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RE:The Packers - 8/19/2007 3:46:45 AM   
Cheesehead Craig

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The Packers are kicking the holy hell out of the Seahawks. 38-13 at the half and every unit looks great. Offense was real good, the defense was dominant and the special teams had a huge night. The Packers haven't looked this good in preseason in years. Man this is nice. :cheers:
Post #: 26
RE:The Packers - 8/19/2007 4:10:49 AM   
Toby Stumbo

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The Black and Blue division is back?
Post #: 27
RE:The Packers - 8/19/2007 4:55:45 AM   
Cheesehead Craig

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[quote="Toby Stumbo"]The Black and Blue division is back?[/quote] Frankly, I hope so. If the Packers, Vikings and Bears defenses all rank in the top 10, I'd be thrilled.
Post #: 28
RE:The Packers - 8/19/2007 5:45:30 AM   
Lynn G.

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Craig, did they do the whole "reunion" thing with Favre and Holmgren again?
Post #: 29
RE:The Packers - 8/19/2007 7:56:40 PM   
Cheesehead Craig

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[quote="Lynn Garthwaite"]Craig, did they do the whole "reunion" thing with Favre and Holmgren again?[/quote] I wasn't able to watch the game and I missed the beginning on the radio. Likely there was some camera love when the 2 met before the game. It's not nearly as hyped as it was several years ago.
Post #: 30
RE:The Packers - 8/19/2007 10:40:26 PM   
Lynn G.

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Probably because for three years in a row they've done the "reunion" bit and coupled it with - "will this be the last time that Favre plays against his former coach?" Even the robot sports media guys have had enough of that non-story. I'll get the scoop on the game when my husband comes back in an hour or so. It sounds like he needed the rain poncho though...
Post #: 31
RE:The Packers - 8/24/2007 5:34:35 PM   

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Don't want this mis-interpreted as a compliment, :lol: but the Packers D was laying out some serious smack-downs last night early on. They look to be loading up on some guys who can really fly to the ball.
Post #: 32
RE:The Packers - 8/24/2007 6:33:07 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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I saw that too. Also, the announcers could stop talking about it as Jacksonville marched down the field and scored.
Post #: 33
RE:The Packers - 8/24/2007 7:13:48 PM   
Lynn G.

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Definitely the Packer defense is their strong side. They've got some big, beefy young guys that seem like they're ready to hit.
Post #: 34
RE:The Packers - 8/24/2007 7:27:51 PM   
El Duderino

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Cool off, there Lynn! I don't want to have to break out the hose! :cool:
Post #: 35
RE:The Packers - 8/24/2007 9:06:10 PM   
Lynn G.

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Post #: 36
RE:The Packers - 9/7/2007 2:59:55 PM   
Cheesehead Craig

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My prediction for the Packers this season 10-6 The Kool-Aid is great this time of year. :cheers:
Post #: 37
RE:The Packers - 9/9/2007 3:57:20 PM   
John Childress

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[quote="Cheesehead Craig"]There is great rejoicing in Packer land today. Finally we can rid ourselves of this waste of a roster space.[/quote] gee thanks Well, at least I get to watch the Packers lose today
Post #: 38
RE:The Packers - 9/9/2007 3:58:40 PM   
John Childress

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[quote="Jeff Jesser"]I saw that too. Also, the announcers could stop talking about it as Jacksonville marched down the field and scored.[/quote]A lot of people are still living in the 70s. It is not big hitters that a defense needs but awesome cover guys.
Post #: 39
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 1:43:42 AM   
Cheesehead Craig

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[quote="John Childress"] Well, at least I get to watch the Packers lose today[/quote] Not today! :D Great job by the Packers defense and especially special teams! We beat one of the best teams in the NFC. What a great start to the season!
Post #: 40
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 2:18:27 AM   
John Childress

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Craig Great win But the Eagles may not even make the playoffs this year. It is time for Andy Reid to step down because it is inexcusable how poorly prepared the Eagles were today.
Post #: 41
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 4:14:32 PM   
Cheesehead Craig

Posts: 967
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From: The Frozen Tundra
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[quote="John Childress"]Craig Great win But the Eagles may not even make the playoffs this year. It is time for Andy Reid to step down because it is inexcusable how poorly prepared the Eagles were today.[/quote] Thanks JC. The Iggles were picked by a lot of of the media types to win their division. They're a consensus top 3-4 team in the NFC. I don't buy the "may not even make the playoffs this year" comment. We'll see how the season plays out. TT put a huge emphasis in this last draft on getting guys who played great on special teams and the team put a lot of work in camp and the preseason on it too. After being the worst at it last year, this is a great start.
Post #: 42
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 4:19:58 PM   
Lynn G.

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I hate to see a wonderful stat come to an end (Packers losing their opening game at Lambeau), but it was going to happen eventually. ;) It sounds like the Packer defense is going to be the difference maker in their games this season, and that means that three of the four teams in our division have decent defenses. This could be an interesting season!
Post #: 43
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 7:49:23 PM   
John Childress

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Trust me Craig, I am stuck hearing everything about the Eagles and they are not that good this year. I bet Dallas wins the East by 2 games - especially if they get Newman and Glenn back.
Post #: 44
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 8:50:29 PM   
John Childress

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Head Coach Andy Reid Press Conference 9/10/07 Injuries: “[CB] Joselio [Hanson] has a concussion. We’ll just see how he does, it’s day by day. [S Sean] Considine has a knee sprain. It’s also day by day. [CB] Will James has a quad contusion. That’s a day by day situation. [WR] Greg Lewis, hip-pointer, [he’s] day to day. [CB] Lito [Sheppard] will be out most likely for this game with a sprained MCL.” Opening Remarks: “As far as the game goes, obviously we made too many mistakes. I’ll take the blame for that, particularly in the punt return game. It’s my responsibility to put guys back there that can do a better job. So, that’s my responsibility and my fault. We need to work on some of the mistakes that we made during the game, both offensively and defensively. We had too many penalties. Eight penalties is way too many for a game, especially when you’re looking at 76 yards with the eight penalties. We had too many dropped balls offensively and defensively. When you have opportunities to make plays you want to make sure that you take advantage of them. Missed tackles, we had opportunities to make tackles, not only on the quarterback but a couple open-field tackles. We’ve got to make sure that we wrap up and secure our tackles. Again, when our football team does not play well, that’s my responsibility and I’ve got to do a better job of getting our guys ready, and I will make sure that I take care of that this week.” On who the punt returner will be this week: “I won’t know that until the week gets on.” On whether he is going to rule out S J.R. Reed and WR Greg Lewis at punt return and go in a different direction: “ I don’t know yet.” On whether he is going to bring new guys in for that position: “We’ll see how it goes. [GM] Tom [Heckert] and I are meeting on that right now.” On whether the reports are true that he is going to bring back former Eagles RB/PR Reno Mahe: “Not necessarily.” On whether he has changed the way he views the return specialist as a whole after what happened in the game: “That he catches the football.” On why they were unprepared in the punt return game going into the first game of the regular season: “Obviously, we thought we could get it done with those guys we had there and it didn’t work out this game. Again, I’m not ruling out the guys that are here, either. But, that’s my responsibility to have it right and I didn’t get this one right.” On whether he regrets putting so much faith in former Eagle WR/PR Jeremy Bloom in the preseason: “Not necessarily. Yeah, we could look at all the hindsight things right now, but not necessarily.” On whether he would like to have gotten Lewis more snaps at punt returning during the preseason games: “Yeah, well Greg’s thing right now is inexperience. Again, I can go back and look at that. Those are things that I evaluated, putting him in a bad situation.” On whether he is going to put RB Brian Westbrook back at punt returner: “Yeah, there’s a possibility on that.” On what his thinking was in putting Reed at punt returner: “J.R.’s a very secure catcher. That’s one thing he’s always done, he’s a good decision maker. That one, he just let it go. That’s happened to us in the past even with the good returners we’ve had. We’ve had situations. It’s too bad it happened right there. They had a punter that does have a pretty good leg, and he didn’t have a pretty good leg on that one. The decision to try to fair catch it didn’t work out for him. It was too far to travel. [He] should’ve just let it go.” On whether anything was said to Reed about the play yesterday: “Here’s what you need to know on that: These guys are well-coached and all these situations have been covered. Things happen in games, where J.R. made an honest effort for the football on something that if he had to do over again he wouldn’t do. He knew the problem when he came off, obviously. But, all those situations have been covered and he’s been told and so on. It’s an honest mistake there. It’s my responsibility to make sure I put guys back there that can get the job done. I had a lot of confidence in J.R. that he could do that. It’s an honest mistake there.” On why Westbrook was ruled out at punt returner yesterday: “I’m not even going to get into all that. I’m not even going to go there.” On whether he regrets the decision to put Reed out there in a crucial situation when he had never returned a punt before: “Again, I felt like J.R. was a good, solid, catcher making good decisions.” On whether he’s concerned about whoever he puts at punt returner on Monday night will be hesitant: “No, they shouldn’t be hesitant. They should not be hesitant. Just go do their job and they’ll be fine.” On whether there is anything else on special teams that concerns him: “I thought special teams, with the exception of a couple returns, did a pretty good job. We had the one holding call that I didn’t like. We need to do a better job blocking that. But, I thought overall the guys did a pretty good job.” On why QB Donovan McNabb never got into a rhythm: “First thing, this was his first game back. I probably could’ve dialed up different plays for him. [It was] bunch of things. He could’ve had a little bit better protection. There’s a bunch of things that go into that.” On whether McNabb was feeling the residue of his injury because he hadn’t performed well in the second half: “I don’t know that. I know that he had an opportunity to play more plays and see a little bit more pressure, and receive a little bit more pressure than he had in the preseason to have to try to make the throws. I think it was good for him to be in there and get that work. If there was any rust that he’s able to knock it off now and move on.” On whether McNabb looked fatigued to him at all during the second half: “No, I didn’t think so. I thought he held up pretty good. With the exception of the two punt returns, I don’t think we’re really having much of a conversation here. That was ten points that we gave them right there. I’m the one who has to look in the mirror. That’s my responsibility.” On the fact that it looked like McNabb didn’t get his legs under his throws, which is why he seemed fatigued: “I didn’t see much of that. I saw him having to make some throws where he had to move around a little bit to make the throw, and he hasn’t had to do that. For the most part, in the preseason games he came in and was able to get back there and throw the football. If he had the pressure, it was a sack, the one or two sacs that he had. This game was a little different that way.” On what some of the factors were that led to their mistakes and penalties: “Most of them were effort penalties, where we got caught out of position. That’s normally what happens when you’re holding somebody.” On whether James will fill in for Sheppard while he is out: “Yeah. Will should be fine. He took care of it last night. With a quad contusion it’s important that you take care of it the first day and he did that.” On whether he expects Sheppard to be back for the Detroit game: “I can’t answer that part right now. I don’t know that. I don’t think he’s going to be able to make it this week. We’ll just see how he does here down the road.” On whether Hanson will be okay for Monday: “Hanson should be fine.” On whether Hanson will be in the nickel spot: “Yeah.” On his thoughts of being the most penalized team in the league last year: “Well, it needs to stop. [It’s] pretty simple. It needs to stop and we need to be more disciplined and take care of business.”
Post #: 45
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 10:42:27 PM   
Jake Carlson


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[quote="John Childress"]Trust me Craig, I am stuck hearing everything about the Eagles and they are not that good this year. I bet Dallas wins the East by 2 games - especially if they get Newman and Glenn back.[/quote] IMO, the only thing that keeps it as close as 2 games is Dallas' D. For what was supposed to be a deep division, I was not overly impressed with any of them. I thought the Dallas offense looked good, but their D was very poor, the Giants' D was horrendous, Philly's offense was almost as bad as their special teams. I didn't see much of Washington, but I see them as similar to the Vikes in that they'll win some games as long as the QB allows their running game and defense to win it for them. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Saunders/Gibbs forces Campbell into trying too much.
Post #: 46
RE:The Packers - 9/10/2007 11:21:39 PM   
Jake Carlson


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Wow, with Eli out for at least 4 games or so, the Giants are out of the race already!!!
Post #: 47
RE:The Packers - 9/11/2007 12:52:00 AM   
John Childress

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[quote="Jake Carlson"]Wow, with Eli out for at least 4 games or so, the Giants are out of the race already!!![/quote] I was listening to NYC radio on the way home and there is another report that says he will play this week.
Post #: 48
RE:The Packers - 9/11/2007 1:15:34 AM   
Jim Frenette

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[quote="John Childress"][quote="Jake Carlson"]Wow, with Eli out for at least 4 games or so, the Giants are out of the race already!!![/quote] I was listening to NYC radio on the way home and there is another report that says he will play this week.[/quote] I just heard on ESPN it is a seperated right shoulder. Kind of difficult to return next Sunday with that. What is the word on Jacobs and Urimaya? They both left early also.
Post #: 49
RE:The Packers - 9/11/2007 2:09:38 AM   
John Childress

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[quote="Jim Frenette"][quote="John Childress"][quote="Jake Carlson"]Wow, with Eli out for at least 4 games or so, the Giants are out of the race already!!![/quote] I was listening to NYC radio on the way home and there is another report that says he will play this week.[/quote] I just heard on ESPN it is a seperated right shoulder. Kind of difficult to return next Sunday with that. What is the word on Jacobs and Urimaya? They both left early also.[/quote] Jacobs has a sprained MCL - 2 to 4 weeks U is listed as "day to day"
Post #: 50
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