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RE: RE:The Lions

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RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 12:25:31 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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I am a bit of an old school football buff, and I'd never heard of him. Not as buffish as I thought, I guess.
Post #: 76
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 12:37:58 PM   

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Joined: 7/16/2007
From: United Federation of Planets
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Tellling people the things they want to chat about are worthless or pointless is a lot more offensive than you seem to think. I honestly don't think you realize this, or maybe don't mean it the way you intend, but the truth is, yeah.. it kinda does. You have every right to do it, obviously. Just wish you wouldn't.

Who the heck is Dutch Clark?

Oh, not this again.  I asked "who cares?"...if they do, they can comment on it.  I mean we're talking about the number on a guy's jersey it really that important?  Interesting maybe...but really I could care less what number some guy in Detroit is wearing that was the point I was trying to make.  I am curious if this is really so important a topic that I have to be considered a jackass for asking the question "who cares?". 

Sheesh.  I wish you would stop trying to tell me how to post.


“I don’t believe what I did was courageous,” Kinzinger says of his isolation within the GOP. “I just think I am surrounded by cowards.” Adam Kinzinger
Post #: 77
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 12:42:47 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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ORIGINAL: Trekgeekscott



Tellling people the things they want to chat about are worthless or pointless is a lot more offensive than you seem to think. I honestly don't think you realize this, or maybe don't mean it the way you intend, but the truth is, yeah.. it kinda does. You have every right to do it, obviously. Just wish you wouldn't.

Who the heck is Dutch Clark?

Oh, not this again.  I asked "who cares?"...if they do, they can comment on it.  I mean we're talking about the number on a guy's jersey it really that important?  Interesting maybe...but really I could care less what number some guy in Detroit is wearing that was the point I was trying to make.  I am curious if this is really so important a topic that I have to be considered a jackass for asking the question "who cares?". 

Sheesh.  I wish you would stop trying to tell me how to post.

It's not the topic, it's the response. You can and should keep saying things are not important, have no merit, etc if you really want to. Keep doing it. Not telling you how to post if you don't care what it comes off as.

But you are wondering if that really comes off badly, and the answer is yes, it really does.

If someone brings up something I don't care about, or don't think is germane.. I don't comment on it. I don't tell them it's worthless, or pointless, or who really cares. I wish you didn't, but that's because I enjoy talking with you except when you do this.

In any event, you asked the question, and I just answered it as politely as I could.
Post #: 78
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 12:48:32 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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I mean we're talking about the number on a guy's jersey it really that important? 

I'm like Tim, I'm a bit of a jersey number guy myself, and when he pointed it out, I did wonder what was up, and went searching for it. I didn't find anything, and today came back to it, to find that Pete had the answer. I am now checking out to see if I can get some film on Dutch Clark.

I'm glad Tim brought it up. I kinda cared, not that I knew it until he did.
Post #: 79
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:04:35 PM   

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I mean we're talking about the number on a guy's jersey it really that important? 

I'm like Tim, I'm a bit of a jersey number guy myself, and when he pointed it out, I did wonder what was up, and went searching for it. I didn't find anything, and today came back to it, to find that Pete had the answer. I am now checking out to see if I can get some film on Dutch Clark.

I'm glad Tim brought it up. I kinda cared, not that I knew it until he did.

OK. so you care... 

Good for you. 

I would imagine that most people don't.  But don't let that stop you from searching for this stuff if it interests you...Stafford's number is of no importance to me. 


“I don’t believe what I did was courageous,” Kinzinger says of his isolation within the GOP. “I just think I am surrounded by cowards.” Adam Kinzinger
Post #: 80
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:19:34 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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This really is my last attempt at this.

If I'm talking with a group of friends, (as I kinda consider this board to be) and we're all just chatting, and someone brings up something, asks a question, whatever.. and one person goes "Why the heck would you even bring that up, no one cares"... or says "stop talking about that, get back on what I consider important"... well, a couple things will happen, depending on how much we all get along. A) Someone is gonig to ask the curmudgeon, who thinks it's a stupid topic, either how he's been pmsing or who pissed in his cheerios, or something like that. Or B) everyone is going to look at him sideways, and wonder what's up his arse but not comment because it's wierd. Or C) we're going to stop listening to him and not really enjoy hanging out with him anymore.

The only reason I've spent any time on this at all is because I really don't want to have this impression of you. It's not congruous with most of the rest of my opinion of you, or at least, hasn't been.

So all the explanation aside, to answer the question: does saying "more importanly, who even cares?" and when told that some people do, the answer is "good for you, I could care less"... make you seem like a jackASS. The answer is Yes.
Post #: 81
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:30:33 PM   

Posts: 39528
Joined: 7/16/2007
From: United Federation of Planets
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This really is my last attempt at this.

If I'm talking with a group of friends, (as I kinda consider this board to be) and we're all just chatting, and someone brings up something, asks a question, whatever.. and one person goes "Why the heck would you even bring that up, no one cares"... or says "stop talking about that, get back on what I consider important"... well, a couple things will happen, depending on how much we all get along. A) Someone is gonig to ask the curmudgeon, who thinks it's a stupid topic, either how he's been pmsing or who pissed in his cheerios, or something like that. Or B) everyone is going to look at him sideways, and wonder what's up his arse but not comment because it's wierd. Or C) we're going to stop listening to him and not really enjoy hanging out with him anymore.

The only reason I've spent any time on this at all is because I really don't want to have this impression of you. It's not congruous with most of the rest of my opinion of you, or at least, hasn't been.

So all the explanation aside, to answer the question: does saying "more importanly, who even cares?" and when told that some people do, the answer is "good for you, I could care less"... make you seem like a jackASS. The answer is Yes.

Except that you are reading way too much into what I said.

In a group, you would have heard the obvious (and noncurmudgeonly) humorous tone in my voice and would have likely laughed about how we are talking about the jersey number of the Lions QB. (Conveying humorous tones in this format is exceedingly difficult sometimes)  I wasn't saying "Who Cares?" as to WHY he chose a different number.  I am sorry if it wasn't clear, but my point was why do we care what number he picked? 

I will try to be more clear on that next time.

And furthermore.  I believe it is against board policy or standards or whatever for calling another poster a "Jackass".  Even if you think he is, it violates board rules.  and I saw nothing from anyone admonishing Jeff for calling me that. 


“I don’t believe what I did was courageous,” Kinzinger says of his isolation within the GOP. “I just think I am surrounded by cowards.” Adam Kinzinger
Post #: 82
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:43:05 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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Wow.  Slow down there Jackass.  It wasn't me that called you that.

Post #: 83
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:43:56 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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(Conveying humorous tones in this format is exceedingly difficult sometimes)

Hopefully, not in my case
Post #: 84
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:49:36 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
Status: offline

And furthermore.  I believe it is against board policy or standards or whatever for calling another poster a "Jackass".  Even if you think he is, it violates board rules.  and I saw nothing from anyone admonishing Jeff for calling me that.

I didn't call you a jackASS, I answered if you deserved to be called one (based on how that came across). Also, I think Tim was half joking with you, at least. And honestly, I don't know what the "policy" of Toby and Sammy are, but it's not so strict as to have people being admonished all the time.

I do realize that it's hard to convey humor. Heck, a simple "It's the Lions dude, no one cares!  "would have probably gone over ok.  

I just know that I've been in Tim's situation with you quite often lately. He's in the Lion thread, and goes "OK, Not that it matter, but I'm a bit of a jersey nerd so I kinda care".. and you go "who knows... and further.. who cares?". The natural reaction of someone in that situation is that you're belittling them and to wonder what they said that was so stupid as to warrant getting called out by you. If you don't care, why comment that most people also shouldnt care?

As I've said before, if you were normally this kind of poster, your posts were normally derisive, or void of intelligence and courteousy, this wouldn't be so jarring. But really, I've said more than enough, and how you take it is up to you. I promise I'm not trying to bust your balls on it, and it really was my last attempt.

< Message edited by Easy E -- 5/6/2009 1:50:40 PM >
Post #: 85
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:51:12 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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ORIGINAL: Jeff Jesser

(Conveying humorous tones in this format is exceedingly difficult sometimes)

Hopefully, not in my case

No harder than most things are for you!
Post #: 86
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:54:45 PM   

Posts: 39528
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ORIGINAL: Jeff Jesser

Wow.  Slow down there Jackass.  It wasn't me that called you that.

My was Tim Cady...

And I still haven't seen any admonishing for it.


“I don’t believe what I did was courageous,” Kinzinger says of his isolation within the GOP. “I just think I am surrounded by cowards.” Adam Kinzinger
Post #: 87
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:56:52 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
Status: offline
If someone calls me a jackASS because they think I'm truly being one to them...

I'm either gonna apologize to them because I didn't mean it, or I'm going to be even more of a jackASS to them because I did.

And Toby and Sammy can bugger off!
Post #: 88
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 1:59:27 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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I'm not a mod so I won't be doing anything unless one of our mods asks me too. 


Post #: 89
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:00:31 PM   

Posts: 39528
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From: United Federation of Planets
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And furthermore.  I believe it is against board policy or standards or whatever for calling another poster a "Jackass".  Even if you think he is, it violates board rules.  and I saw nothing from anyone admonishing Jeff for calling me that.

I didn't call you a jackASS, I answered if you deserved to be called one (based on how that came across). Also, I think Tim was half joking with you, at least. And honestly, I don't know what the "policy" of Toby and Sammy are, but it's not so strict as to have people being admonished all the time.

I never said you did.  It just seems odd that I get hell in a handbasket for an offhand "who cares?' and when I get called a jackass, not a word is said.


I do realize that it's hard to convey humor. Heck, a simple "It's the Lions dude, no one cares!  "would have probably gone over ok.

I didn't phrase my thing well...I will admit that. 


I just know that I've been in Tim's situation with you quite often lately. He's in the Lion thread, and goes "OK, Not that it matter, but I'm a bit of a jersey nerd so I kinda care".. and you go "who knows... and further.. who cares?". The natural reaction of someone in that situation is that you're belittling them and to wonder what they said that was so stupid as to warrant getting called out by you. If you don't care, why comment that most people also shouldnt care?

It wasn't my intention to belittle anyone.  My comments started with a couple of possibilities and then I tried to be funny (because quite frankly Detroit Lion jersey numbers are not a topic most people would care about).  Maybe I should stop trying to be funny here. 


As I've said before, if you were normally this kind of poster, your posts were normally derisive, or void of intelligence and courteousy, this wouldn't be so jarring. But really, I've said more than enough, and how you take it is up to you. I promise I'm not trying to bust your balls on it, and it really was my last attempt.

so what you're saying is if I were normally a jackass, you wouldn't have said anything to me?  Not sure how to take this.  Insulted or flattered.


“I don’t believe what I did was courageous,” Kinzinger says of his isolation within the GOP. “I just think I am surrounded by cowards.” Adam Kinzinger
Post #: 90
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:00:36 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

I'm not a mod so I won't be doing anything unless one of our mods asks me too. 

oh sure, wash your hands of any responsibility you yellow belly coward!  
Post #: 91
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:02:53 PM   

Posts: 39528
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If someone calls me a jackASS because they think I'm truly being one to them...

I'm either gonna apologize to them because I didn't mean it, or I'm going to be even more of a jackASS to them because I did.

And Toby and Sammy can bugger off!

Someone calls me a Jackass I want a clarification from him/her as to why before I offer an apology.  That's part of the reason I said, "I offered a couple of possibilities and that makes me a Jackass?"


“I don’t believe what I did was courageous,” Kinzinger says of his isolation within the GOP. “I just think I am surrounded by cowards.” Adam Kinzinger
Post #: 92
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:02:58 PM   
Toby Stumbo

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Is the site up and running?  That's my responsibility and even that has been real easy since we changed software and Erik took over.


Post #: 93
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:03:49 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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Oh yeah, I make sure birthday announcements are on time.


Post #: 94
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:04:31 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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so what you're saying is if I were normally a jackass, you wouldn't have said anything to me?  Not sure how to take this.  Insulted or flattered.

It's a sign of the respect I typically have for you that I've spent this many post talking to you about this, seriously. There are only a few people on this board that could tell me as often as you (imo) have told me that my intersts aren't worthy of discussion, and still have me even respond to them.

As someone who has has screwed up with trying to be funny quite often, I find  helps a lot.
Post #: 95
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:06:02 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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Does that thing got a Hemme?


Post #: 96
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:06:04 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

Oh yeah, I make sure birthday announcements are on time.

So you basically stopped working and just rake in the profits now, while your underlings do the dirty work for you?

I am totaly just messing with you
Post #: 97
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:07:11 PM   
Easy E


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Post #: 98
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:07:14 PM   
Toby Stumbo

Posts: 18462
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From: Central Minnesota
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

Oh yeah, I make sure birthday announcements are on time.

So you basically stopped working and just rake in the profits now, while your underlings do the dirty work for you?

I am totaly just messing with you

I've been tempted to ask for donations (for personal gains) since we've moved but I just can't get myself to do it.


Post #: 99
RE: RE:The Lions - 5/6/2009 2:08:53 PM   
Easy E


Posts: 10871
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ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo




ORIGINAL: Toby Stumbo

Oh yeah, I make sure birthday announcements are on time.

So you basically stopped working and just rake in the profits now, while your underlings do the dirty work for you?

I am totaly just messing with you

I've been tempted to ask for donations (for personal gains) since we've moved but I just can't get myself to do it.

Seriously, unless you'd get offended if no one donated anything, you should do that. I'm not joking. I missed the first time you asked for help, but everyone does realize it costs some money to keep this site up.

I would donate, I'm not joking.
Post #: 100
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