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General Vikes Talk -Archived 9/7/22

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General Vikes Talk -Archived 9/7/22 - 9/23/2021 7:37:40 AM   
Toby Stumbo

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Let's speed this thread up and restart the season with some wins!

< Message edited by Toby Stumbo -- 9/7/2022 9:12:36 AM >


Post #: 1
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 7:39:01 AM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 13103
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When I was a kid, my parents would let me order books in school through Scholastic Book Club…

I had the book by Fran.

Better scramble than Lose.

Some newspaper guy called him "The Scrambler," and the name stuck. But ask Fran Tarkenton why he scrambles, and he'll tell you he doesn't ... unless he has to!-and even then it's only about once in thirty plays. Fran explodes a lot of other myths about himself and about pro football- myths that even some of the smartest coaches swear are true: that pro football players play harder when the money is bigger; that the opposing team usually tries to "get" your star player; that a great quarterback can make any team a winner. Here's the thrilling, true story of one of the game's young "old pros." A minister's son they thought was too soft for the big time until they played on his team!

Was a good read in 68….

Mobility in a quarterback is a good thing..

Cousins showed some, but his choice to be check down Charlie, is far greater..


"Thou shall not bear false witness”
I am WRATH, incarnate.
Post #: 2
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 1:04:06 PM   
Tom Sykes


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Vaguely interested in seeing QB Davis Mills tonight [picked by Texans with the next pick after Mond in 3rd rd for those who have moved on with life].

... to compare with what I saw from Mond in preseason. Apples and Oranges ofcourse ... curiosity is all.

unless Mills looks real good, then I'll be back in here having another psychotic episode.
Post #: 3
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 2:22:27 PM   

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Vaguely interested in seeing QB Davis Mills tonight [picked by Texans with the next pick after Mond in 3rd rd for those who have moved on with life].

... to compare with what I saw from Mond in preseason. Apples and Oranges ofcourse ... curiosity is all.

unless Mills looks real good, then I'll be back in here having another psychotic episode.

Pre draft I heard a couple "draft experts" say Mills might be a steal. I am also interested.
Post #: 4
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 2:29:42 PM   
David Levine

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Vaguely interested in seeing QB Davis Mills tonight [picked by Texans with the next pick after Mond in 3rd rd for those who have moved on with life].

... to compare with what I saw from Mond in preseason. Apples and Oranges ofcourse ... curiosity is all.

unless Mills looks real good, then I'll be back in here having another psychotic episode.

That's impossible.

3rd round rookie QBs aren't allowed to be on active rosters - let alone start games.
Post #: 5
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 2:48:34 PM   
Tom Sykes


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ORIGINAL: David Levine



Vaguely interested in seeing QB Davis Mills tonight [picked by Texans with the next pick after Mond in 3rd rd for those who have moved on with life].

... to compare with what I saw from Mond in preseason. Apples and Oranges ofcourse ... curiosity is all.

unless Mills looks real good, then I'll be back in here having another psychotic episode.

That's impossible.

3rd round rookie QBs aren't allowed to be on active rosters - let alone start games.

Not everybody has the luxury of a 'mannion'.

(Mannion – from latin, a sometimes masculine and always extra smelly onion)
Post #: 6
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 8:37:25 PM   
David Levine

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Mills looked fantastic in the 2 minute drill driving for a TD.
Post #: 7
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 8:39:26 PM   
David F.

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ORIGINAL: David Levine

Mills looked fantastic in the 2 minute drill driving for a TD.

They finally let him throw the ball. Great composure and quick release


I wouldn't give ANY qb $30-50+ mil unless that QB had won me a Super Bowl. Did you win a Super Bowl on your rookie deal? Yes? Great! Here's your hugenormous contract. F it let's just run victory laps and love life. No? Good luck. Next!
Post #: 8
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/23/2021 10:10:25 PM   
Bill Jandro


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He was the guy I wanted. Not Mond


Oline...early and often this draft
Post #: 9
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 8:52:18 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro

He was the guy I wanted. Not Mond

Never question Speilman's "eye" for QB and OL talent. It sucks and everybody knows it.
Post #: 10
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 11:52:56 AM   


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Passing yards 2020 season:-
Kellen Mond: 2,282
Davis Mills: 1,508

Passing TDs in 2020 season:
Mond: 19
Mills: 7

Rushing yards 2020 season:
Mond: 294
Mills: 37

College career passing yards:
Mond: 9,661
Mills: 3,468


Post #: 11
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 12:15:47 PM   

Posts: 38672
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Mills plays one game Mond hasn't yet and already to some the Vikings ****ed up by not drafting Mills and taking Mond.

You can't make this shit up.


I don't want to go through things that don't kill me and make me stronger anymore.
Post #: 12
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 12:45:26 PM   


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Has any team picked up Blake Haubeil, the former Ohio State kicker? In his college career he made 146 out of 146 extra points attempted. He also had a 55 yard field goal. I think he was cut by Tennessee.


Post #: 13
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 12:53:57 PM   
David F.

Posts: 10834
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ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott


Mills plays one game Mond hasn't yet and already to some the Vikings ****ed up by not drafting Mills and taking Mond.

You can't make this shit up.

For me it's more of a point that it's a mistake to stick Mond as third-stringer behind the Almighty Mannion.


I wouldn't give ANY qb $30-50+ mil unless that QB had won me a Super Bowl. Did you win a Super Bowl on your rookie deal? Yes? Great! Here's your hugenormous contract. F it let's just run victory laps and love life. No? Good luck. Next!
Post #: 14
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 1:00:37 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott


Mills plays one game Mond hasn't yet and already to some the Vikings ****ed up by not drafting Mills and taking Mond.

You can't make this shit up.

For me it's more of a point that it's a mistake to stick Mond as third-stringer behind the Almighty Mannion.

Here is how it will play out David. Mond will sit as third string behind Cousins and Manion this year and next year. He will then start the 2023 season backing up Manion. I see it playing it out this way because Spielman and Zimmer will still be running the show. They are like a toe fungus that you just can't get rid of.


"The eternal fate of the noble and enlightened: to be brutally crushed by the armed and dumb."
Post #: 15
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 1:59:30 PM   

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Has any team picked up Blake Haubeil, the former Ohio State kicker? In his college career he made 146 out of 146 extra points attempted. He also had a 55 yard field goal. I think he was cut by Tennessee.

Why, did you want to see his string of extra points ended?
Post #: 16
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 2:45:33 PM   

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I read an interview with Ryan Longwell awhile back. He put the blame for the kicking game squarely on the organization. They keep shuffling personnel and that's a big part of the problem. Longwell said the Vikings don't seem to grasp how crucial continuity in the personnel is. Kicks are missed with just a slight disruption in timing among long snapper, holder and kicker. He said Daniel Carlson is doing great now because he went on to a situation where he was working with the same long snapper and holder for a prolonged period.


"The eternal fate of the noble and enlightened: to be brutally crushed by the armed and dumb."
Post #: 17
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 3:30:00 PM   
David F.

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From an Oct 7, 2011 Fox Article:

''It's football, not tiddlywinks, so I'll play through it,'' Kluwe said.

The mere mention of a punter's status for a game being in question is unusual, particularly for Minnesota, where specialist stability has been a rather underrated plus.

Since kicker Ryan Longwell signed with the team before the 2006 season, Kluwe, Longwell and long snapper Cullen Loeffler have taken part in every game together. According to STATS LLC, that's the longest tenure of any such trio in the league. The next group is punter Shane Lechler, kicker Sebastian Janikowski and long snapper Jon Condo, who've been with the Oakland Raiders since 2007.

The Vikings (0-4) have a lot of issues on both sides of the ball this year, but special teams at least aren't a problem. The kick coverage units have been mostly effective, Marcus Sherels has shown some flash returning punts and Percy Harvin has a kickoff return for a touchdown.

Longwell has not missed a kick. Kluwe is 10th in the league with a 46.7-yard average per punt. Loeffler hasn't had any bad snaps.

''When you've been through the pressure kicks and those situations when you know how each other is going to react, that's huge in a league where games come down to kicks a lot,'' Longwell said.

Kluwe is just as critical to the Vikings as a holder, and the sync that Loeffler, Kluwe and Longwell have found together is a direct cause of this special-teams success.

''I think when guys see the field goal team going out they feel good about the three of us and our chances of putting it through,'' Longwell said.

The timing from snap to hold to kick is critical, and the trust the three of them have in each other is also important.


I wouldn't give ANY qb $30-50+ mil unless that QB had won me a Super Bowl. Did you win a Super Bowl on your rookie deal? Yes? Great! Here's your hugenormous contract. F it let's just run victory laps and love life. No? Good luck. Next!
Post #: 18
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 3:31:54 PM   
David F.

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What happened to MN special teams in 2011? I just can't seem to put my finger on it...


I wouldn't give ANY qb $30-50+ mil unless that QB had won me a Super Bowl. Did you win a Super Bowl on your rookie deal? Yes? Great! Here's your hugenormous contract. F it let's just run victory laps and love life. No? Good luck. Next!
Post #: 19
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 4:10:59 PM   

Posts: 38672
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From: United Federation of Planets
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ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott


Mills plays one game Mond hasn't yet and already to some the Vikings ****ed up by not drafting Mills and taking Mond.

You can't make this shit up.

For me it's more of a point that it's a mistake to stick Mond as third-stringer behind the Almighty Mannion.

Yes. Mannion is a waste of a roster spot and salary cap space.

I agree wholeheartedly.

But I saw nothing about him in the discussion. It was all about how well Mills did in his first game and that Mond hasn't yet sniffed the roster.

The underlying message is clear. The Vikings screwed the pooch again on who they drafted.. All based on ONE STINKING GAME.

the problem here is the situation Mills is in (behind a permanently benched Deshaun Watson and Journeyman Tyrod Taylor) and Mond's situation. (behind a QB that is a stat whore and never misses a game and with a coach that does not trust rookies)


I don't want to go through things that don't kill me and make me stronger anymore.
Post #: 20
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 5:13:35 PM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 13103
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Knee jerk coulda, shoulda woulda. Is par for the course.. hell it’s a double eagle, hole in one on a par three, for this board.

Mond should be our backup, playing in whatever snaps he can get, if cousins dominates a game or needs a few plays/ games off for an injury..

Cousins has been nothing short of durable, but Mond, not manion is our future, as it stands now.

Idiotic head coaching decisions and blind squirrel personnel choices, are the legacy of the Zimmer/Spielman era.

Like living in Nebraska, all I can do is endure.


"Thou shall not bear false witness”
I am WRATH, incarnate.
Post #: 21
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/24/2021 7:02:26 PM  1 votes
Mark Anderson


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ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott




ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott


Mills plays one game Mond hasn't yet and already to some the Vikings ****ed up by not drafting Mills and taking Mond.

You can't make this shit up.

For me it's more of a point that it's a mistake to stick Mond as third-stringer behind the Almighty Mannion.

Yes. Mannion is a waste of a roster spot and salary cap space.

I agree wholeheartedly.

But I saw nothing about him in the discussion. It was all about how well Mills did in his first game and that Mond hasn't yet sniffed the roster.

The underlying message is clear. The Vikings screwed the pooch again on who they drafted.. All based on ONE STINKING GAME.

the problem here is the situation Mills is in (behind a permanently benched Deshaun Watson and Journeyman Tyrod Taylor) and Mond's situation. (behind a QB that is a stat whore and never misses a game and with a coach that does not trust rookies)

Mills led Houston to 9 points. Trade them a couple firsts for him.
Post #: 22
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/25/2021 9:28:50 AM   
Ricky J

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ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott




ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott


Mills plays one game Mond hasn't yet and already to some the Vikings ****ed up by not drafting Mills and taking Mond.

You can't make this shit up.

For me it's more of a point that it's a mistake to stick Mond as third-stringer behind the Almighty Mannion.

Yes. Mannion is a waste of a roster spot and salary cap space.

I agree wholeheartedly.

But I saw nothing about him in the discussion. It was all about how well Mills did in his first game and that Mond hasn't yet sniffed the roster.

The underlying message is clear. The Vikings screwed the pooch again on who they drafted.. All based on ONE STINKING GAME.

the problem here is the situation Mills is in (behind a permanently benched Deshaun Watson and Journeyman Tyrod Taylor) and Mond's situation. (behind a QB that is a stat whore and never misses a game and with a coach that does not trust rookies)

I don't believe he's a stat whore. The only difference between believing that and we screwed the pooch in the draft is time. I can believe that may be true for someone starting out but not someone that's been around this long as he has. He may lack guts to throw the passes the elite have no problem letting go of but it can't be about passer comp %. He's got his money, he's been starting a long time. If it ain't about winning it all at this point he's an anomaly to what a competitive athlete stands for - hate him all you want but I can't believe that's the deal here with our QB

He's got talent. More than anything I'd just love to see it click.
Post #: 23
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/25/2021 12:17:50 PM   
Tom Sykes


Posts: 5711
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ORIGINAL: Mark Anderson


ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott




ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott


Mills plays one game Mond hasn't yet and already to some the Vikings ****ed up by not drafting Mills and taking Mond.

You can't make this shit up.

For me it's more of a point that it's a mistake to stick Mond as third-stringer behind the Almighty Mannion.

Yes. Mannion is a waste of a roster spot and salary cap space.

I agree wholeheartedly.

But I saw nothing about him in the discussion. It was all about how well Mills did in his first game and that Mond hasn't yet sniffed the roster.

The underlying message is clear. The Vikings screwed the pooch again on who they drafted.. All based on ONE STINKING GAME.

the problem here is the situation Mills is in (behind a permanently benched Deshaun Watson and Journeyman Tyrod Taylor) and Mond's situation. (behind a QB that is a stat whore and never misses a game and with a coach that does not trust rookies)

Mills led Houston to 9 points. Trade them a couple firsts for him.

Post #: 24
RE: General Vikes Talk - 9/25/2021 1:51:39 PM   
David F.

Posts: 10834
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I think the Vikings effed up and should have taken mills over mond. I’ve seen one game and now I feel that way.

There. I figure if people are going to claim something happened the least I can do is put something out there that looks like what they’re claiming. You’re welcome.

Oh yeah I almost forgot, we should trade for mills. Somewhere in the ballpark of two high picks should do.


I wouldn't give ANY qb $30-50+ mil unless that QB had won me a Super Bowl. Did you win a Super Bowl on your rookie deal? Yes? Great! Here's your hugenormous contract. F it let's just run victory laps and love life. No? Good luck. Next!
Post #: 25
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