RE: NFL News (Full Version)

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thebigo -> RE: NFL News (2/6/2008 9:39:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett


ORIGINAL: thebigo


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

Besides I had smilie immunity. [;)]

Better be careful or Todd O is going to come in and judge this thread.

Or you might start throwing around words with no idea of their meaning...[&:]

Yes, my magniloquence was a break from my usual colloquial style wasn't it?

You fancy yourself a cunning linguist, eh?

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (2/7/2008 9:02:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: Ed_Marotske


ORIGINAL: Todd Mallett

The guy, supposedly, has had memebers of his organization dress up as opposing teams officials, all in order to glean information.

This is new to me.

What else ya got?

Easy....I'd like to see the sources of your information.....I mean you have a mountain of info that I have yet to read or hear on the news.....Is it an inside source?  Webpages?  Please reveal these so we can all get the "scoop"

Mountain of Information?

When they first caught this guy, I paid attention to the story, listened to all the talk radio about it, etc.

They caught him on the Jets sideline, dressed not as a Patriot, trying to blend in. They actually were on the lookout for him, hustled him down to the lockerroom, and there was actually a physical scuffle. He has another set of clothes on underneath his normal stuff, and he tried to just run away from them. This is the same guy that the Packers tried to get rid of a few years ago, and he pulled the same antics with them.

That's not a mountain of information, that's just the way they told the story. I wasn't there, so I don't know the whole truth. I tried a quick search, but the net is now literally flooded with the senate investigation on the new cheating allegations, the NFL offering this ex patriot camera man legal indemnification, etc. I find mostly "Jets confiscated a tape from a Patriot camera man".

If people want to believe that this is no big deal, that's their right. Go ahead. If you don't think they were up to no good, I'm not going to change your mind.

You had asked earlier about if others doing it makes it less aggregious that Bill does it? First, most of the other guys doing it learned it from Bill. Second, no one does it as well as Bill, and it's illegal. It's done to gain a competetive advantage, and Bill gains the biggest advantage. I believe the reason he skipped the red zone walkthrough is because he knew, first hand, that it's possible to steal those plays, and what a huge impact it makes on the game. There is no way he wanted to risk that. Even though his team had struggled through the playoff and they clearly needed it.

But, this could all just be people making up a bunch of stuff, the league fining and penalizing him out of jealously, a senator after him cause he's a bitter rivals fan, an ex employee with a grudge looking to make headlines, and a league in cahoots to oust him because they cannot beat him. They could all just be out to get Bill. That is possible.

theman1970 -> RE: NFL News (2/7/2008 11:01:54 AM)

One thing we do know, without the other team's signals this playoff run the Patriots offense looked pretty average.

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (2/8/2008 9:03:25 AM)

Angry Restaurateur Planned Super Bowl XLII Shooting
Fri Feb 8, 2008

AP reports a man angry at being denied a liquor license threatened to shoot people at Super Bowl XLII and drove to within sight of the stadium with a rifle and 200 rounds of ammunition before changing his mind, federal authorities said. Kurt William Havelock, who ultimately turned himself in, had vowed to "shed the blood of the innocent" in a manifesto mailed Sunday to media outlets, according to court documents. "No one destroys my dream," he wrote. The documents say he was armed with an AR-15 assault-style rifle Sunday when he reached a parking lot near University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, where pre-game activities were happening. "He waited about a minute and decided he couldn't do this," FBI agent Philip Thorlin testified at a detention hearing for Havelock on Tuesday. Kurt Havelock, 35, was charged Monday with mailing threatening communications. He is being held without bail, and additional hearings have yet to be scheduled. Federal authorities say Havelock was upset over being denied a liquor license. A few months ago, Tempe officials denied Havelock's application for a liquor license for a Halloween-themed bar called The Haunted Castle, city spokeswoman Shelley Hearn said. "There were some neighbors who came forward and said it wasn't the right business for their part of Tempe," she said. "They'd heard he wanted to call his place 'Drunkenstein's."' The FBI said in the complaint that Havelock had planned to attack Super Bowl fans at the stadium in what he called an "econopolitical confrontation." "I will not be bullied by the financial institutions and their puppet politicians," Havelock wrote in the eight-page manifesto, according to the complaint. "I will test the theory that bullets speak louder than words. Perhaps the blood of the inculpable will cause a paradigm shift. ... Someone has to start the revolution but no one wants to be first." Authorities said in the complaint that Havelock first thought of targeting a shopping center in north Phoenix before planning to attack the Super Bowl.

Duane Sampson -> RE: NFL News (2/8/2008 9:12:47 AM)

Reebok's Perfectville
Thu Feb 7, 2008

Brand Week reports Reebok, which already had a marketing deal with Giants QB Eli Manning, focused on the quarterback in its "Perfectville" spot, which aired after the game and will remain in rotation. In the spot, several members of the 1972 Miami Dolphins are gathered for a cookout to watch the big game. That team was the only NFL squad to go undefeated and win the Super Bowl, a feat that the New England Patriots failed to do. Two endings of the spot were filmed, with Reebok covering itself depending on which team won. After the Giants' victory, "Perfectville" sees a truck marked "Giants Courier" pulls into the driveway. A messenger wearing a New York Giants Super Bowl champion T-shirt gets out and hands Dolphins' veteran RB Mercury Morris a box. Inside is a football and a note, which Morris reads: "A gift from the New York Giants. Enjoy it for one more year. Regards, Eli." Manning himself, however, is not seen in the spot. (Had New England won, Morris would have welcomed them to Perfectville.)

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/8/2008 9:12:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: theman1970

One thing we do know, without the other team's signals this playoff run the Patriots offense looked pretty average.

Didn't Brady go 26-28 for 262 yards, 3 TD's and 0 int's against Jax in the Divisional Playoff?  I think Maroney added a buck fifty on the ground too, and they scored 31.  What about any of that is average?

Easy E -> RE: NFL News (2/8/2008 9:35:03 AM)




ORIGINAL: theman1970

One thing we do know, without the other team's signals this playoff run the Patriots offense looked pretty average.

Didn't Brady go 26-28 for 262 yards, 3 TD's and 0 int's against Jax in the Divisional Playoff?  I think Maroney added a buck fifty on the ground too, and they scored 31.  What about any of that is average?

But in the Charger and Giants games, they looked less than average.

Obviously the Patriots can play without the other team's signals. But aside from a few games here and there, they didn't really look that good since about halfway through the season.

They build a great head of steam in the first 8 games, then tried to coast through and couldn't do it.

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/8/2008 10:03:09 AM)






ORIGINAL: theman1970

One thing we do know, without the other team's signals this playoff run the Patriots offense looked pretty average.

Didn't Brady go 26-28 for 262 yards, 3 TD's and 0 int's against Jax in the Divisional Playoff?  I think Maroney added a buck fifty on the ground too, and they scored 31.  What about any of that is average?

But in the Charger and Giants games, they looked less than average.

Obviously the Patriots can play without the other team's signals. But aside from a few games here and there, they didn't really look that good since about halfway through the season.

They built a great head of steam in the first 8 games, then tried to coast through and couldn't do it.

Pretty much nails it for me.
I honestly thought for awhile they were the greatest team ever, but my admiration for them probably skewed that perspective. (Curses! Wrong again [:D])
Easy E summed up what happened, they tried to coast from there in, and teams caught on to their schemes. And it's just a lonnnng season. Especially when people are gunning for you every week.
It's the old theory, when you're on top, you get everyone's best efforts, and it caught up to them. They could have lost several times towards the end of the regular season , which may have been better for them in hindsight.
Still a season I would take, however. Much like our '98 memories. Ahhh, what might have been .... 

theman1970 -> RE: NFL News (2/8/2008 11:57:50 AM)




ORIGINAL: theman1970

One thing we do know, without the other team's signals this playoff run the Patriots offense looked pretty average.

Didn't Brady go 26-28 for 262 yards, 3 TD's and 0 int's against Jax in the Divisional Playoff?  I think Maroney added a buck fifty on the ground too, and they scored 31.  What about any of that is average?
Other than was EE said, in the AFC CG and SB combined the Pats only scored 35 points with Tom Terrific throwing 3 TDs and 3 INTs

average - less than average scoring wise

choking dog

Lynn G. -> RE: NFL News (2/8/2008 12:13:22 PM)


Jim Frenette -> RE: NFL News (2/9/2008 6:46:01 PM)

Just about 2 weeks ago, the Skins hired Jim Zorn as their OC. Well that lasted until today as they had a change of heart and made him the HC. Synder is all confused right now I think and that is nothing against Zorn as he might become a good HC. It's almost as if he is just settling for him about now.

thebigo -> RE: NFL News (2/9/2008 7:01:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: Jim Frenette

Just about 2 weeks ago, the Skins hired Jim Zorn as their OC. Well that lasted until today as they had a change of heart and made him the HC. Synder is all confused right now I think and that is nothing against Zorn as he might become a good HC. It's almost as if he is just settling for him about now.

What the hell is going on over there? 2 years ago they gave their DC Greg Williams a raise to HC type salary and I believe it was assumed he would assume the reins when Gibbs called it quits. Now they decide they want Spagnulo as their HC, Williams bolts to JAX as DC, Spagnuolo turns them down, and they hire Zorn as the HC? What a cluster#$%^! It's amazing Gibbs was able to get them to the playoffs this year, no wonder he stepped down, that franchise will always suck with Snyder running the show.

Lynn G. -> RE: NFL News (2/9/2008 8:14:38 PM)

Spagnolo wasn't actually offered the job, but the buzz had been that Fassel was their guy. 

I agree it looks like a big mess.

djskillz -> RE: NFL News (2/9/2008 8:28:18 PM)

Snyder's starting to enter Al Davis territory.

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/10/2008 7:57:32 AM)

I like the Zorn hiring. 
Considering Fassel was their "you cannot be serious" moment.
Jimmy was a smart, driven player who has put that same desire into becoming a coach.
Seems like a quality person with some cred.
Starts with a pretty good squad, very Giant-like imo.
Have QB issues, which should be right up Zorn's alley.
I guess we'll see.

thebigo -> RE: NFL News (2/10/2008 9:44:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: djskillz

Snyder's starting to enter Al Davis territory.


So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/10/2008 2:49:06 PM)

Enough Zorn to go around? [image][/image]
February 9, 2008 9:46 PM

Posted by's Mike Sando
Jim Zorn impresses people. There's no other way to explain his sudden emergence as the Redskins' head coach. People in the league knew Zorn was a good teacher, particularly of quarterbacks. But only after spending time with Zorn does a person realize what Redskins owner Daniel Snyder now knows: Zorn has lots of interesting ideas, he is enthusiastic about them and he is a persuasive person. Zorn grows on people.
I covered the Seahawks as a beat reporter from 1998 through the 2006 season. Zorn was there as quarterbacks coach beginning in 2001. You always needed some extra time if you were going to interview Zorn after practice because he would give such thorough, in-depth answers. He would also give you something a little off the wall sometimes, but if you saw him play the game as a left-handed scrambler, you weren't surprised.The big question for the Redskins is whether there's enough of Jim Zorn to go around. Head coaches have to worry about so many things that go beyond what Zorn has proven to be good at: teaching and coaching. Head coaches are CEOs as much as anything.
As the Redskins' offensive coordinator, Zorn probably still could have taken a hands-on approach with Jason Campbell. As head coach, he is most likely going to need some help.
As one of Zorn's former co-workers put it to me this afternoon: "The best thing that happened to Jason was having Zorn named offensive coordinator and working with quarterbacks. The worst thing was Zorn being named head coach, because it will be harder for him to be as involved coaching the position."
Knowing Zorn, he's still going to be very involved with the quarterbacks. That is his identity. He played quarterback in the league and there isn't a more important position, so he'll still work with Campbell as much as anyone, I would think. Zorn won't have to worry about coaching the defense because Greg Blache is in place as the coordinator, so that helps.
Zorn will install an offense very similar to the one Mike Holmgren has run in Seattle. He would have an easier time doing this if he could to find another assistant or two who know this offense inside and out. Gary Reynolds, who recently followed Mike Sherman to Texas A&M, impressed everyone he came into contact with during his time on Holmgren's staff. He would be the type of person Zorn might find helpful in setting up his offense.
Holmgren's base offense features two backs, two receivers and a tight end. This is known as "regular" personnel in West Coast parlance. Seattle also leaned hard on its "E" personnel grouping with two running backs, three receivers and no tight end. They liked this group because the fullback allowed for running the ball, while the third receiver created mismatches against linebackers in the slot. "Zebra" (one back, three receivers, one tight end) and "Eagle" (four receivers) were also widely used groupings during Zorn's time in Seattle. The Redskins have different personnel and I would expect Zorn to tailor his personnel groupings accordingly.
Zorn's strength is coaching quarterbacks. He was a very good resource for Matt Hasselbeck during rough times in particular. Holmgren can be very harsh on quarterbacks. One of his all-time blowups came during halftime of a Seahawks loss at Washington. Zorn is competitive, but also a very pleasant person who doesn't even curse. His even keel balanced out the more combustible Holmgren. Zorn is a very enthusiastic, high-energy, hands-on guy. He is a hard worker. He is creative. He would take reps throwing 35-yard sideline passes during pregame warmups, something he'll presumably give up now he's the head guy.
The book on Zorn in Seattle was that he showed a great deal of improvement as a coach, becoming more organized. He is a Seattle guy at heart, but he also realized Seahawks coach-in-waiting Jim Mora would have his own candidates for offensive coordinator, so there was no way Zorn could pass up a three-year deal as coordinator in the other Washington. His decision was wiser and more lucrative than anyone could have imagined.
In addition to helping Hasselbeck go from struggling former sixth-round choice to Pro Bowl regular, Zorn was the assistant coach in charge of handling third-and-7 or longer. The Seahawks had some success in this area during his tenure, but their third-down offense struggled in general once Shaun Alexander hit a wall with injuries and the offensive line struggled.
There's a difference in being an idea guy with some input and being The Guy who runs everything. We won't know how well Zorn makes the transition until he's had a little time. If it doesn't work out, he can always go back to being a coordinator. The Redskins never lost a game when he held that title.


So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/10/2008 3:07:31 PM)

Biggest reason I see Zorn working out is that Blache and Bugel are staying in their roles.
Should be a pretty seamless transition.
(Blache actually moving into Gregg Williams old job)

Guest -> RE: NFL News (2/11/2008 8:18:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: theman1970




ORIGINAL: theman1970

One thing we do know, without the other team's signals this playoff run the Patriots offense looked pretty average.

Didn't Brady go 26-28 for 262 yards, 3 TD's and 0 int's against Jax in the Divisional Playoff?  I think Maroney added a buck fifty on the ground too, and they scored 31.  What about any of that is average?
Other than was EE said, in the AFC CG and SB combined the Pats only scored 35 points with Tom Terrific throwing 3 TDs and 3 INTs

average - less than average scoring wise

choking dog

Hey JC....How ya doin??? Thought you wern't coming around until FA started????  [&o][&o][&o][&o][&o][&o][&o][&o][&o][&o]

thebigo -> RE: NFL News (2/11/2008 9:29:02 PM)



Biggest reason I see Zorn working out is that Blache and Bugel are staying in their roles.
Should be a pretty seamless transition.
(Blache actually moving into Gregg Williams old job)

I doubt Blache is an equal replacement for Gregg Williams, considered one of the top 2-3 DCs in the NFL. Who's they're OC, Bugel? He's a career OL coach isn't he? Zorn's never been anything more than a QB coach, this could be a disaster.

Trekgeekscott -> RE: NFL News (2/12/2008 7:44:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: thebigo



Biggest reason I see Zorn working out is that Blache and Bugel are staying in their roles.
Should be a pretty seamless transition.
(Blache actually moving into Gregg Williams old job)

I doubt Blache is an equal replacement for Gregg Williams, considered one of the top 2-3 DCs in the NFL. Who's they're OC, Bugel? He's a career OL coach isn't he? Zorn's never been anything more than a QB coach, this could be a disaster.

Could be...  But it is the Redskins under Daniel Snyder...what did you think would happen?

Jeff Jesser -> RE: NFL News (2/12/2008 10:58:41 AM)

It sucks for their fans.  They had built a bunch of momentum that they all assumed would carry in to next year with Williams at the front and Saunders running their offense.   Campbell is/was getting comfortable with the offense and they got to the playoffs.  Next year was going to be big.  Now they are starting from scratch.  I see at least a 2 year letdown (and that's assuming Zorn works out in the end).  Their fans are not happy at all.  

So.Mn.Fan -> RE: NFL News (2/12/2008 1:00:22 PM)

Chris Meidt was hired on by his friend Jim Zorn to be an offensive assistant for the Redskins.
Big news around this area.
Chris grew up 5 miles down the road, leading Minneota to MN football titles in '86 and '87.
Played for Bethel, became their O-coordinator. Moved on to St Olaf and led them to a 40-20 record.
Set tons of passing records in HS, had a solid college career, and built a strong resume' as a head coach.
Good luck to him. Big deal to make it to the NFL (his life-long dream).

Todd M -> RE: NFL News (2/12/2008 5:03:59 PM)

Anyone else following along the old Chris Berman tapes?

I'm probably out in left field again on this one but if the attempt is to drive viewers away from him it's working in reverse for me.

I used to really like him but I had been growing tired of his schtick. But now I'm like Al Micheals is a Fhead. [&:]

I wonder who is out to get him.

djskillz -> RE: NFL News (2/12/2008 7:28:26 PM)

Daniel Snyder = Al Davis = Peter Angelos = old Glen Taylor

Guys, there's a reason you didn't make your millions off of sports.  Stick to what you know!

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