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RE: Former Twins News

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RE: Former Twins News - 4/26/2014 1:35:40 AM   

Posts: 94902
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Garza looked sharp tonight.
Dealing,winning, spitting.

We don't do that here, son ....  


Work like a Captain.
Play like a Pirate.
Post #: 51
RE: Former Twins News - 4/26/2014 8:12:43 PM   

Posts: 94902
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GoGo having another nice night as the BrewCrew beats up on Chicago.
AJ hit a granny that won the Bosox their game with Toronto.
JJ Hardy raises the average up to .260, starting to heat up a little. Os and KC tied late.


Work like a Captain.
Play like a Pirate.
Post #: 52
RE: Former Twins News - 4/29/2014 9:25:08 PM   
Mr. Ed

Posts: 88732
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From: Minne-so-ta
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As much as Hicks has struggled, MN hasn't missed Span/Revere thatmuch.

Rev is just over .300, with a .325 SLG

Span at .222, OBP .281 and SLG .284


Escape while you can!
Post #: 53
RE: Former Twins News - 4/29/2014 9:28:31 PM   

Posts: 56863
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From: Nashville, TN
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Absolutely. Both look like solid trades thus far. Span is a nice player, an above average regular IMO, but if you can get a potentially elite arm for him? You do it. And I still think Hicks' longterm floor is around what Span is with his skills.

Revere was a bold trade that I think surprised (and happily so) us all. May might not make it, but it's worth the chance.


"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."
Post #: 54
RE: Former Twins News - 4/29/2014 9:32:48 PM   

Posts: 94902
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As much as Hicks has struggled, MN hasn't missed Span/Revere thatmuch.

Rev is just over .300, with a .325 SLG

Span at .222, OBP .281 and SLG .284

No tears shed here  .....


Work like a Captain.
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Post #: 55
RE: Former Twins News - 4/29/2014 9:46:07 PM   
David Levine

Posts: 77083
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From: Las Vegas
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As much as Hicks has struggled, MN hasn't missed Span/Revere thatmuch.

Rev is just over .300, with a .325 SLG

Span at .222, OBP .281 and SLG .284

Revere with a .326 OB% to go with that .312 AVG.

Its amazing how a kid with absolutely no power can't walk to save his life.

This year he has 2 walks in 96 PAs. TWO!

His career high is 29 in 553 PAs.

You have to go back to A+ ball to find the one season in his career that he walked more than he struck out.

My guess is teams are so unafraid of him, that they just groove him pitches - because what's the worst that's going to happen? 1/3 of the time he'll get on 1st?
Post #: 56
RE: Former Twins News - 4/29/2014 10:15:19 PM   

Posts: 94902
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ORIGINAL: David Levine



As much as Hicks has struggled, MN hasn't missed Span/Revere thatmuch.

Rev is just over .300, with a .325 SLG

Span at .222, OBP .281 and SLG .284

Revere with a .326 OB% to go with that .312 AVG.

Its amazing how a kid with absolutely no power can't walk to save his life.

This year he has 2 walks in 96 PAs. TWO!

His career high is 29 in 553 PAs.

You have to go back to A+ ball to find the one season in his career that he walked more than he struck out.

My guess is teams are so unafraid of him, that they just groove him pitches - because what's the worst that's going to happen? 1/3 of the time he'll get on 1st?

This comes very close to cracking the code as to why SMF has hated the Gardy regime so much.
Everyones amazed by all our walks this year and why its happened.  
they just groove him pitches - because what's the worst that's going to happen? 1/3 of the time he'll get on 1st?
DL nails it.
Gardy's so OK with slappies, and for years, it has KILLED us to not have power sources in our lineup.
We aren't asking for knuckle-dragging behemoths. We are asking for legit, dangerous ML hitters who can occasionally DRIVE a ball.

You can look at a bunch of players and see very little difference in them, or at least, that's what Gardy does.
But the truth is ... there are HUGE differences in guys like Florimon, Esky, Dozier, Butera, Plouffe, Pinto, Suzuki, Punto, Tyner, Fuld.
Stop playing them based on pickin and grinning, and more on their ability to DRIVE A BASEBALL.
Can the guy get a ball to the outfield when you need him to?
Because there are many times in a game, every game ... where you have to.
Playing a guy who CANNOT do that handcuffs you. It handcuffs your pitchers. It handcuffs your bullpen. It handcuffs your entire team. And it drives your fans crazy.
I overuse the "this is not 1960" statement, but I won't quit using it until HE is gone.

We are getting walked this year because we are finally putting lineups out there that have some POP in them.
Florimon at this point is the one spot that we still refuse to upgrade in that regard, and it will continue to haunt us until we do.
When I was a kid, the 7-8-9 spots were reserved for
the puny OF who could run
the firehydrant-shaped catcher who couldn't run
and the pitcher, who couldn't hit (but could hit better than Florimon)

Every little tweak to our lineup has helped, inch by inch
Suzuki is a pro who makes solid contact more often than not. Pinto is a talented hitter who is strong as an ox, and attacks each at-bat like he's pissed off about it.
My two boys, Plouffe and Dozier, are the two biggest keys, because they have learned and adapted, and didn't allow years of abuse to stop them from improving their plans of attack at the plate. Good players who can DRIVE the ball.
Fuld is not Jason Tyner, his bat has always been decently lively, and he's fit in well and helped.
Even Hicks with his struggling, is more dangerous than most we have tried.
He's at least athletic and scary-looking. And when he contacts it square, the ball flies off his bat.
Our plodders like Cowbell and Kubel have learned to get their pitch and drive it around the yard. By golly, they kinda remind me of Tom Brunansky. Or even Terry Steinbach.  Hmmmmmmmmm.
Wonder if sliding a guy like a Paul Molitor in to the lead seat , who drove the ball around EVERY ballyard he ever played in ... would help? Nah, prolly not.

I'll say it one more time .. this is 2014. No holes in your lineup allowed.
Every one you allow, drags you down, by 10-15 losses.
Trot out a lineup with three holes? theres your extra 40 losses. Duh.
Pitching? of course its huge. And we still suck at it. But even this year ... when we've even sucked at pitching MORE than usual, we've stayed competitive, BECAUSE WE HAVE PATCHED OUR OFFENSIVE HOLES somewhat.
Its still not a great-looking lineup, but its one that's much more effective and dangerous.
Baby steps.
Leave Bruno, Steiny, and Molly alone. Let them work on these boys, and with the young ones coming up. Keep Gardy and Vavra and Ulger the hell away from them.

< Message edited by SoMnFan -- 4/29/2014 10:19:02 PM >


Work like a Captain.
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Post #: 57
RE: Former Twins News - 4/29/2014 10:39:57 PM   

Posts: 56863
Joined: 7/17/2007
From: Nashville, TN
Status: offline
I agree with a ton of that, though I wouldn't discount a more patient actual approach too; the hitters have said as much under Bruno this year.

And I'll add; the same is true for pitchers. You have to have pitchers with actual stuff so hitters are afraid and can't lock in. We have exactly one of those; Gibson. MAYBE two when Hughes is on. Meyer's going to be huge in that department when up. Tough to get comfortable against a guy throwing 98. Our relievers are more in that mold too and it works. With plenty more coming in relief. Let's add more please.


"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."
Post #: 58
RE: Former Twins News - 4/29/2014 11:39:58 PM   
Jeff Allen


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As much as Hicks has struggled, MN hasn't missed Span/Revere thatmuch.

Rev is just over .300, with a .325 SLG

Span at .222, OBP .281 and SLG .284

Span is and always was a very average player. How many times can you ground out to 2B before you change your approach? Good defender, horrible hitter.

Revere has more talent than Span and is more exciting to watch. Better defender too...but in the end he was nothing special here and not needed with Buxton coming. Both of those trades were good trades. Ryan needed to trade Delmon and Willingham before they tanked...He should be looking at trading Dozier and Perkins this year as well.
Post #: 59
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 1:09:11 AM   

Posts: 94902
Status: offline
Morneau continues to roll in RockieLand
2-3 again tonight, raising his numbers to
.338 .362 .594


Work like a Captain.
Play like a Pirate.
Post #: 60
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 9:08:11 AM   
Steve Lentz

Posts: 36182
Joined: 7/19/2007
From: Omaha
Status: offline


Morneau continues to roll in RockieLand
2-3 again tonight, raising his numbers to
.338 .362 .594

He's done.


" I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization"
Post #: 61
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 10:57:26 AM   

Posts: 13791
Joined: 7/31/2007
From: Portland, Oregon
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ORIGINAL: Steve Lentz



Morneau continues to roll in RockieLand
2-3 again tonight, raising his numbers to
.338 .362 .594

He's done.

He is done, he had two years and two teams to prove otherwise.

He will either:
Have concussion symptoms and miss half of the season
Finish at .271 with 19 HRs


The Curse of Mauer is gone!
Post #: 62
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 12:35:10 PM   
Steve Lentz

Posts: 36182
Joined: 7/19/2007
From: Omaha
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ORIGINAL: Steve Lentz



Morneau continues to roll in RockieLand
2-3 again tonight, raising his numbers to
.338 .362 .594

He's done.

He is done, he had two years and two teams to prove otherwise.

He will either:
Have concussion symptoms and miss half of the season
Finish at .271 with 19 HRs

That doesn't sound like done to me at all. What Twin players do you have exceeding those numbers?


" I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization"
Post #: 63
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 6:11:40 PM   

Posts: 13791
Joined: 7/31/2007
From: Portland, Oregon
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ORIGINAL: Steve Lentz




ORIGINAL: Steve Lentz



Morneau continues to roll in RockieLand
2-3 again tonight, raising his numbers to
.338 .362 .594

He's done.

He is done, he had two years and two teams to prove otherwise.

He will either:
Have concussion symptoms and miss half of the season
Finish at .271 with 19 HRs

That doesn't sound like done to me at all. What Twin players do you have exceeding those numbers?

Good Point


The Curse of Mauer is gone!
Post #: 64
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 6:14:47 PM   
Steve Lentz

Posts: 36182
Joined: 7/19/2007
From: Omaha
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ORIGINAL: Steve Lentz




ORIGINAL: Steve Lentz



Morneau continues to roll in RockieLand
2-3 again tonight, raising his numbers to
.338 .362 .594

He's done.

He is done, he had two years and two teams to prove otherwise.

He will either:
Have concussion symptoms and miss half of the season
Finish at .271 with 19 HRs

That doesn't sound like done to me at all. What Twin players do you have exceeding those numbers?

Good Point

Sad isn't it?


" I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization"
Post #: 65
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 6:18:54 PM   

Posts: 62928
Joined: 12/21/2009
Status: offline
That's a really long post I missed while I was on vacation.



ORIGINAL: David Levine



As much as Hicks has struggled, MN hasn't missed Span/Revere thatmuch.

Rev is just over .300, with a .325 SLG

Span at .222, OBP .281 and SLG .284

Revere with a .326 OB% to go with that .312 AVG.

Its amazing how a kid with absolutely no power can't walk to save his life.

This year he has 2 walks in 96 PAs. TWO!

His career high is 29 in 553 PAs.

You have to go back to A+ ball to find the one season in his career that he walked more than he struck out.

My guess is teams are so unafraid of him, that they just groove him pitches - because what's the worst that's going to happen? 1/3 of the time he'll get on 1st?

This comes very close to cracking the code as to why SMF has hated the Gardy regime so much.
Everyones amazed by all our walks this year and why its happened.  
they just groove him pitches - because what's the worst that's going to happen? 1/3 of the time he'll get on 1st?
DL nails it.
Gardy's so OK with slappies, and for years, it has KILLED us to not have power sources in our lineup.
We aren't asking for knuckle-dragging behemoths. We are asking for legit, dangerous ML hitters who can occasionally DRIVE a ball.

You can look at a bunch of players and see very little difference in them, or at least, that's what Gardy does.
But the truth is ... there are HUGE differences in guys like Florimon, Esky, Dozier, Butera, Plouffe, Pinto, Suzuki, Punto, Tyner, Fuld.
Stop playing them based on pickin and grinning, and more on their ability to DRIVE A BASEBALL.
Can the guy get a ball to the outfield when you need him to?
Because there are many times in a game, every game ... where you have to.
Playing a guy who CANNOT do that handcuffs you. It handcuffs your pitchers. It handcuffs your bullpen. It handcuffs your entire team. And it drives your fans crazy.
I overuse the "this is not 1960" statement, but I won't quit using it until HE is gone.

We are getting walked this year because we are finally putting lineups out there that have some POP in them.
Florimon at this point is the one spot that we still refuse to upgrade in that regard, and it will continue to haunt us until we do.
When I was a kid, the 7-8-9 spots were reserved for
the puny OF who could run
the firehydrant-shaped catcher who couldn't run
and the pitcher, who couldn't hit (but could hit better than Florimon)

Every little tweak to our lineup has helped, inch by inch
Suzuki is a pro who makes solid contact more often than not. Pinto is a talented hitter who is strong as an ox, and attacks each at-bat like he's pissed off about it.
My two boys, Plouffe and Dozier, are the two biggest keys, because they have learned and adapted, and didn't allow years of abuse to stop them from improving their plans of attack at the plate. Good players who can DRIVE the ball.
Fuld is not Jason Tyner, his bat has always been decently lively, and he's fit in well and helped.
Even Hicks with his struggling, is more dangerous than most we have tried.
He's at least athletic and scary-looking. And when he contacts it square, the ball flies off his bat.
Our plodders like Cowbell and Kubel have learned to get their pitch and drive it around the yard. By golly, they kinda remind me of Tom Brunansky. Or even Terry Steinbach.  Hmmmmmmmmm.
Wonder if sliding a guy like a Paul Molitor in to the lead seat , who drove the ball around EVERY ballyard he ever played in ... would help? Nah, prolly not.

I'll say it one more time .. this is 2014. No holes in your lineup allowed.
Every one you allow, drags you down, by 10-15 losses.
Trot out a lineup with three holes? theres your extra 40 losses. Duh.
Pitching? of course its huge. And we still suck at it. But even this year ... when we've even sucked at pitching MORE than usual, we've stayed competitive, BECAUSE WE HAVE PATCHED OUR OFFENSIVE HOLES somewhat.
Its still not a great-looking lineup, but its one that's much more effective and dangerous.
Baby steps.
Leave Bruno, Steiny, and Molly alone. Let them work on these boys, and with the young ones coming up. Keep Gardy and Vavra and Ulger the hell away from them.


Magic Number
Billy Hamilton 0
Post #: 66
RE: Former Twins News - 5/10/2014 6:25:54 PM   

Posts: 62928
Joined: 12/21/2009
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ORIGINAL: djskillz

I agree with a ton of that, though I wouldn't discount a more patient actual approach too; the hitters have said as much under Bruno this year.

And I'll add; the same is true for pitchers. You have to have pitchers with actual stuff so hitters are afraid and can't lock in. We have exactly one of those; Gibson. MAYBE two when Hughes is on. Meyer's going to be huge in that department when up. Tough to get comfortable against a guy throwing 98. Our relievers are more in that mold too and it works. With plenty more coming in relief. Let's add more please.

Hitters apparently aren't afraid of Gibson. Hughes? Yes, it looks like some are afraid of him.


Magic Number
Billy Hamilton 0
Post #: 67
RE: Former Twins News - 5/12/2014 9:48:07 PM   

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Didn't realize Neshek was in the Cards bullpen. Looking pretty good these days. Good for him.


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Billy Hamilton 0
Post #: 68
RE: Former Twins News - 5/12/2014 9:49:27 PM   

Posts: 94902
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Wasnt aware of that either Matt.
Good for him.
Figured the next time I saw him he'd be in a Saints cap.


Work like a Captain.
Play like a Pirate.
Post #: 69
RE: Former Twins News - 5/12/2014 9:52:45 PM   
Mr. Ed

Posts: 88732
Joined: 7/14/2007
From: Minne-so-ta
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Mother's day 2014

Pink Bats
Pink gloves
Pink arm sleeves
Pink socks

And GoGo's pink goatee


Escape while you can!
Post #: 70
RE: Former Twins News - 5/12/2014 9:58:54 PM   

Posts: 94902
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Some fun ex-Twin stuff in Baltimore tonight ...
JJ Hardy with an awesome diving rob of a Miggy liner.
Kinsler hit a dinger, and then Torii gets plunked after.
Caused a little dust-up, nothing happened tho.
Wish we still had those two.


Work like a Captain.
Play like a Pirate.
Post #: 71
RE: Former Twins News - 5/13/2014 9:36:27 AM   
Stacey King

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CBS Sports' Jon Heyman reports that Juan Rincon has thrown for a few teams in Florida. Rincon, now 35, hasn't appeared in the majors since 2010 and spent last year in independent ball, but he's looking to make a comeback. It's unclear whether any teams will take a chance on him, but he'll almost certainly have to settle for a minor league deal.
Post #: 72
RE: Former Twins News - 5/13/2014 9:43:06 AM   
Dave E

Posts: 25479
Joined: 8/1/2007
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ORIGINAL: Stacey King

CBS Sports' Jon Heyman reports that Juan Rincon has thrown for a few teams in Florida. Rincon, now 35, hasn't appeared in the majors since 2010 and spent last year in independent ball, but he's looking to make a comeback. It's unclear whether any teams will take a chance on him, but he'll almost certainly have to settle for a minor league deal.

We took Guerrier, why not Rincon?


"You guys are true athletes!"

Post #: 73
RE: Former Twins News - 5/13/2014 10:06:55 AM   

Posts: 62928
Joined: 12/21/2009
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ORIGINAL: Stacey King

CBS Sports' Jon Heyman reports that Juan Rincon has thrown for a few teams in Florida. Rincon, now 35, hasn't appeared in the majors since 2010 and spent last year in independent ball, but he's looking to make a comeback. It's unclear whether any teams will take a chance on him, but he'll almost certainly have to settle for a minor league deal.

Rincon is only 35?


Magic Number
Billy Hamilton 0
Post #: 74
RE: Former Twins News - 5/15/2014 4:41:45 PM   

Posts: 94902
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Cannot believe this place didn't blow up today with Butera news!

Dru pitched a perfect inning last night, eleven pitches eight strikes, 1-2-3
He and his Dad have now combined for four scoreless innings pitched.

There's actual talk about making him a pitcher.
After all, he has always hit like one.


Work like a Captain.
Play like a Pirate.
Post #: 75
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