So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (3/22/2008 7:38:04 PM)
Good stuff on the unis, Sammy. Can't disagree on too many. The Raptors one is just incredible, that someone somewhere in some meeting passed that idea. "Hmmm, looks good". I love the throw-backs in the NFL, and don't mind that they are gaudy, heck, thats the cool part. Btw, we're pretty lucky with the Vikings classic look, it is a great uni. The '70s baseball ideas were just whacked. Many looked like Walt Disney threw up on them. Too many colors and too much polyester. The White Sox owners had to be on LSD. They came up with several horrible ideas, not bad, horrible. The Pirates pillbox hats were downright goofy. Interesting that the Broncos old horizontal stripes are making it back. We ordered new unis for our hockey team this season and the boys went with them, they love them. Those of us over 30 had to be de-fibrillated after seeing them, but I guess 17 and 18 year-olds think they are the bomb. (They've actually grown on me). It's a look the Olympic teams have started to use the past 5-10 years. I guess I'm weird, but I liked the old Patriot logo, and the Tampa Orange was a cool color to me. I could do without the gay pirate, however. As I said, I think we've been very lucky here. The Twins have stayed very classy. Their originals were Yankee-type (the ultimate classy look, imo). They strayed a little with the powder-blues, but we'll forgive them. Absloutely loved their dark-grey travelers in the early '90s, loved that jersey, I had one and it literally vaporized off me on day (I wore it too much). T-Wolves have some good looks, the blacks are great imo. Original blues were a little bland, their whites have been very classy. Its a good color combo they have. Wild tries too hard at times, the simpler the better for them. Don't like their Reds, they are too busy for me. Really wish they'd do a black some year. Still can't beat the #1 jersey to me, the beautiful North Star white. Great trim colors and an ingeneous logo. Broke my bank account when I was a teen and bought me an authentic. Takes longer for those to vaporize. [;)]