RE: NFL News (Full Version)

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djskillz -> RE: NFL News (4/3/2008 9:47:51 PM)

E, how great is this?  I love it.  We were both right on this kid.  He is a class A bum.  "Hollywood" not GOOD. 

Leinart is a boy band member who played at USC surrounded by awesome talent, nothing more.  I can't stand the guy and his cockiness and I'll admit it; I love it to death that he's failing and getting what he deserves.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 1:31:28 AM)



Leinart - At home partying. Not at a bar making it rain. Private residence, were his neighbor's complaining. Non issue to me. He is young and rich. This behavior is milder than most politicians. Who cares, it is the offseason.

NFL rejects Hester Rule -  My first thought was they were going to make him change his number. No other wide receiver in todays game gets to wear a number in the 20s. In the 70s Cliff Branch and Ahmad Rashad.

Anyway not what it is about, but still a point to me.,74820

Exactly - It's the offseason, he's young and rich. If you can't get a bunch of 18 year old girls drunk and take advantage of them, what's the point in being rich. In fact, they should rewrite the laws... if you're young and rich, you cannot contribute to the delinquiency of a minor. You should be able to get alchohol for whoever you want, regardless of age. That kind of law is reserved for normal people, guys like Mat here should be exempt.

we're already fine with athletes drinking and driving, might as well let em load em up minors. I'm wondering, what is the age that we should care about? 17.... maybe a high school junior? how about we say 16, unless she looks old for her age...

Karl Juhnke -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 7:47:17 AM)



He doesn't really have an interest in the NFL, he is using it to get girls and make money. 

Isn't that the true for all players?  In fact isn't that what drives 98% of all waking hours of most males on the planet?  You mean there are NFL players who purely in it for the game itself?  How very sad. 

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 7:56:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: Karl Juhnke



He doesn't really have an interest in the NFL, he is using it to get girls and make money. 

Isn't that the true for all players?  In fact isn't that what drives 98% of all waking hours of most males on the planet?  You mean there are NFL players who purely in it for the game itself?  How very sad. 

In my unglamorous and not so high paying job, I certainly don't expect it to help me get girls. 

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 8:06:08 AM)

Some people have their radars set too high and are picking up things that aren't really a big deal.

I'm sure Matt had to give these girls the break down on how a beer bong works.

Here's a thought. How about we hold these girls responsible for their behavior. If it wasn't Matt's party it would have been someone else's.

If the guy was 40 or something it might be weird but the guy is only a few years removed from hanging with these types of girls in college.

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 8:15:23 AM)

I can't even imagine what Namath and Stabler were doing in their heyday when no one had the Internet to catch them playin'.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 8:56:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Some people have their radars set too high and are picking up things that aren't really a big deal.

I'm sure Matt had to give these girls the break down on how a beer bong works.

Here's a thought. How about we hold these girls responsible for their behavior. If it wasn't Matt's party it would have been someone else's.

If the guy was 40 or something it might be weird but the guy is only a few years removed from hanging with these types of girls in college.

I think this says everything you need to know about where Matt Leinart's head is at, and where his career is heading. Which is a seperate issue. The fact is, he's a bad QB that has lost his job to a washed up vet. People literally hate Terrell Owens for stuff that is minor compared to this. This is not what you look for in your QB.

The other issue is the underage drinking. You know what, if you're a wierd perv, I understand trying to get high school seniors drunk. If you're a highly paid, successful athlete with everything to lose, what are you doing? The idea that getting a bunch of minor drunk is just par for the course is, quite frankly, a little odd.

Am I saying that he deserves to spend years in jail? No. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy where if a Pac Man Jones or Chris Henry gets caught driving with a suspended liscence, it's considered a problem, but pretty boy Matt Leinart contributes to the delinquency of a minor, and it's a sweet thing to be praised.

Honestly, I get the feeling that a lot of you guys don't think we should allow just anyone to get underage chicks drunk, just Matt.

I think he should live the dream, throw a party, hang out with chicks... just don't break the law. It's not that hard to hang out with chicks only 4 or 5 years younger than you, not teenagers. Or if you do, don't be giving him high fives for doing it.

I can tell you this, or at least I'd hope I could say it...  if some of you guys had daughters in high school, you wouldn't think it's a sweet deal. You'd think a grown ass man that has been in the NFL for years and is getting 18 year old girls drunk is about a half step removed from Mark Chmura.

BTW - Namath has proven to be a drunken scumbag and I think it's very fitting to use him as a model for what Matt is aspiring to be. What is with this idolizing of crappy human beings just because they happen to play a game?

Guest -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 8:59:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Duane Sampson

I can't even imagine what Namath and Stabler were doing in their heyday when no one had the Internet to catch them playin'.

I'm not sure what Namath was doing, but it's a pretty safe bet that Stabler wasn't hanging out with girls, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 9:34:03 AM)




ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Some people have their radars set too high and are picking up things that aren't really a big deal.

I'm sure Matt had to give these girls the break down on how a beer bong works.

Here's a thought. How about we hold these girls responsible for their behavior. If it wasn't Matt's party it would have been someone else's.

If the guy was 40 or something it might be weird but the guy is only a few years removed from hanging with these types of girls in college.

I think this says everything you need to know about where Matt Leinart's head is at, and where his career is heading. Which is a seperate issue. The fact is, he's a bad QB that has lost his job to a washed up vet. People literally hate Terrell Owens for stuff that is minor compared to this. This is not what you look for in your QB.

Never really been bothered by TO's antics just the media coverage of them.

The other issue is the underage drinking. You know what, if you're a wierd perv, I understand trying to get high school seniors drunk. If you're a highly paid, successful athlete with everything to lose, what are you doing? The idea that getting a bunch of minor drunk is just par for the course is, quite frankly, a little odd.

I challenge the notion that "getting" girls 18+ drunk is a little odd or makes one a perv especially considering Matt's age. I think you're trying to draw the line down too much by citing HS seniors. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of men here would have a hard time (NPI) passing up a night of fun with hot college party girls regardless of his age.

Can't really argue the US drinking laws being 21 so you can always make a legit stance on that arguement. If you close your eyes to the reality of what college kids do that is.

Am I saying that he deserves to spend years in jail? No. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy where if a Pac Man Jones or Chris Henry gets caught driving with a suspended liscence, it's considered a problem, but pretty boy Matt Leinart contributes to the delinquency of a minor, and it's a sweet thing to be praised.

Completely different levels of behavior.

Honestly, I get the feeling that a lot of you guys don't think we should allow just anyone to get underage chicks drunk, just Matt.

Nope. Any of you could tell me a story of how your weekend went and if it including having some fun like that I'd be jelous.

I think he should live the dream, throw a party, hang out with chicks... just don't break the law. It's not that hard to hang out with chicks only 4 or 5 years younger than you, not teenagers. Or if you do, don't be giving him high fives for doing it.

I know I'm loose on this but the guy is only 24.

I can tell you this, or at least I'd hope I could say it...  if some of you guys had daughters in high school, you wouldn't think it's a sweet deal. You'd think a grown ass man that has been in the NFL for years and is getting 18 year old girls drunk is about a half step removed from Mark Chmura.

I'll let you run with that because I can't speak to how it is from that side. A lot of you guys will have to deal with it though. Most guys want girls to be loose and slutty unless they're closely related or his girlfriend.

BTW - Namath has proven to be a drunken scumbag and I think it's very fitting to use him as a model for what Matt is aspiring to be. What is with this idolizing of crappy human beings just because they happen to play a game?

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 9:52:55 AM)

Todd - I'm only going by rumors, and the rumors are the Matt likes them young. That he makes a habit out of hanging with young girls, and high school isn't an impediment. That he likes getting em drunk and partying.

Secondly, Pac Man Jones is being held out of the NFL because he keeps going to strip clubs. His past actions aside, what is pissing the league off lately is that he keeps going to see naked women who get paid. Matt gets teenagers drunk so they'll take their clothes off. It's not that big a difference, to me.

Finally, while you may feel that "most guys want women to be loose and slutty", I don't necessarily think that's true. Mabye for guys age 16-25.. but honestly, I know a lot of guys, that when they hit 24, 25, 26 feel wierd about trying to take out high schoolers.

Honestly now, what did you think of Mark Chmura?

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 9:55:17 AM)



I think this says everything you need to know about where Matt Leinart's head is at, and where his career is heading. Which is a seperate issue. The fact is, he's a bad QB that has lost his job to a washed up vet. People literally hate Terrell Owens for stuff that is minor compared to this. This is not what you look for in your QB.

Let's see a guy in his low 20s parties...  This isn't shocking.  Go to any bar on a friday night and you will see hundreds of them. 
Terrell Owens is hated not because of off field stuff, but because of his me first arrogant oftentimes detriment to the team on the field attitude.  That is a pretty lame comparison if you ask me.


The other issue is the underage drinking. You know what, if you're a wierd perv, I understand trying to get high school seniors drunk. If you're a highly paid, successful athlete with everything to lose, what are you doing? The idea that getting a bunch of minor drunk is just par for the course is, quite frankly, a little odd.

Has evidence surfaced that the girls were underage?  I hadn't heard that.  Doesn't mean they weren't.  It looks like he is helping others out with a beer bong.  A normal college party device.  And he isn't that far removed from college.


Am I saying that he deserves to spend years in jail? No. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy where if a Pac Man Jones or Chris Henry gets caught driving with a suspended liscence, it's considered a problem, but pretty boy Matt Leinart contributes to the delinquency of a minor, and it's a sweet thing to be praised.

Again, were they minors?  If they weren't, then what Leinart did wasn't illegal.  Pacman's entourage opens fire in a strip club and permanently paralyzes a guy.  Chris Henry assaults people.  They get into trouble for doing stuff that is illegal.  If Leinart is supplying to minors, then yes, he should get slapped down. 


Honestly, I get the feeling that a lot of you guys don't think we should allow just anyone to get underage chicks drunk, just Matt.

Honestly, were they underage?


I think he should live the dream, throw a party, hang out with chicks... just don't break the law. It's not that hard to hang out with chicks only 4 or 5 years younger than you, not teenagers. Or if you do, don't be giving him high fives for doing it.

Well he does need to be a bit more responsible.  And the girls as Todd pointed out, weren't being forced to drink, They are at least partially responsible.  and if they were of age, no laws were broken.


I can tell you this, or at least I'd hope I could say it...  if some of you guys had daughters in high school, you wouldn't think it's a sweet deal. You'd think a grown ass man that has been in the NFL for years and is getting 18 year old girls drunk is about a half step removed from Mark Chmura.

Really,  I have to look back and see if they are underage.  Cause you seem to be making that claim over and over again in this post.  I must have missed something.


BTW - Namath has proven to be a drunken scumbag and I think it's very fitting to use him as a model for what Matt is aspiring to be. What is with this idolizing of crappy human beings just because they happen to play a game?

Who here has idolized Leinart? 

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 9:56:44 AM)



Todd - I'm only going by rumors, and the rumors are the Matt likes them young. That he makes a habit out of hanging with young girls, and high school isn't an impediment. That he likes getting em drunk and partying.

Secondly, Pac Man Jones is being held out of the NFL because he keeps going to strip clubs. His past actions aside, what is pissing the league off lately is that he keeps going to see naked women who get paid. Matt gets teenagers drunk so they'll take their clothes off. It's not that big a difference, to me.

No Pacman is held out of the NFL because when he goes to strip clubs...bad things people get assaulted, even shot.  Not just that he goes to strip clubs. 

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 10:07:17 AM)

Honestly now, what did you think of Mark Chmura?

I'll think that there is a difinitive line between being in your 20's and going to a college party and hanging with under 18 HS students at their party.

I don't necessarily have a problem with sexual relations between the two though. (he was cleared so I'm assuming consent) Men are the only animals on this planet that are subjected to these arbitrary lines.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 10:11:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott



Todd - I'm only going by rumors, and the rumors are the Matt likes them young. That he makes a habit out of hanging with young girls, and high school isn't an impediment. That he likes getting em drunk and partying.

Secondly, Pac Man Jones is being held out of the NFL because he keeps going to strip clubs. His past actions aside, what is pissing the league off lately is that he keeps going to see naked women who get paid. Matt gets teenagers drunk so they'll take their clothes off. It's not that big a difference, to me.

No Pacman is held out of the NFL because when he goes to strip clubs...bad things people get assaulted, even shot.  Not just that he goes to strip clubs. 

He was suspended because bad things happened. He is held out because he keeps going to them. If he keeps going to stip clubs and nothing happens, he's still not getting back in.

I'm not saying Pac Man is a good dude. I'm not even saying he should be let back in. You should be able to control yourself and not go to strip clubs. It's the sign of a wierd dude to keep doing it.

I'm saying Leinart, who isn't as "bad" as Pac Man and shouldn't be banned or anything, should just be able to control himself and not hang out with teenagers. It's the sign of a wierd dude to keep doing it.

He should have no trouble finding girls that are of legal age.. should he?

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 10:23:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Honestly now, what did you think of Mark Chmura?

I'll think that there is a difinitive line between being in your 20's and going to a college party and hanging with under 18 HS students at their party.

I don't necessarily have a problem with sexual relations between the two though. (he was cleared so I'm assuming consent) Men are the only animals on this planet that are subjected to these arbitrary lines.

Oh yeah, that pretty much proves it right there. You do know that being found not guilty in a court of law doesn't excuse behavior. It is amazing this reaction we have in this country, we assume that every woman is a liar and wants sex, then has second thoughts and makes it up so she can spend years being the focus of ridicule.

Long story short, just because a lawyer challenges a doctors opinion that abrasions and marking to a woman's labia is the result of trauma, and instead raises reasonable doubt and convinces 12 people that maybe it was consensual, doesn't mean it really wasn't forced.

Men are the only animals on this planet that are subjected to these arbitrary lines.

Now you've got me curious.. what age is the "line", in your opinion?

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 10:43:54 AM)




ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Honestly now, what did you think of Mark Chmura?

I'll think that there is a difinitive line between being in your 20's and going to a college party and hanging with under 18 HS students at their party.

I don't necessarily have a problem with sexual relations between the two though. (he was cleared so I'm assuming consent) Men are the only animals on this planet that are subjected to these arbitrary lines.

Oh yeah, that pretty much proves it right there. You do know that being found not guilty in a court of law doesn't excuse behavior. It is amazing this reaction we have in this country, we assume that every woman is a liar and wants sex, then has second thoughts and makes it up so she can spend years being the focus of ridicule.

Long story short, just because a lawyer challenges a doctors opinion that abrasions and marking to a woman's labia is the result of trauma, and instead raises reasonable doubt and convinces 12 people that maybe it was consensual, doesn't mean it really wasn't forced.

I understand that but w/o knowing these people what else can I go by? I didn't really follow the story closely. Obviously consent is my key issue not age. If he's a rapist than he should rot in jail.

Men are the only animals on this planet that are subjected to these arbitrary lines.

Now you've got me curious.. what age is the "line", in your opinion?

I don't care that much for drawing a line by age...take each case and look at the physical and mental maturity of the female and whether consent was given. I could totally be a judge and get it right by making that determination.

All sorts of BS happens when lines are drawn. Like that Georgia kid that got 10 years for a blowjob.

Some things are going to be obvious like a 50 year old man taking advantage of a young teen and others not so much like a relationship with a man who is 19 and a girl 14 or 20-15 etc.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 10:52:08 AM)


I guess theoretically 31 - 17 is even in the range? 35 - 15?

I think the flaw in this logic happens the minute there is a diagreement over "consent". Then you end up justifying a perverted relationship for the man, just becasue he "assumes" consent. Even though the female claims the opposite.

Then you've taken what's supposed to be a realtionship, and are merely determining if the guy was "legal" getting his rocks off.

I really don't care how mature she seems, no 14 year old should be having sex with anyone over 18. She does not have the life experiences to cope. And a man that would take advantage of that is simply a predator.

IMO, of course.

Jim Frenette -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 11:05:01 AM)



Leinart - At home partying. Not at a bar making it rain. Private residence, were his neighbor's complaining. Non issue to me. He is young and rich. This behavior is milder than most politicians. Who cares, it is the offseason.

NFL rejects Hester Rule -  My first thought was they were going to make him change his number. No other wide receiver in todays game gets to wear a number in the 20s. In the 70s Cliff Branch and Ahmad Rashad.

Anyway not what it is about, but still a point to me.,74820

I heard some of those girls were minors that were drinking. Reminds me of a certain TE in Packer land

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 11:45:59 AM)




ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott



Todd - I'm only going by rumors, and the rumors are the Matt likes them young. That he makes a habit out of hanging with young girls, and high school isn't an impediment. That he likes getting em drunk and partying.

Secondly, Pac Man Jones is being held out of the NFL because he keeps going to strip clubs. His past actions aside, what is pissing the league off lately is that he keeps going to see naked women who get paid. Matt gets teenagers drunk so they'll take their clothes off. It's not that big a difference, to me.

No Pacman is held out of the NFL because when he goes to strip clubs...bad things people get assaulted, even shot.  Not just that he goes to strip clubs. 

He was suspended because bad things happened. He is held out because he keeps going to them. If he keeps going to stip clubs and nothing happens, he's still not getting back in.

I'm not saying Pac Man is a good dude. I'm not even saying he should be let back in. You should be able to control yourself and not go to strip clubs. It's the sign of a wierd dude to keep doing it.

I'm saying Leinart, who isn't as "bad" as Pac Man and shouldn't be banned or anything, should just be able to control himself and not hang out with teenagers. It's the sign of a wierd dude to keep doing it.

He should have no trouble finding girls that are of legal age.. should he?

Pacman got himself into trouble and got banned because his behavior in strip clubs led to people being injured and lives put in danger.  If he can't demonstrate that he can change his behavior, then he shouldn't have his ban lifted.  but make no mistake, he was banned because his actions directly led to a guy getting paralyzed.  and he isn't demonstrating an ability to keep out of trouble, that is why he isn't getting back in the door.  He is a circus.

As for Leinart.  I wonder why you keep bringing up that the girls in this specific incident are underage.  I can't find any evidence that they were.  Can you provide that evidence?  If he was contributing to the delinquency of a minor then there is a problem, I agree.  Hanging out with teens is not a crime.  Sleeping with some teens is not a crime (over 18 and even younger in some states).  Providing them alcoholic beverages is...but I still haven't seen evidence that he has. 

I really could care less about the guy to be honest, but really, provide some evidence that he is supplying alcohol to minors or stop making the claim.

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 11:49:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Jim Frenette



Leinart - At home partying. Not at a bar making it rain. Private residence, were his neighbor's complaining. Non issue to me. He is young and rich. This behavior is milder than most politicians. Who cares, it is the offseason.

NFL rejects Hester Rule -  My first thought was they were going to make him change his number. No other wide receiver in todays game gets to wear a number in the 20s. In the 70s Cliff Branch and Ahmad Rashad.

Anyway not what it is about, but still a point to me.,74820

I heard some of those girls were minors that were drinking. Reminds me of a certain TE in Packer land

Where did you hear that Jim...that seems to be a big point of contention here.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 12:11:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott




ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott



Todd - I'm only going by rumors, and the rumors are the Matt likes them young. That he makes a habit out of hanging with young girls, and high school isn't an impediment. That he likes getting em drunk and partying.

Secondly, Pac Man Jones is being held out of the NFL because he keeps going to strip clubs. His past actions aside, what is pissing the league off lately is that he keeps going to see naked women who get paid. Matt gets teenagers drunk so they'll take their clothes off. It's not that big a difference, to me.

No Pacman is held out of the NFL because when he goes to strip clubs...bad things people get assaulted, even shot.  Not just that he goes to strip clubs. 

He was suspended because bad things happened. He is held out because he keeps going to them. If he keeps going to stip clubs and nothing happens, he's still not getting back in.

I'm not saying Pac Man is a good dude. I'm not even saying he should be let back in. You should be able to control yourself and not go to strip clubs. It's the sign of a wierd dude to keep doing it.

I'm saying Leinart, who isn't as "bad" as Pac Man and shouldn't be banned or anything, should just be able to control himself and not hang out with teenagers. It's the sign of a wierd dude to keep doing it.

He should have no trouble finding girls that are of legal age.. should he?

Pacman got himself into trouble and got banned because his behavior in strip clubs led to people being injured and lives put in danger.  If he can't demonstrate that he can change his behavior, then he shouldn't have his ban lifted.  but make no mistake, he was banned because his actions directly led to a guy getting paralyzed.  and he isn't demonstrating an ability to keep out of trouble, that is why he isn't getting back in the door.  He is a circus.

As for Leinart.  I wonder why you keep bringing up that the girls in this specific incident are underage.  I can't find any evidence that they were.  Can you provide that evidence?  If he was contributing to the delinquency of a minor then there is a problem, I agree.  Hanging out with teens is not a crime.  Sleeping with some teens is not a crime (over 18 and even younger in some states).  Providing them alcoholic beverages is...but I still haven't seen evidence that he has. 

I really could care less about the guy to be honest, but really, provide some evidence that he is supplying alcohol to minors or stop making the claim.

Then we agree on that. And if he's sleeping with high schoolers, then it ain't a crime, but I wasn't aware that "crimes" were the only thing we can comment on.

I'm not making the claim, I'm simply repeating the claim by those that have gone out and tracked these girls identities down. I'm not a stalker, I'm not going to search yearbooks or call up admissions offices and go phishing, but people have. They could be wrong, but I still can talk about it.

There's no evidence Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens used steroids, but I can still talk about it.

But like I said, you and I almost seem to agree. Chirs Henry spent time in jail for giving alchohol to minors, it was the catalyst to his suspension. I seem to get the feeling that there are some (not you) who don't care if Leinert did it.

Guest -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 12:18:22 PM)

Personally, I don't get it with Leinart.  He's a NFL pretty boy QB, he shouldn't have a hard time finding legal-age girls to party with.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 12:23:00 PM)



Personally, I don't get it with Leinart.  He's a NFL pretty boy QB, he shouldn't have a hard time finding legal-age girls to party with.

Darn it, Pete, I need to learn that less is more.

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 12:25:16 PM)
Awesome. Espn wasted hours yesterday speculating about Favre's return.
Now they can spend hours today, speculating about his non-return.
Great how that works.

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (4/4/2008 12:28:45 PM)

Beer Bongs and Bitches: Business As Usual for Matt Leinart
Elisabeth Galina (Analyst)


Alternate Titles for this article:
The Art of Douchebaggery: An instructional video with Matt Leinart.
Spring Break 2008: Matty ‘n Nick’s Wild Ride
We’re going streaking!
Nick, check her ID.
 Newsflash, Arizona Cardinals QB Matt Leinart likes to drink beer with girls! OMFG stop the presses! And we’re upset about this?
 Pictures were leaked to the media showing Leinart partying like it was 2004 with a gaggle of wasted looking ladies. Editorials following the release of the pics were spiked with “Time to grow up Matt!” and “You’re not in college anymore!” Ken Whisenhunt chastised his star quarterback for his off field antics…Wait. Did I just write “star quarterback”? My bad. The only star around Matt Leinart is his boy Nick Lachey and the ex-98degree’r is D-list at best!
 Leinart’s fist season in the NFL was sub-par. Chalk it up to nerves, the birth of his son, the weight of a Heisman win resting too heavily on his shoulders and the separation from his number 1 go-to guy Reggie Bush. Then there was last season’s collarbone injury that left Matty sidelined. This guy’s not a star quarterback yet, he’s borderline crap about to cross the border. No wonder he wants to relive his days at USC, he was something then.
 The problem here isn’t that Leinart was getting hammered at his own home. Or that he was named starter for the Cards next season and he’s messing it up by partying (one has nothing to do with the other). Or that he didn’t invite Kurt Warner to the frat party. Or that he’s not a good role model and a shitty parent and causing baby mama drama with Brynn Cameron.
 And speaking of Brynn Cameron, um Matt, you played for the TROJANS and you knocked up your college girlfriend. That’s some irony right there. Say it with me kids; Trojan: America’s #1 Brand of Condom, trusted for over 90 years. But I digress…
 The first problem is he that he hangs out with Nick freakin’ Lachey. The only positive thing Nick Lachey ever did was groom Jessica Simpson into the Yoko Ono of Dallas which caused a shift in the universe and kinda sorta lead the Giants to…nevermind.
 The second problem is that Leinart did not lead the Cardinals in a triumphant victory over the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 42 or that he’s never led the Cards to anything except the lineup at Burger King. Let’s say, for arguments sake, that it was Steelers QB Ben Bacondoublecheeseburger who was photographed with a member of O-Town and a bunch o’ bitches. Would we be up in arms? No, because Ben's already won him some sweet Super Bowl action. If Matt doesn’t produce record numbers in Arizona next season then I’ll eat my words and call him out on his partying my damn self. Maybe have a beer or two with him in his hot tub in the process, you know, after it's been sanitized.
 Leinart is being punished for being a bored, rich, ridiculously good looking 24-year-old. I’m not condoning his douchebagesque behavior or the drinking with underage freshmen - an episode of Law and Order SVU waiting to happen, seriously, check ID’s next time – but since he’s yet to prove to us why he was drafted in the NFL in the first place, let the man drink.
 If Matt Leinart wants to party like he did back at USC, as long as he keeps his herpes under control and pays his child support, so be it. Until he pawns his Heisman for a new beer bong, we’ve got nothing to worry about.

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