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RE:Mike Vick case

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RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 8:35:49 AM   
Carl Ridgway


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I hope they come down on him as hard as possible, this just disgusts me... There is an excellent song on you-tube making fun of the situation, but the lyrics are rather poignant...
Post #: 26
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 2:00:01 PM   
Duane Sampson

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-- Vick Facing a Maximum of 6 Years in Prison -- Wed Jul 18, 2007 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports Falcons QB Michael Vick's career in crisis after he was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury over his role in a dogfighting operation at property he owns in Surry County, Va. That the investigation, ongoing for over two months, yielded charges was not a surprise. That typically meticulous federal investigators moved so quickly — just 6 1/2 weeks — to make their case was stunning. Though Vick was indicted on one count of conspiracy to sponsor federally outlawed dogfighting, the 18-page indictment gruesomely detailed the operation of his alleged involvement in Bad Newz Kennels, located behind a house he owned in Smithfield, Va. The indictment charges that defeated dogs were typically killed after their losses, either by drowning, hanging, electrocution or shooting. Purses at Bad Newz-sponsored fights were alleged to have reached $26,000. An initial hearing date is expected to be set today at Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, which will hear the case, according to spokesman Jim Rybicki. That hearing will not likely occur this week, but probably within the next two weeks. Vick will not be arrested but will be issued a summons to appear at that initial hearing. If convicted — the official charge reads conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities ("Travel Act") and to sponsor a dog in an animal fighting venture — Vick faces a maximum of five years in prison. Any additional animal cruelty charges could bring an additional one-year maximum per conviction. The Falcons and the NFL issued statements of concern and exasperation over the quarterback's predicament. "We are disappointed that one of our players — and therefore the Falcons — [are] being presented to the public in a negative way, and we apologize to our fans and the community for that," the Falcons' unsigned statement read. Obviously, we are disturbed by today's news from Virginia." Indicted with Vick, 27, were Purnell Peace, 35, of Virginia Beach, Va.; Quanis Phillips, 28, of Atlanta; and Tony Taylor, 34, of Hampton, Va. "We are disappointed that Michael Vick has put himself in a position where a federal grand jury has returned an indictment against him," NFL director of communications Brian McCarthy said through a release. "We will continue to closely monitor developments in this case, and to cooperate with law enforcement authorities. The activities alleged are cruel, degrading and illegal. Michael Vick's guilt has not yet been proven, and we believe that all concerned should allow the legal process to determine the facts. The matter will be reviewed under the league's Personal Conduct Policy." Meanwhile, while Vick signed a 10-year, $130 million contract with the Falcons in December 2004, his contract is far from iron-clad. He has been paid about $44 million from the contract, including $37 million in guaranteed bonuses. The rest — nonguaranteed bonuses and base salaries over the next seven years — could be lost if the Falcons decide to release him. However, the Falcons would incur a substantial hit against their NFL salary cap if they decide to cut Vick because they would have to account, over the next two seasons, for the bulk of the bonuses he's already been paid.
Post #: 27
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 2:01:07 PM   
Duane Sampson

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-- Other Sources Say No Suspension for Vick Based Upon Indictment -- Wed Jul 18, 2007 The New York Daily News reports sources said last night that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell will not suspend Atlanta Falcons QB Michael Vick based on the indictment handed down yesterday by a federal grand jury on charges related to dogfighting, which is a felony. The league will contend it's a long way from indictment to conviction, so Goodell will allow the legal process to play out. The NFL acknowledged the "activities alleged are cruel, degrading and illegal." For the moment, Vick should be more concerned about being sent away to jail for six years than getting kicked out of the NFL this season. This episode, at the very least, could eventually cost him his career with the Falcons.
Post #: 28
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 2:02:22 PM   
Todd M


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Interesting stuff reading up on the fall out after the indictment. So where does the (nickname) Ookie come from? Apparently, it was given to him by his mother. And, apparently, he only lets close friends refer to him by that moniker. "Man, if they called me Ookie it would really be on," Vick told's Page 2 several years ago. "I would really be upset, because nobody else can call me by my nickname but my mom. Unless I give you permission because you really know me, but none of the guys know me real good so they can't do it. But yeah, that would really get me going."
Post #: 29
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 2:15:20 PM   
Todd M


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One thing that I question is the talk like Vick is really in trouble for lying to Goodell, or the NFL would look at the gambling aspect of the case because they really take issue with gambling. It goes - Ray Carruth murdering his pregnant girlfriend A little further down Vicks treatment of animals A little further down Ray Lewis and Adam Jones like run ins with the law where someone gets shot and or killed. Then way way way down the list is gambling and lying. (and smoking pot)
Post #: 30
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 2:21:59 PM   
Todd M


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6 1/2 weeks eh? VS what? Oh wait Poindexter isn't certain Vick can be tied to this nearly 3 months later. The guy is barely suited to be a Walmart greater. Fire his ass.
Post #: 31
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 2:47:47 PM   
Todd M


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Dion Grant on NFLN 'Vick's a good guy who's given a lot back to the community. I hope if the charges just aren't dropped that he is found not guilty'. (to that extent anyway) What does that mean? Even though he's guilty I hope he gets off? Or Wow, poor guy getting wrongly charged with all this, I hope he is vindicated?
Post #: 32
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 4:21:44 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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Vick will plea down to something stupid and Goodell will let it slide. Bookmark it. Goodell is a paper tiger.
Post #: 33
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 6:03:43 PM   
Todd M


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[quote="Jeff Jesser"]Vick will plea down to something stupid and Goodell will let it slide. Bookmark it. Goodell is a paper tiger.[/quote] Still not believing it eh? You've maintained the same stance since day 1. I think you're going to be surprised though. The NFL would have let it slide if they could have. Which in and of itself is a black eye for the league. Luckily someone somewhere made these charges happen. That person is a hero. Vick is going to go to jail for this and receive a life time suspension. Jamie Dukes and his ilk can go around saying that the reaction to this (the actual dog fighting part) isn't really registering all they want. This caught the national consciousness and someone has to be held accountable. I think Vick will see the better part of 10 years in jail.
Post #: 34
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 6:10:49 PM   
Jim Frenette

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Maybe they should pour water on him and expose him to some electricity, not to kill him like he did the dogs, but to teach him and others a lesson.
Post #: 35
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 6:18:43 PM   
Todd M


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I read all the time what people would like to do to Vick or see done to him. I'll settle for a guilty verdict and a jail sentence that serves as a warning to anyone currently involved in dog fighting. A little jail house justice would be alright. :twisted:
Post #: 36
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 6:25:56 PM   
Toby Stumbo

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Put him in the rape stand :shock:
Post #: 37
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 6:33:36 PM   
Todd M


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Bom Chicka wah wah
Post #: 38
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 8:41:50 PM   
John Childress

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[quote="Todd Mallett"]I did kind of generalize that too much. Sorry. I'll be blunt. I don't understand when I read or hear black people getting up in arms when a white person takes issue with what a black person is doing. More importantly to this magnitude. They make it sound ke you're racist if you think he is a scum bag. Did you watch Jamie Dukes on NFL network? Did you not think he came accross as a total Vick apologist? When Moss fake mooned or bumped a traffic cop I don't remember the talking heads being afraid to slam him as a person and a player. Jamie Dukes only wanted to point out what good Vick has done, and how much effort he put on the field. Where's the indignation? Vick wasn't just randomly swept up in a situation like Ray Lewis was. When the story first came out I could see being cautious with ones comments but not after reading the 18 page indictment.[/quote] I don't know who Dukes is nor does he speak for all, or even most, Black people. That is as bad as the media going to Al Sharpton for an opinion on what Black people think on something. Realize that all races are nothing more than a collection of individuals. No accurate poll will find even 25% of Black people who side with Vick if he is guilty of these crimes.
Post #: 39
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 9:23:35 PM   
Todd M


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[quote="John Childress"] No accurate poll will find even 25% of Black people who side with Vick if he is guilty of these crimes.[/quote] Even if it's only 1% that's enough to fill 6 NFL stadiums. I would feel better about society if the number was more like .001% of the black community side with Vick. You don't think there's a chance he's innocent do you?
Post #: 40
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 9:48:23 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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You've maintained the same stance since day 1. I think you're going to be surprised though. Man, I hope so. I've said from day 1 that he was guilty also. There is no way you house that many dogs without knowing what's going on. Even 10 dogs is semi-believable but 50-60? You think his cousin had/has enough scratch to pay for that? Not a chance.
Post #: 41
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 10:37:41 PM   

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Regarding Vick. I have to go with the old adage of innocent until proven guilty. However, If he is guilty I hope the Government and the NFL really throw the book at the guy.
Post #: 42
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/18/2007 10:45:42 PM   
Todd M


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[quote="Trekgeekscott"]Regarding Vick. I have to go with the old adage of innocent until proven guilty. However, If he is guilty I hope the Government and the NFL really throw the book at the guy.[/quote] You really don't have to. If you were pulled of the street by a random reporter and asked if you thought Mike Vick was innocent or guilty you would say innocent? And if he beats the rap would you tell children to go ahead and idolize the guy because after all he was never found guilty by a court of law? I believe that he has the right to a fair trial but you aren’t going to be on the jury. Innocent or guilty? This is not a heat of the moment type crime that he is being charged with ala Kobe Bryant we're talking about here.
Post #: 43
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/19/2007 12:44:59 AM   

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[quote="Trekgeekscott"]Regarding Vick. I have to go with the old adage of innocent until proven guilty. However, If he is guilty I hope the Government and the NFL really throw the book at the guy.[/quote] The feds will absolutely do all they can to make an example of Vick. It sends a warning to folks running other dog-fighting rings. If we can get Vick, we can get you. Even IF the NFL wanted to gloss this thing over, they don't have the power to.
Post #: 44
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/19/2007 12:51:08 AM   

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Two interesting articles. This is in Layman terms.. This is the actual court doc on the charges which is amazing and goes into the details... He is screwed.
Post #: 45
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/19/2007 3:52:53 AM   
John Childress

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[quote="Todd Mallett"][quote="John Childress"] No accurate poll will find even 25% of Black people who side with Vick if he is guilty of these crimes.[/quote] Even if it's only 1% that's enough to fill 6 NFL stadiums. I would feel better about society if the number was more like .001% of the black community side with Vick. You don't think there's a chance he's innocent do you?[/quote] Vick is NOT a Black political, religious, or community leader. I could care less what % of people, Black or White, "side" with him. There are far more pressing issues in the Black community than whether or not he killed 50 dogs. Young Blacks in this country are dying at a rate far greater than the troops we are losing in Iraq. Michael Vick is one of the most overblown cases of the year. If he is guilty put him in prison. It still doesn't even compare to double murder conspirator Ray Lewis or pregnant mother killer Rae Carruth.
Post #: 46
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/19/2007 4:31:39 AM   
Todd M


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[quote="John Childress"] Vick is NOT a Black political, religious, or community leader. I could care less what % of people, Black or White, "side" with him. [/quote] You said <25% I said 1%. Somewhere in the middle is a large number of people. You can dismiss it but I don't see how. [quote="John "] There are far more pressing issues in the Black community than whether or not he killed 50 dogs. Young Blacks in this country are dying at a rate far greater than the troops we are losing in Iraq. [/quote] Look at who their role models are. Those full stadiums in my analogy contain many of the children that are in this high risk group. [quote="John "] Michael Vick is one of the most overblown cases of the year. If he is guilty put him in prison. It still doesn't even compare to double murder conspirator Ray Lewis or pregnant mother killer Rae Carruth.[/quote] It can't be overblown. It needs to be huge. I did rank it below Carruth but above Lewis. Carruth was a cold blooded murderer of an innocent woman and child. Lewis may or may not have popped a few thugs. (No?) Society will benefit from taking a look at the dark underbelly of society and saying it's not acceptable any more. This can be bad on its own regardless of what is going on with around the world. I don't see how you can not be passionate about this. Do you want your kids or grandkids hanging out with kids who torture animals, or who emulate the gangster style in any manner? Michael Vick has been idolized by a lot of youths out there, this is a perfect opportunity to set them straight on moral standards. I would hope that this would be the catalyst for assemblies all across North American schools.
Post #: 47
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/19/2007 7:11:15 AM   
John Childress

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1. The taking of HUMAN life far outweighs any dogs. Trying to minimize that by calling them "thugs" is weak and shows an incredible callousness for human life. 2. If my son or daughter ever takes a football player as a role model I have failed as a parent. Killing of dogs is pretty low on the importance scale - and I love dogs and think if he is guilty he should get many years in prison. Sorry, it is not even close to killing a human.
Post #: 48
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/19/2007 8:16:43 AM   
Rome rots from within, it's decadent society and social callousness allowing the "privileged' to 'lead' the decay and anarchy. parallels
  Post #: 49
RE:Mike Vick case - 7/19/2007 1:18:46 PM   
Todd M


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[quote="John Childress"]1. The taking of HUMAN life far outweighs any dogs. Trying to minimize that by calling them "thugs" is weak and shows an incredible callousness for human life. 2. If my son or daughter ever takes a football player as a role model I have failed as a parent. Killing of dogs is pretty low on the importance scale - and I love dogs and think if he is guilty he should get many years in prison. Sorry, it is not even close to killing a human.[/quote] Hey, I love and respect life. We're not talking about swatting mosquitoes here though. We're talking about taking a beautiful animal whose natural instinct is to love and protect humans and Vick and his Posse electrocuting/shooting/hanging and beating them down to the ground because it didn't perform to the standards they'd hoped. That is far and away worse than the incident with Ray Lewis. Two people were stabbed in a fight, maybe they should have stayed in instead of looking for fights. Besides there was never any evidence that connected Lewis as the murderer. If the poll feature was working I would do a poll to see where the majority sits with this. Also, your kids may have grown up right but that is a small number compared to all the kids who do idolize pro atheletes.
Post #: 50
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