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RE: RE:Who's your all-time favorite Viking?

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RE: RE:Who's your all-time favorite Viking? - 2/13/2012 3:35:08 PM   
Duane Sampson

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Or capture the stream yourself.. :)
Post #: 76
RE: RE:Who's your all-time favorite Viking? - 2/13/2012 4:41:48 PM   
Thomas O. Eliason

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You techie-types always have an answer of some sort !


PPE II baby
Post #: 77
RE: RE:Who's your all-time favorite Viking? - 1/14/2014 8:53:56 PM   

Posts: 1958
Joined: 7/31/2007
From: Cedar Rapids, IA
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It's hard to pick a single player. Instead, I'll share some of my encounters with Vikings players. I grew up in Mankato, and I also went to college there. From the early 70's through the early 90's, I encountered several Vikings players in restaurants, bars or other settings. Looking back, I have some fond memories of those times:
- Getting autographs in the mid-70s from greats like Matt Blair, Jim Marshall and Carl Eller. Back then, the crowds at practices weren't that big, and it was pretty easy for young kids to get autographs.
- Shooting hoops with Al Noga after practice one day in the MSU fieldhouse around '89 or '90. The fieldhouse had an indoor track and a couple BB courts inside, and players usually walked through it after practice on the way to the locker room. I happened to be playing some pick-up ball there with friends one afternoon when the players walked through, and Al yelled out for the ball and then took a few shots with us. He kept playing with us until Jerry Burns walked in and yelled at him hit the shower.
- Sitting at the bar next to Rich Gannon and Wade Wilson at the Albatross.
- Restraining a drunk buddy from trying to pick a fight with Chris Doleman at the Albatross. He was convinced that Doleman was hitting on his favorite waitress.
- Eating pizza next to Mike Tice (when he was a TE)

< Message edited by bgdavis -- 1/14/2014 9:06:22 PM >
Post #: 78
RE: RE:Who's your all-time favorite Viking? - 9/6/2017 5:47:27 PM   

Posts: 13792
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From: Portland, Oregon
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Joey Browner


The Curse of Mauer is gone!
Post #: 79
RE: RE:Who's your all-time favorite Viking? - 11/5/2021 9:32:33 AM   

Posts: 64061
Joined: 12/21/2009
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Here's a blast from the past. Dennis Johnson.


“We are an unserious nation that's in serious $hit.”

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