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RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans

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RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 9:44:07 AM   

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Leber is missing the point. He says Kluwe's motivation is to ruin the coach's career.

That's not exactly the #1 motivation.

The motivation is to change society on the subject of gay rights, of which Kluwe is a strong supporter. He doesn't believe the coach is someone that should be a teacher if we want society to progress on this issue.

I'm not sure why Leber is being dense on this.

Unwritten Code of the Lockerroom?


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Post #: 76
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:02:10 AM   

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I agree with Kluwe's stance on the issue. I supported his right to take a public stance on the issue. With that said, let's not kid ourselves. Kluwe's motivation in writing this article was to ruin Preifer's career. He stated as much in his op-ed:

"If there's one thing I hope to achieve from sharing this story, it's to make sure that Mike Priefer never holds a coaching position again in the NFL, and ideally never coaches at any level."

So while I support Kluwe's position and believe Preifer did these things to some degree (I have no doubt Kluwe embellished it a little), there was nothing altruistic about his motives. It was revenge pure and simple. He heard Preifer was a candidate for the head coaching job and wanted to scuttle his chances.


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Post #: 77
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:05:39 AM   

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I agree with Kluwe's stance on the issue. I supported his right to take a public stance on the issue. With that said, let's not kid ourselves. Kluwe's motivation in writing this article was to ruin Preifer's career. He stated as much in his op-ed:

"If there's one thing I hope to achieve from sharing this story, it's to make sure that Mike Priefer never holds a coaching position again in the NFL, and ideally never coaches at any level."

So while I support Kluwe's position and believe Preifer did these things to some degree (I have no doubt Kluwe embellished it a little), there was nothing altruistic about his motives. It was revenge pure and simple. He heard Preifer was a candidate for the head coaching job and wanted to scuttle his chances.

Partly. But I honestly think Kluwe has bigger goals than that.


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Post #: 78
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:21:04 AM   

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I'm rather skeptical to that point. Kluwe stated that was why he wrote it. I can't help but feel that if Preifer's name hadn't come up as a head coaching candidate, Kluwe would never have written it.


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Post #: 79
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:24:10 AM   

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I'm rather skeptical to that point. Kluwe stated that was why he wrote it. I can't help but feel that if Preifer's name hadn't come up as a head coaching candidate, Kluwe would never have written it.

Why did he document it in a journal then? He would write the story at some point.

Or do you believe the journal is made up?


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Post #: 80
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:31:40 AM   
Mr. Ed

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I'm rather skeptical to that point. Kluwe stated that was why he wrote it. I can't help but feel that if Preifer's name hadn't come up as a head coaching candidate, Kluwe would never have written it.

Why did he document it in a journal then? He would write the story at some point.

Or do you believe the journal is made up?

He'll be writing a book at some point, I have no doubt.

It's a challenge now to sift through who said what. Without actual recorded quotes, there are already people lined up on both sides.

Some players on Twitter backing the coach.

Noted sportswriter Peter King one of those backing Kluwe.

Good luck sorting this one out. No way Preiffer gets the HC job in MN, unless the Wilfs are complete idiots.

Oh jeez.....


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Post #: 81
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:34:22 AM   
Dave E

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I think both Tim and Matt are right.  Multiple motivations here, in my opinion.  I absolutely think Kluwe is motivated to change society; his actions over the past few years have made that clear.  I also think he wants some measure of revenge on Preifer.

When it comes to whistleblowers, you don't always get people with perfect motivations -- in fact, you almost never do.  Ed Snowden quite clearly has his issues, but I am nonetheless glad he blew the whistle on the NSA.  Same with Kluwe.


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Post #: 82
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:36:34 AM   

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People journal stuff all the time without the intention of publishing it. Journaling is the modern day equivalent of a diary. I would guess that there is a crapload of stuff Kluwe has journaled on a daily basis without intending to publish it. Preifer's head coaching candidacy gave him motivation to publish it. Look, I am not saying Kluwe was wrong for doing it or that doing it out revenge was wrong. Just as Kluwe's actions had consequences, so do Preifer's. When you f*** somebody over, don't be surprised when they return the favor. I'm just saying that I don't believe he had such altruistic motives as creating a better word when he published an op-ed piece with the self stated objective of ruining someone's career. It appears to be a career worth ruining, but let's not pretend that revenge was just a side benefit of some greater noble purpose in his publishing this.


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Post #: 83
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:36:47 AM   
Dave E

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I heard Leber interviewing Kluwe on the Power Trip -- most compelling Power Trip I've ever heard.  Leber is pretty thoughtful himself.  I got the impression he is sympathetic to Kluwe, but, as Trekkie speculates, is still in a bit of a "protect the locker room" mode.  Fascinating radio between two former NFLers.  You don't get that too often.

Wish I had heard Charch on PA.  I generally enjoy listening to him talk football, but would not have imagined this was an issue he could tackle intelligently.  Glad to hear he can/is.


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Post #: 84
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 10:58:12 AM   
Dave E

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Pretty fair summary from Seifert:


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Post #: 85
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/3/2014 11:10:24 AM   

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Yep, I would say it is fair. I think Kluwe was cut for performance, age and salary; his public statements didn't help his case. Like I said yesterday, Kluwe has an exaggerated sense of how good of a punter he was. The numbers show a guy who was very mediocre at the craft and would have been over paid at his scheduled salary.

On the personal side, I agreed with his social stances and his right to express his position. I supported it when the drafting of Locke triggered a volatile discussion of the topic that blew up and resulted in the departure of 2 regular posters in the forum. I would imagine the Vikings PR people would have liked him to express his views minus the profanity, but it appears Ziggy was OK with him speaking out, so I don't believe he would have approved of his underlings cutting Kluwe for expressing those views.


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Post #: 86
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/8/2014 4:28:42 PM   
Mr. Ed

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So Tice is gone Dave, now the line coach for ATL.

Who's your next choice?

Zimmer is probably my first choice at this point.


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Post #: 87
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 11:30:28 AM   

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Zimmer is reportedly the guy.
Not sure what to say

The OC and DC choices are probably more important


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Post #: 88
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 12:41:28 PM   
Dave E

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Would have far preferred Whisenhunt...but I get the sense Speilman is the type of guy who doesn't want someone with that much juice coming in.

Zimmer seems like a decent choice, but who knows -- so hard to gauge coordinators.  I understand he can be a hard ass -- hopefully he's closer to the Rex Ryan hard ass that gets his guys to play hard as opposed to the Greg Schiano hard ass, who is just an idiot.

The biggest knock on him, to me, is the fact that Speilman picked him.


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Post #: 89
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 12:50:07 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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I like it. I'm so sick of that shitty ass cover 2 that I'm glad it's a guy that is at least aggressive in his choice of systems. I have no idea if it'll work but it's a nice change.
Post #: 90
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 12:57:14 PM   
Dave E

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Scheme-wise, agree, great hire for the defense.


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Post #: 91
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 1:11:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Jeff Jesser

I like it. I'm so sick of that shitty ass cover 2 that I'm glad it's a guy that is at least aggressive in his choice of systems. I have no idea if it'll work but it's a nice change.

That's where I'm at
Give me the Texas three time two step or the Oregon shimmy shake six deep, anything ..... If I never hear Tampa 2 again it'll be too soon
At least the way we "played" it
You watch these freaking teams now and realize .... We have miles to go before we sleep, yes miles to go before we sleep.
They GET IT. We seriously DONT
Especially at the end of games .... We would have tried to sit on a tight lead in that Seattle / NO game. There were forty points scored AFTER we would have tried to run out the clock. So pathetic


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Post #: 92
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 1:54:11 PM   

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Where are you seeing this? The only thing I have seen is that he is getting a second interview.


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Post #: 93
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 1:58:02 PM   
Jeff Jesser

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I got it from here

Haven't checked elsewhere.
Post #: 94
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 2:01:16 PM   

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Where are you seeing this? The only thing I have seen is that he is getting a second interview.

People like Adam Shefter are tweeting it apparently.

I am sure they heard he was getting a second interview and jumped to that conclusion.


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Post #: 95
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/13/2014 3:21:02 PM   
Jim Frenette

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Zimmer is reportedly the guy.
Not sure what to say

The OC and DC choices are probably more important

I know this is from Sid, but supposedly Zimmer and Musgrave were friends in Atlanta. Sure hope he doesn't retain him as our OC


Post #: 96
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/14/2014 1:10:33 PM   

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Schefter tweeted it, that's all I had
Haven't seen anything to change it either


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Post #: 97
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/14/2014 1:13:55 PM   

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Zimmer hasn't been confirmed yet.  But all indications are pointing his way.


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Post #: 98
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/14/2014 3:08:39 PM   
Jim Frenette

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Zimmer hasn't been confirmed yet.  But all indications are pointing his way.

Then we should be able to draft the best QB in the 2015 draft


Post #: 99
RE: Vikes talk for Twins fans - 1/14/2014 4:21:50 PM   
Dave E

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I'm getting less and less pumped about Zimmer as time goes on.


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