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Jeff Jesser -> RE: NFL News (2/22/2008 11:07:06 AM)

"They're perfect for each other. They're both funny and wonderful and kind and dumb as a rock. I'm rooting for them."

That's more realistic.

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (2/26/2008 1:39:09 PM)

NFL | C. Carter joins ESPN
Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:29:19 -0800

Judd Zulgad, of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, reports former Minnesota Vikings WR Cris Carter has agreed to join ESPN as an NFL studio analyst Tuesday, Feb. 26. Carter will appear on "NFL Live," "Sports Center" and ESPN News. He was previously with HBO's "Inside the NFL." Part of Carter's new contract requires him to appear on ESPN Radio and take part in ESPN's NFL Draft coverage.

djskillz -> RE: NFL News (2/26/2008 9:59:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Duane Sampson

NFL | C. Carter joins ESPN
Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:29:19 -0800

Judd Zulgad, of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, reports former Minnesota Vikings WR Cris Carter has agreed to join ESPN as an NFL studio analyst Tuesday, Feb. 26. Carter will appear on "NFL Live," "Sports Center" and ESPN News. He was previously with HBO's "Inside the NFL." Part of Carter's new contract requires him to appear on ESPN Radio and take part in ESPN's NFL Draft coverage.

It is a travesty that they cancelled that show.  That is the finest football show there is.  Collinsworth is the man.

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/26/2008 11:32:42 PM)

Here's the rest of the story.....

Salisbury, who had been a studio analyst with ESPN for 12 years, did not have his contract renewed. His stay at ESPN included a one-week suspension in fall 2006 for misconduct.
Salisbury thanked the network and said he wanted to "expand into other opportunities in TV, radio, Internet, publishing, movies and public speaking, among others."

djskillz -> RE: NFL News (2/26/2008 11:44:51 PM)



Here's the rest of the story.....

Salisbury, who had been a studio analyst with ESPN for 12 years, did not have his contract renewed. His stay at ESPN included a one-week suspension in fall 2006 for misconduct.
Salisbury thanked the network and said he wanted to "expand into other opportunities in TV, radio, Internet, publishing, movies and public speaking, among others."

OK, I was already happy to see that my favorite all-time football player would still be on the air, but to replace/fire Salisbury on top of that?  Amazing!  Love it!

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/26/2008 11:52:48 PM)

I'm sure he's off to Hollywood.
Dumping Salisbury and grabbing Carter on the same day is a pretty damn good day at ESPN.
It'd be somewhat like divorcing Roseanne Barr and hooking up with Charlize Theron at the lawyers office.  [8D]

(or in your case, Dustin, Kelly Carlson) [&:]

Lynn G. -> RE: NFL News (2/27/2008 7:52:15 AM)

I'm looking forward to seeing Cris Carter on NFL Live.  Since I don't get the NFL Network I've never been able to see his work.

Having Sean Salisbury go away is just a nice bonus.

Toby Stumbo -> RE: NFL News (2/27/2008 8:06:18 AM)

Carter in, Salisbury out.  NICE [sm=thumb.gif]

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/27/2008 5:20:34 PM)

TWill gone....Holcomb dropped and Salisbery out.....This is tuning up to be a great off season!  [&:]

djskillz -> RE: NFL News (2/27/2008 8:57:37 PM)

Nice, guys.  Very nice.

I think I've told this story before, but my former roommate (HUGE USC guy) has told me that he and his GF were at some USC party years ago that Salisbury was at, and he was constantly hitting on his GF with some BS like "I'm a QB" or something.  Completely neglecting the fact that he basically never played, or the fact that he was oh, 20-25 years her senior.  My roommate says they were all just laughing at Salisbury like crazy.

Pretty sad/funny I think. 

Jeff Jesser -> RE: NFL News (2/28/2008 11:27:41 AM)

He also took a picture of his junk and sent it to some woman so that doesn't really surprise me.

djskillz -> RE: NFL News (2/28/2008 11:53:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Jeff Jesser

He also took a picture of his junk and sent it to some woman so that doesn't really surprise me.

I'm sure that is a pretty accurate description of it.

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/29/2008 3:42:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: djskillz


ORIGINAL: Jeff Jesser

He also took a picture of his junk and sent it to some woman so that doesn't really surprise me.

I'm sure that is a pretty accurate description of it.

I'm sorry but I can't tell if you guys are talking about his throwing motion or  his genitals. 

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (2/29/2008 8:24:22 AM)




ORIGINAL: djskillz


ORIGINAL: Jeff Jesser

He also took a picture of his junk and sent it to some woman so that doesn't really surprise me.

I'm sure that is a pretty accurate description of it.

I'm sorry but I can't tell if you guys are talking about his throwing motion or  his genitals. 

Is there really a difference?

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (3/5/2008 10:03:10 AM)

The NFL lost a real warrior yesterday.
A guy who overcame many demons to become one of the NFL's finest.
A straight-shooter, a gunslinger, and tell-it-like-it-is guy.
Don't know what his team will do without him.
Yep, the league will miss Warren Sapp.  [&:] 

Jeff Jesser -> RE: NFL News (3/5/2008 11:12:07 AM)

He's been playing the past couple of years?  Who knew [:-]

Toby Stumbo -> RE: NFL News (3/5/2008 11:12:52 AM)

I thought it was funny that Sapp retired the same day as Favre which is why I stated he sacked him one last time in hopes of taking some of his attention away.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (3/5/2008 12:37:41 PM)



The NFL lost a real warrior yesterday.
A guy who overcame many demons to become one of the NFL's finest.
A straight-shooter, a gunslinger, and tell-it-like-it-is guy.
Don't know what his team will do without him.
Yep, the league will miss Warren Sapp.  [&:] 

Serious question, though, which player did more for their team?

In terms of being a symbol, it's obviously Favre. I mean, kids literally went home from school, men literally left work "sick", people broke down and cried. As they said "he's the greatest thing that has ever happened to us"

But on the field? Isn't Sapp just as important and relevant a player as Favre?

Jeff Jesser -> RE: NFL News (3/5/2008 12:41:43 PM)

he's the greatest thing that has ever happened to us

Yeah but it's GB.  That's not really saying much.

I hated Sapp as much as I hate Favre.  That whole Bucs team when they were good was hated [X(]

To answer your questions.  I think there are 3 factors that come in to play:

1.  He did set a very lofty record
2.  Most important position
3.  White (I hate this but lets be real.  It applies even though it shouldn't).

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (3/7/2008 10:04:15 AM)

NFL | Goodell proposes crackdown on cheating
Fri, 7 Mar 2008 07:45:50 -0800 reports National Football League commissioner Roger Goodell is proposing enacting easier-to-impose cheating penalties as a deterrent to future Spygate scandals, according to The Washington Post. A memo sent to the league's competition committee Thursday, March 6, said proposals included a change in rules that would allow league officials to make unannounced inspections of locker rooms, press boxes and in-game communications equipment. Goodell would like to enact the stricter rule changes before the start of next season.

Toby Stumbo -> RE: NFL News (3/7/2008 10:05:46 AM)

Ya think?

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (3/7/2008 1:12:56 PM)

Pacman Wants to Play for Cowboys
Fri Mar 7, 2008
ESPN reports Tennessee Titans CB Pacman Jones says he's ready to play football again, telling an Atlanta radio station he believes his yearlong suspension from the NFL was enough of a penalty. Oh, and he'd love to play for the Dallas Cowboys, too. "I thought I was going to get back in eight games and then 10 games, and then you [have to] sit out the whole year," Jones told 680-AM on Thursday. The Nashville Tennessean reported details of the interview in Friday's editions. "It is hard watching the whole season go by when you know that you are better than 90 percent of the people that's out there," Jones said. "I can't wait [to play], man. It is just a matter of time now. The hard part is over with for the most part. I am just waiting so when they pull the plug I am back on. I am in top-tip shape."
 I am just waiting so when they pull the plug I am back on - Huh-Whaaaa?? [&:]

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (3/7/2008 1:30:16 PM)

Parcells Wants Ricky Williams to Contribute
Thu Mar 6, 2008
The Palm Beach Post reports Dolphins RB Ricky Williams was a guest on Dan Patrick's radio show today and provided some insight into his future with the club. Dolfans have been wondering whether Williams will be on the roster when the 2008 season begins or perhaps traded away. Williams described his first encounter will Dolphins maharishi Bill Parcells after the season, and the meeting suggested the former NFL rushing leader will be a factor. “Earlier in the day, we were in a meeting with the whole team, and he was going through his spiel of what he wants, what he's looking for,” Williams said. “He said 'I don't want any punks, any troublemakers. I don't want any of these things.' And I'm sitting there, thinking 'Oops, I guess I'm not going to be here.' A couple hours later he called me into his office and told me that he wanted me and he really believed in me. He's been really positive about keeping me involved and inspiring me to contribute this year.”
He'll contribute a "dime." [sm=Smoker.gif]

Guest -> RE: NFL News (3/7/2008 1:45:01 PM)

I'm sure Ricky could go at least an 8-ball..he probably has that much "shake" laying around...


Tim Cady -> RE: NFL News (3/7/2008 2:02:54 PM)

Comic relief with Emmitt. The Grammer police will love this piece.

Just a sample[&:]

  1. "I'm concerned about a guy who fall down before get hits." (Commentary: And I'm concerned about a guy who speak before he conjugate his verb and puts the "s" in the wrong place, but you don't see me making a big fuss over it.)

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