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RE: Vikes water cooler thread

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RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 6/20/2019 10:59:01 AM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 14651
Status: offline
I want to thank those of you who have showed me and my family kindness, in one form or another.

My story is sort of public now, It doesn’t matter what assumptions or opinions others may have.

My wife, my daughter, myself, and our lawyers know what is true.

We all fight for justice and family.

I hope I live long enough to see my daughter again.

This is grinding me into dust.

967 days, and counting, since this started.


**** you all.
Post #: 2251
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 6/20/2019 11:41:42 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
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I agree with the suggestions here that this now has to get into the hands of someone, somewhere, who can take your story and run with it. You and your attorneys have probably maxed out everything you can do, so now you need an advocate with a bigger bullhorn. My added suggestion would be that whoever you make your appeal to - make it all about what is best for Rylee. They're not going to care about your wife's family's bloodline continuing - that's something only the immediate family cares about. And your willingness to grant your wife a child even at your older age - again, that's good backstory, but not what will make a journalist want to take this and run with it.

It has to be all about what has happened to Rylee, not you. Do you see what I mean? Sell it as what has happened to HER, and how important it is for her to be back with her family - and I think you'll get more traction.

Just my 2 cents.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2252
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 6/20/2019 11:49:17 AM   
David Levine

Posts: 78379
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From: Las Vegas
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That's a great point Lynn. And it got me thinking a bit.

Both those anecdotes: That she'd be the last of your wife's bloodline and that you were willing to grant her a child at your age are both really noble on the surface, but man, they could be twisted easily/wickedly into the idea that Rylee was conceived as an obligation on both parents parts.

I'd super steer clear of anything that could be spun into Rylee existing out of anything other than pure love and devotion.
Post #: 2253
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 6/20/2019 11:53:17 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
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Good thoughts David. Skeptical people will always be looking for an angle to back up their skepticism.

Another thought. Any good journalist is going to want to get a hold of all of the transcripts of every court hearing and every decision handed down. Your attorney should be able to get those if you don't have them already. Be a step ahead and have the whole file put together for a journalist to look at. If you make it easier for them, they may be more inclined to take on the story.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2254
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 6/20/2019 5:49:40 PM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 14651
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I’m doing the best I can.. every thing I have ever done has been for a
Rylee and Julie.

I have tried to prepare the both of them for the years I am no longer around, but crap just keeps making mountains out of molehills and life finds a way to put a pit right under my foot as I try to move forward.

It is all my fault and some days I wish I had never made certiorari choices.

I love my girl and my wife.
It is not fair to them that my massive stupidity, thinking I could teach or provide information “ beyond her years” in the state of Nebraska was no ones business but my wife and mine.

The level of hate I have for myself and what my idiocy has done to my wife and daughter is a bottomless pit of despair.

I can only focus on trying to do right by Rylee, saving her from random Nebraska redneck dumbfks, and getting her back with her real family.

You would not believe the kinds of things I offered to do, have done to me, penalties I would have accepted, if they would just let Rylee go home to her mother.

The State refused.

Now I fight on until we win or I die. That’s all that is left.

I wouldn’t wish this chit on anyone.. it is soul destroying.


**** you all.
Post #: 2255
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 7/12/2019 7:25:33 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
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I'm sure you're not in a huge celebratory mood, Dan, but I wish you a Happy Birthday anyway and hope there is a ray of something good in your day today.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2256
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 7/12/2019 7:37:45 AM   
Ricky J

Posts: 18360
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Happy Birthday, Dan!!!
Post #: 2257
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 7/13/2019 2:46:50 AM   
Daniel Lee Young


Posts: 14651
Status: offline
Thanks, everyone...

Happiness is not the same as it used to be, but it is what it is...

I can only do the best I can to be as healthy as I can...

I know it might not seem like a big thing, but I am still sober, relatively sane, and reasonably healthy.

Determination is my default setting.


**** you all.
Post #: 2258
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 7/13/2019 5:25:15 AM   
Bruce Johnson


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Many blessings to you Dan. I hope that you find a new beginning and a sense of looking forward to the future for better things to come.


We live in a world where we depend upon each other. In other words, we need each other just as God needs us and we need Him. How wonderful it would be if we could unite and live in harmony. Wouldn't it be better that way?
Post #: 2259
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 7/13/2019 3:05:04 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
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Happy Birthday Toby! "And many happy returns of the day," said Pooh.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2260
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 8/9/2019 9:20:47 AM   

Posts: 64063
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Happy birthday Richard!


“We are an unserious nation that's in serious $hit.”

Post #: 2261
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/12/2019 9:31:38 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
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Local readers of the Star Tribune probably already know this but there is a regular column (maybe about once every three weeks) called Curious Minnesota in which readers can suggest topics for the Strib writers to look into about Minnesota culture/politics/topography/history ... whatever has you curious.

I submitted a topic a couple of months ago and last week a columnist named Lee Shafer contacted me and said he had been assigned the job of answering my question, which was, in essence, how did Minnesota end up with so many Fortune 500 companies? I had read a few years ago that except for one other state, Minnesota has the most Fortune 500 companies per capita - and that has stayed with me ever since. I think it's something to be really proud of!

So here is the link to the column to answer the question, and I wrote the writer to say I thought he did a fabulous job with the research to nail down the answer:


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2262
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/12/2019 12:44:22 PM   


Posts: 11988
Joined: 7/22/2007
From: Twin Cities
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Thanks for the link Lynn.
I read those pieces every once in a while and missed that one. It was an interesting topic and good read.
Post #: 2263
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/27/2019 10:41:32 AM   
Bill Jandro


Posts: 17973
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Found this entertaining

BAC Level Generalized Dose Specific Effects
0.020-0.039% No loss of coordination, slight euphoria, and loss of shyness. Relaxation, but depressant effects are not apparent.

0.040-0.059% Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, and sensation of warmth. Euphoria. Some minor impairment of judgment and memory, lowering of caution.

0.06-0.099% Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Reduced judgment and self-control. Impaired reasoning and memory.

0.100-0.129% Significant impairment of motor coordination and loss of good judgment. Speech may be slurred; balance, peripheral vision, reaction time, and hearing will be impaired.

0.130-0.159% Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reducing and beginning dysphoria (a state of feeling unwell)

0.160-0.199% Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a sloppy drunk.

0.200-0.249% Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and vomiting; possible blackout.

0.250-0.399% Alcohol poisoning. Loss of consciousness.

0.40% + Onset of coma, possible death due to respiratory arrest.


Oline...early and often this draft
Post #: 2264
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/27/2019 11:47:31 AM   
Steve Lentz

Posts: 36241
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Local readers of the Star Tribune probably already know this but there is a regular column (maybe about once every three weeks) called Curious Minnesota in which readers can suggest topics for the Strib writers to look into about Minnesota culture/politics/topography/history ... whatever has you curious.

I submitted a topic a couple of months ago and last week a columnist named Lee Shafer contacted me and said he had been assigned the job of answering my question, which was, in essence, how did Minnesota end up with so many Fortune 500 companies? I had read a few years ago that except for one other state, Minnesota has the most Fortune 500 companies per capita - and that has stayed with me ever since. I think it's something to be really proud of!

So here is the link to the column to answer the question, and I wrote the writer to say I thought he did a fabulous job with the research to nail down the answer:

Nice job Lynn.
Interesting question and answers.


" I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization"
Post #: 2265
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/27/2019 3:58:02 PM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
Joined: 7/15/2007
Status: offline
Thanks Steve. It was a fun moment in time, and I appreciated the writer's good ideas and research.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2266
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/29/2019 8:43:55 AM   


Posts: 15682
Joined: 3/21/2010
From: 60411
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro

Found this entertaining

BAC Level Generalized Dose Specific Effects
0.020-0.039% No loss of coordination, slight euphoria, and loss of shyness. Relaxation, but depressant effects are not apparent.

0.040-0.059% Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, and sensation of warmth. Euphoria. Some minor impairment of judgment and memory, lowering of caution.

0.06-0.099% Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Reduced judgment and self-control. Impaired reasoning and memory.

0.100-0.129% Significant impairment of motor coordination and loss of good judgment. Speech may be slurred; balance, peripheral vision, reaction time, and hearing will be impaired.

0.130-0.159% Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reducing and beginning dysphoria (a state of feeling unwell)

0.160-0.199% Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a sloppy drunk.

0.200-0.249% Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and vomiting; possible blackout.

0.250-0.399% Alcohol poisoning. Loss of consciousness.

0.40% + Onset of coma, possible death due to respiratory arrest.

Drinking is a sport where the guy with the highest score loses.
Post #: 2267
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/29/2019 9:30:58 AM   
David F.

Posts: 10886
Joined: 12/31/2007
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ORIGINAL: joejitsu


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro

Found this entertaining

BAC Level Generalized Dose Specific Effects
0.020-0.039% No loss of coordination, slight euphoria, and loss of shyness. Relaxation, but depressant effects are not apparent.

0.040-0.059% Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, and sensation of warmth. Euphoria. Some minor impairment of judgment and memory, lowering of caution.

0.06-0.099% Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Reduced judgment and self-control. Impaired reasoning and memory.

0.100-0.129% Significant impairment of motor coordination and loss of good judgment. Speech may be slurred; balance, peripheral vision, reaction time, and hearing will be impaired.

0.130-0.159% Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reducing and beginning dysphoria (a state of feeling unwell)

0.160-0.199% Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a sloppy drunk.

0.200-0.249% Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and vomiting; possible blackout.

0.250-0.399% Alcohol poisoning. Loss of consciousness.

0.40% + Onset of coma, possible death due to respiratory arrest.

Drinking is a sport where the guy with the highest score loses.

Opposite of a fun fact: Chronic heavy drinking will skew the above stats so that a seasoned drinker can be over 0.50 and still not die or go into a coma. At 0.34 I was still able to fill out my admission paperwork and answer all the questions asked by the person admitting me.


I wouldn't give ANY qb $30-50+ mil unless that QB had won me a Super Bowl. Did you win a Super Bowl on your rookie deal? Yes? Great! Here's your hugenormous contract. F it let's just run victory laps and love life. No? Good luck. Next!
Post #: 2268
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/29/2019 12:17:25 PM   

Posts: 28304
Joined: 7/14/2007
Status: offline



ORIGINAL: joejitsu


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro

Found this entertaining

BAC Level Generalized Dose Specific Effects
0.020-0.039% No loss of coordination, slight euphoria, and loss of shyness. Relaxation, but depressant effects are not apparent.

0.040-0.059% Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, and sensation of warmth. Euphoria. Some minor impairment of judgment and memory, lowering of caution.

0.06-0.099% Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Reduced judgment and self-control. Impaired reasoning and memory.

0.100-0.129% Significant impairment of motor coordination and loss of good judgment. Speech may be slurred; balance, peripheral vision, reaction time, and hearing will be impaired.

0.130-0.159% Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reducing and beginning dysphoria (a state of feeling unwell)

0.160-0.199% Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a sloppy drunk.

0.200-0.249% Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and vomiting; possible blackout.

0.250-0.399% Alcohol poisoning. Loss of consciousness.

0.40% + Onset of coma, possible death due to respiratory arrest.

Drinking is a sport where the guy with the highest score loses.

Opposite of a fun fact: Chronic heavy drinking will skew the above stats so that a seasoned drinker can be over 0.50 and still not die or go into a coma. At 0.34 I was still able to fill out my admission paperwork and answer all the questions asked by the person admitting me.

I'm guessing this was not a face to face interview. Curious, how did you know you were 0.34?

Nevermind, I guess we're not talking college admission here...
Post #: 2269
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 10/29/2019 12:27:03 PM   
Ricky J

Posts: 18360
Joined: 7/19/2007
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: thebigo




ORIGINAL: joejitsu


ORIGINAL: Bill Jandro

Found this entertaining

BAC Level Generalized Dose Specific Effects
0.020-0.039% No loss of coordination, slight euphoria, and loss of shyness. Relaxation, but depressant effects are not apparent.

0.040-0.059% Feeling of well-being, relaxation, lower inhibitions, and sensation of warmth. Euphoria. Some minor impairment of judgment and memory, lowering of caution.

0.06-0.099% Slight impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Euphoria. Reduced judgment and self-control. Impaired reasoning and memory.

0.100-0.129% Significant impairment of motor coordination and loss of good judgment. Speech may be slurred; balance, peripheral vision, reaction time, and hearing will be impaired.

0.130-0.159% Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reducing and beginning dysphoria (a state of feeling unwell)

0.160-0.199% Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a sloppy drunk.

0.200-0.249% Needs assistance in walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and vomiting; possible blackout.

0.250-0.399% Alcohol poisoning. Loss of consciousness.

0.40% + Onset of coma, possible death due to respiratory arrest.

Drinking is a sport where the guy with the highest score loses.

Opposite of a fun fact: Chronic heavy drinking will skew the above stats so that a seasoned drinker can be over 0.50 and still not die or go into a coma. At 0.34 I was still able to fill out my admission paperwork and answer all the questions asked by the person admitting me.

I'm guessing this was not a face to face interview. Curious, how did you know you were 0.34?

Nevermind, I guess we're not talking college admission here...

.34 is a lot, imo!

I find it surprising that someone would do something so stupid at .1 - huge gap between the aforementioned numbers
Post #: 2270
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 12/7/2019 8:37:42 AM   
Bill Jandro


Posts: 17973
Joined: 8/13/2007
Status: offline
Just wanted to announce the arrival of my first grandchild.

My youngest daughter had an 8lb baby girl early Tuesday morning.

Brought them home last night. A lot of things to sort out the next few days but I will help her get there.


Oline...early and often this draft
Post #: 2271
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 12/7/2019 11:07:09 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
Joined: 7/15/2007
Status: offline
Wonderful news Bill. We just had our third a month ago! Grandchildren are our reward for the hard work of being a parent.

What did they name your granddaughter? Our new grandson is Griffin, and our two granddaughters are Molly and Violet. Now the girls finally have a cousin.


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2272
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 12/7/2019 2:37:41 PM   
Bill Jandro


Posts: 17973
Joined: 8/13/2007
Status: offline
Thank you Lynn

She named her Ayah.


Oline...early and often this draft
Post #: 2273
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 12/8/2019 11:04:25 AM   
Lynn G.

Posts: 33402
Joined: 7/15/2007
Status: offline
I love that name!


Put our country back in the hands of people who actually want to do things to help everyday citizens. Elect Democrats.
Post #: 2274
RE: Vikes water cooler thread - 12/9/2019 3:18:49 PM   
Bill Jandro


Posts: 17973
Joined: 8/13/2007
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doesn't roll off the tongue real well though.


Oline...early and often this draft
Post #: 2275
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