RE: NFL News (Full Version)

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Toby Stumbo -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 1:54:30 PM)

I always thought leaving it on her ankles was the best protection. [>:]

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 2:09:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott
Maybe, just maybe that would be wise, but REALITY is that people have sex, even protected sex where the protection (condom) breaks, and babies are conceived.  Have you ever heard of reality?  You can't stop people from having sex, all you can do is educate them and hope for the best, in the end though people are gonna screw.  Forcing or expecting people to marry because pregnancy occurred is not feasible.  In nearly every case, the marriage would end within 5 years in divorce.  Marriage doesn't work in a relationship where love is not involved.

I think the point is that Brady was nailing two supermodels at the same time.

And while that may be every guys dream, let's not pretend that he's some upstanding, great guy who was using protection with both of them and just had the wrapper rip.

Again, if it comes out that TO is nailing two chicks and getting even one of them preggers, people would lose their minds.

Brady does it, and not only is it "ok" since everyone does it, but some people even think he's the man.

It's not a big deal, it just points out the extreme hypocrisy that's in place.

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 2:12:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

I always thought leaving it on her ankles was the best protection. [>:]

Is this about some foot fetish you have?

Toby Stumbo -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 2:15:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett


ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

I always thought leaving it on her ankles was the best protection. [>:]

Is this about some foot fetish you have?

No fetish, just try to keep the little swimmers as far away as possible without losing much joy. :)

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 2:18:23 PM)

Me, I go the other direction.

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 2:22:11 PM)

I've watched a ton of coverage since the SB ended, and see very, very little about the Pats or their QB.
This seems to be the only place talking about him.
Damn media, always forcing guys like Tom Brady on us.   [&:]

It's been All-Eli, All-The-Time.
Like it should be for awhile. They're the champs right now.
Until next week, when we're back on BREAKING NEWS! FAVRE RETIREMENT WATCH ALERT!  [&:] 

theman1970 -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 2:56:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Ugly, poor people need to worry more about protection than good looking rich ones. [:'(]

Really reaching to rag on Brady for this one.

That was a pretty ignorant statement.

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 3:38:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: theman1970




ORIGINAL: El Duderino


ORIGINAL: theman1970

People have real short memories.  The Pats running game is what won the AFC CG.

Which goes to bolster my point.  They were able to run the ball in the AFCCG, and won.  In the Super Bowl, the couldn't, and lost.


The SB loss is on Brady.  Period.

This is one of the most ludricous things I have read on this board.  No quarterback is going to play well when he's on his ass for half of his dropbacks.  It's not Brady's fault his line couldn't block.  He was sacked 5 times!  I will admit that it was not a good game from Brady, but to say that the loss is on him is silly when clearly his supporting cast stunk, and their D couldn't come up with a stop when they needed it most.

QBs manage to win games even under pressure. The thing is, they were so good for so long in protecting Brady, that when they went up against a great pass rush, Brady couldn't adapt.

That is a great line, they gave Brady some of the most amazing protection I've ever seen all year. Even in the Super Bowl, they didn't stonewall the Giants, but a few of those sacks were on Brady. You have to expect, in the most important game of the year, that you might have to get the ball out quicker.

And when he did... man, was he awful. He's a great QB, but he played a lousy, lousy game.

If he gets credit for winning 18 games, he should shoulder this loss.

If you think the Patriots won those games and Brady was just a part of them, then he's only a part of the loss.
There you have it.

Now that he loses the biggest game of his career, and looks like crap doing it, suddenly it is all the line's fault!

Just like plenty of players father children out of wedlock.  And rightly so they are not held up as some type of role model or "great guy". 

Want to be the best QB of all time?  Win that game Sunday.

Want to be a great guy?  Marry a woman when you impregnate her.

You mean like Jesus did?

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 3:45:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: theman1970


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Ugly, poor people need to worry more about protection than good looking rich ones. [:'(]

Really reaching to rag on Brady for this one.

That was a pretty ignorant statement.

No, I'd say classless not ignorant.

This is ignorant:

"I can't believe educated people have unsafe sex in this day and age"

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 3:49:28 PM)

Besides I had smilie immunity. [;)]

Better be careful or Todd O is going to come in and judge this thread.

DougD -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 3:58:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: theman1970

Want to be a great guy?  Marry a woman when you impregnate her.

soooooooo, know that he didnt want to?  Seems to be a lot of condemnation on Brady over this but whats the view on her role in the matter?

Curious to see what kinda response this garners:

Anyone who thinks of it as such a big deal, I would assume you also believe there should be an asterix next to the season record for touchdown receptions?

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 4:09:19 PM)

I don't think there is any need to asterix the 19 and D'OH Patriots.

For one, after the Jets game they couldn't use their cheatin ways of the past correct?

Also, the players have to execute regardless of what the coach "knows".

And lastly, Karma has done a fine job putting the Patriots in their place.

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 4:18:00 PM)




ORIGINAL: theman1970

Want to be a great guy?  Marry a woman when you impregnate her.

soooooooo, know that he didnt want to?  Seems to be a lot of condemnation on Brady over this but whats the view on her role in the matter?

Curious to see what kinda response this garners:

Anyone who thinks of it as such a big deal, I would assume you also believe there should be an asterix next to the season record for touchdown receptions?

What? Those two have nothing to do with each other. There should be no asteriks by any NFL records, people know that back in the day there were only 10 games, or 12, or 14. No big deal.

But I am amazed that people play off the allegations of Bill's cheating as no big deal.

The guy, supposedly, has had memebers of his organization dress up as opposing teams officials, all in order to glean information.

Do I think other teams tried reading coached lips across the sideline? Yes. That is what the NFL thought they were dealing with. And for most teams, yes, that is it.

Now, you always have to thrown in the "if true" thing. There's always a chance these new cheating revelations are unrelated to the old ones, and that while guilty of cheating in that regard, he didn't really do the new allegations.

Bill B has taken the spy game, like his personality in everything dicates, to the extreme. I doubt 5 years ago, that then NFL seriously knew what they were dealing with. Disguising your photographer so he can remain to tape what the opposing team has kept hidden? During the Super Bowl? And just because the guys Bill trained tried doing the same thing he did, doesn't make it ok.

There is a reaons that NFL guys are now saying that there's a good chance Bill B won't be with the pats next year. He is pathological, and the NFL gave him chance after chance.... they finally have to do something about it.

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 4:20:59 PM)

The guy, supposedly, has had memebers of his organization dress up as opposing teams officials, all in order to glean information.

This is new to me.

What else ya got?

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 4:22:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

I don't think there is any need to asterix the 19 and D'OH Patriots.

For one, after the Jets game they couldn't use their cheatin ways of the past correct?

Also, the players have to execute regardless of what the coach "knows".

And lastly, Karma has done a fine job putting the Patriots in their place.

That is the ultimate equalizer.

I do not blame the players, to me it's all Bill B. I doubt he told Brady or Bruski "do this, and this and this and it'll work.... and btw, the reason I'm telling you isn't because I'm really smart, but because I reviewed the tapes last night"

However, I think that anyone who believes that the 6 tapes Bill turned over, dating back to just 2006, are the only times he did this, is a little naive. That included the commish, who has threatened even harsher penalties if they didn't turn over everything. IOW - It's very possible Bill still had usable tapes. Probable, IMO, but I'm jaded.

It is also noteable that they actually do want to interview players to see what their knowledge/involvement was. Like I say, none, I think.

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 4:38:20 PM)




ORIGINAL: theman1970

Want to be a great guy?  Marry a woman when you impregnate her.

soooooooo, know that he didnt want to?  Seems to be a lot of condemnation on Brady over this but whats the view on her role in the matter?

No kidding.  I never realized that so many Puritans watch NFL football.  I thought they stuck strictly to the CFL. 

I heard a rumor that Pat Williams will not, under any circumstances, use the missionary position.  That unholy bastard.

Seriously, I'm actually shocked that so many of you care about what Brady does in his personal life.  If you're going to judge a player by what he does in the privacy of his own bedroom with a consenting adult, you're going to have to do some serious investigating before passing judgment on your "true" role models and favorite players.  You guys kill me.

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 5:45:13 PM)

I wanted to put this up direct but couldn't.

Emmitt vs Berman

LOFL [&:]

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 6:28:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

The guy, supposedly, has had memebers of his organization dress up as opposing teams officials, all in order to glean information.

This is new to me.

What else ya got?

Easy....I'd like to see the sources of your information.....I mean you have a mountain of info that I have yet to read or hear on the news.....Is it an inside source?  Webpages?  Please reveal these so we can all get the "scoop"

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 6:49:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: theman1970


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Ugly, poor people need to worry more about protection than good looking rich ones. [:'(]

Really reaching to rag on Brady for this one.

That was a pretty ignorant statement.

says the pot....

djskillz -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 8:10:33 PM)

Seriously, you guys ragging on Brady for this?  Almost EVERY player in EVERY professional sports league is a cheater.  Talk to anyone in the business and you will find that.  The exceptions are VERY rare.  Charles Barkley got it completely right.  These guys are athletes; they should not be role models.  If kids are looking up to Pacman Jones instead of me as a father then those are MY issues as a father, not Pacman Jones'. 

Also, umm, didn't Brady still lead a great drive to take the lead late in the 4th quarter?  Calm and cool as ever.  It was his defense that gave the game away.

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 9:04:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: djskillz

Seriously, you guys ragging on Brady for this?  Almost EVERY player in EVERY professional sports league is a cheater.  Talk to anyone in the business and you will find that.  The exceptions are VERY rare.  Charles Barkley got it completely right.  These guys are athletes; they should not be role models.  If kids are looking up to Pacman Jones instead of me as a father then those are MY issues as a father, not Pacman Jones'. 

Also, umm, didn't Brady still lead a great drive to take the lead late in the 4th quarter?  Calm and cool as ever.  It was his defense that gave the game away.

It was a team effort.  The team lost.  The Defense choked on its age when it needed to be at its best.  The Oline was putrid.  Brady, with the exception of that one drive, was awful most of that game, including the final drive of the game, when he overthrew one receiver and underthrew the next few.  Calm, but inaccurate.  The only players I can't lay blame on for that game are Moss and Welker.  They did all they could to win.  The Giants just came out and outhearted, outphysicaled, outplayed and outcoached the Patriots.  It was a thing of beauty if you ask me.

thebigo -> RE: NFL News (2/5/2008 10:36:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Besides I had smilie immunity. [;)]

Better be careful or Todd O is going to come in and judge this thread.

Or you might start throwing around words with no idea of their meaning...[&:]

theman1970 -> RE: NFL News (2/6/2008 5:55:44 AM)

Brady choked it away when he had a chance to hit Moss for the game winner.  I could care less about his private life except when they hold him up as some great guy.  If you are a great guy don't go around laying your seed all over the place.  You folks are scared to call a spade a spade.  PS  Todd Bouman was a better QB than Jackson.

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/6/2008 8:06:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: thebigo


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Besides I had smilie immunity. [;)]

Better be careful or Todd O is going to come in and judge this thread.

Or you might start throwing around words with no idea of their meaning...[&:]

Yes, my magniloquence was a break from my usual colloquial style wasn't it?

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (2/6/2008 9:44:29 AM)

Fitzgerald Sounds Like a Cardinal 


Larry Fitzgerald (Chris Graythen/Getty)

By Tim Yotter
Posted Feb 6, 2008

Vikings fans are busy looking for a glimmer of trade hope over the next month at the wide receiver position, but it sounds unlikely that will come in the form of a Minnesota native and Pro Bowl receiver. See what Fitzgerald had to say about his current situation and the details of his hefty contract.

Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald Jr. sounds like he will stay exactly that – and Arizona Cardinal.

With a contract that was that is scheduled to become a salary-cap anvil in 2008, there have been rumors that the Cardinals might look to trade the Minneapolis native, sending visions of Pro Bowl receivers in purple dancing through the minds of Vikings fans.

But in two separate interviews last week with Sirius NFL Radio, Fitzgerald gave no signs of an imminent departure. Contrarily, he referred to the Cardinals as “we” numerous times and extolled the virtues of a potentially explosive offense in Arizona.

“I think it’s going to be unstoppable for us. When we get rolling, when we have Edgerrin (James) back there running the ball effectively, we’re hard to stop,” he said.

The Cardinals finished the season with an 8-8 record, but in Arizona that is almost something of an accomplishment considering the franchise’s past.

“I look at it as a stepping stone. We had a good year, a solid year. We finished with a .500 season, something that hasn’t happened here since 1998,” he said. “It’s been a long time, so I think we’re making the right moves. We’re going in the right direction.”

Fitzgerald entered the league in 2004 and has been a relative bargain for the Cardinals considering his production. Two of the past three years, he has produced 100-catch, 1,400-yard, 10-touchdown seasons.

For that contribution, the Cardinals have taken relatively minimal cap hits -- $2.3 million in 2004, $3.11 million in 2005, $6.1 million in 2006 and $5.5 million last year.

In 2008, however, the Cardinals would have to ante up hard if he doesn’t get a contract renegotiated. While his base salary of $1.9 million and an additional $1.9 million in prorated signing bonus would be easy for the franchise to absorb, he is also scheduled to make up to an additional $13.5 million in escalators based on his production from the 2004-2007 seasons.

And it doesn’t get any better in 2009. His base actually decreases to $1.4 million, but he could make up to $16 million more based on escalators, pushing his total compensation that year near $20 million with his prorated signing bonus included.

“I love Arizona. I really want to be here, but obviously I’ve got to get my cap number down somehow. I really want to work it out,” he told Sirius. “My agent is in conversations with the team right now, so hopefully we’ll try to pound something out real soon.”

The Cardinals are expected to restructure his deal, according to NFL analyst Adam Caplan. But part of the restructuring should include more years on the back end of the deal, Fitzgerald said.

“I want to get a couple more years on my contract so I can be sure I’m going to be here and in the plans for the foreseeable future,” he said.

His current contract expires after the 2009 season, after the two years of hefty escalators.


Fitzgerald was entertaining and insightful on several other topics during his Sirius interview:
  • On the culture of the Cardinals changing: “It definitely has changed. When we go into games, we have a clear, concise picture of what we want to do. … I think when teams get done playing us, they know they were in a fight.”
  • On Randy Moss: “When I was a ballboy with (the Vikings), he did some freakish things in practice. He’s still able to do those things at 30 years old that he was able to do back then.”
  • On rumors of Dennis Green being considered to coach the Oakland Raiders, which Fitzgerald said he was hearing too: “I hope he gets a job. I care about Coach Green a whole lot and I just want to see him have some success. I hated to see him go out of here and not be a winner.”
  • Fitzgerald said someone on the team had t-shirts made to commemorate Green’s famous rant about the Chicago Bears being “who we thought they were” and crowning them. The oft-replayed rant was in response to a narrow loss to the Bears when Green was head coach of the Cardinals. The t-shirts had a picture of a Chicago Bear with a crown on his backside. One of the Sirius hosts said Green has copyrighted his phrase, “They are who we thought they were.”
  • On Seahawks cornerback and scheduled free agent Marcus Trufant: “Marcus has gotten so much better over the years I’ve played him. He’s always had, I feel, the best transition skills of anyone in the business, as far as being able to read and react to the football. But he didn’t always play the football real well or make plays or make you pay for throwing the football his way. This year he was able to do that. That’s what’s going to elevate you to a really top player in the NFL a defensive back.”

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