair trade off.

Bruce hasn't posted in months. I wonder if he's ok.

On the Covid thread he was questioning the accepted narrative, was essentially called a murderer, he decided to check out of the website. As many have.

It's painful enough talking about the Vikings to lose your shit over on that thread.

That thread is just a mess. i go over there for a laugh but don't dare post or the wrath of the mob will come down on you.

it's really too bad...for the most part, bruce was a likable, active poster who seemed dependent on this site for it's camaraderie...problem is, he's also a fox news republican - got to watch your step with that around here....

someone should invite him back....

Bruce is a good guy but he took the politics stuff too seriously.

You should know going in that there isn't a whole lot of objectivity on the internet when it comes to politics. From either side.

Jeff Jesser -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 6:01:00 PM)

My God, that youtube guy is was dead on. That’s a must watch.

Daniel Lee Young -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 6:45:48 PM)

That “Zimmer” MOAP is exactly why he can go Fuq himself…

Giving receivers huge cushions when you have a lead and not blitzing?


Go away.. rapidly..

jbusse -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 8:08:23 PM)

I asked Bruce if he'd be interested in coming back. Here is his reply:


Once I had a boss who told me "that it's not even possible for me to gain anything by meeting with you". I quit the job I was doing and voluntarily took a bit of a demotion within the company, but I was so resentful. It literally took years to overcome that resentment. My problem last summer was that someone said the same thing, kind of. He said that it was not possible to get any benefit to see the link I provided. I reacted emotionally, maybe because that was a sore point for me. It bothered me that not one person had anything to say to the person who disrespected me. I felt disrespected. But they all jumped in unison with my emotional reply. It was kind of like the hockey player who retaliates for a high stick, but is the one penalized by the officials. It didn't help that another poster suggested that I was simply a "proxy Twitter poster". I always shared things from Twitter that I thought were interesting to me and I figured that they were interesting to others. I wanted to share things that were inspirational to me, too. That was my motivation, but somehow I was just the "proxy Twitter guy". I'm sorry that I got angry. Best wishes to everyone. I'm doing fine away from Talkvikes. You can talk to me anytime on Twitter.

Mark Anderson -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 8:20:51 PM)

So the rumor is that Zimmer is gone and Speilman is staying.

If he has to stay, give Speilman President of Operations job and let him hire GM. GM would need to have total control of hiring coach, draft, FA and all other player decisions.

Daniel Lee Young -> RE: General Vikes Talk (1/8/2022 8:23:04 PM)

Wow.. Twitter over talk vikes…

Birds of a feather, Twitter together…

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